No hype for the anime fightan on steam?

No hype for the anime fightan on steam?

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Nobody plays fighters on PC

guess not

Nitroplus is a fucking piece of shit.
And i'm buying revelator the minute i can.

>already own both but getting both again so I don't have to turn my PS4 on

Every anime fighter on the pc becomes dead within a month

[citation needed]

>lets release pc versions ages after the console versions, when 95% of people interested in them already own the game on a console and aren't going to buy it again, and the newer version will be coming out soon to make the version that you're releasing now irrelevant
>pc versions never sell well so whatever, just port them after the team is done all the patching and work and is making the new version

>nitro+ blaserz
>No Pochaco

>hype for sameface pedo garbage

Nobody plays Nitroplus Blasterz and Arcana Heart on consoles either.

how many of the characters from that nitroplus game are from games/VNs that have actually been translated

>Every anime fighter on the pc becomes dead within a month
Anime fighters are dead on consoles as well.

>revelator doesn't even include the DLC characters, not even for early buyers
>new version is coming out not even a year from now
NOBODY is going to buy it, and they'll just say "oh well the PC market just doesn't want fighting games, let's continue to not give a shit about it"

>he says on an anime website

>playable ruili, a powerless loli doll with zero combat capabilities
>not her brother, kong taoluo like in the previous game, who is a literal killing machine

Dude, F that spiral horror comic

*Nobody plays on PC

carefully read all the words in the title of that game and then think about your question


The previous game in the "series" was like that as well, and while Ruili was the selected fighter, she would stand behind her brother and let him do all the work. It should have been like that in this one as well. Tard.

People said the same thing when Continuum shift came to steam, and the same thing when Xrd Sign came to steam, and the same thing when Uniel came to steam, and the same thing when chrono phantasma came to steam, and the same thing when melty blood came to steam...

Just face it, all current and future arcsys fighters are coming to steam

yeah, and they always come 6 months to one year too late, and will never have a playerbase

Just because they're on PC doesn't mean anyone plays them

GGXrd Sign's average 24-hour peak is barely 100

*Nobody plays

Guilty gear: acceptable
the other its weebshit.

>that NB charselect.

Isnt Homura (from senran kagura) supposed to be playable in this? Or is it console only?

Cuz i cant see her anywhere.

>anime fightan
>its all girls

Pretty sure she was a DLC character on console. Will most likely be included on PC.

That's partners select screen.

Will Revelator have an early adopter discount like Sign?

Will Revelator have a reduced price for people who bought Sign?

Will Revelator at least come packaged with all the DLC for the first week?

How much will Revelator be?

Sign was only the latest GG game on PC for a very short period, and Revelator was already on the horizon. Currently there is no new title on the horizon so PC will be caught up with console. However, anime game, on PC is a subset of a subset of an audience.

>he prefers staring at men's asses

When is Central Fiction coming to steam? GG is too slow and clunky.

This is actually gonna be different.

They are avtually trying to bring parity to consoles and pc, if the scheduling is the same, the pc base will have over a year of relevance between REV and the next chapter. Insteade of the 3-4 months we had between SIGNpc and REVcs

While not perfect, its clear this release is not an afterthought anymore, there is gonna be a better playerbase.

>Revelator is $60 on PC
>DLC characters already listed as DLC and not included with the game

O I'm laffin

>10% off
>10% on top of the previous 10% off
>way too much for a game that will be irrelevant in 6 months even if it has any playerbase to begin with (it won't)

Nevermind, I just found out

$49.99 / $64.99 (Deluxe).
w/ 10% launch discount.
also w/ 10% Complete-the-set bundle discount with SIGN.

Deluxe is All DLCs - Kum/Raven/Dizzy, All system voices, all character DLC colors, Elphelt's alt costume.

Confirmed by a developer.

What a fucking joke.

>better playerbase
I'd love that to be true, but Rev sold a lot less on console than Sign and I'm sure that will probably hold true for the PC version. Not to mention the steeper price.


Why would they chose that screen, instead of the actual character screen? That might confuse people, specially since sonico is also a playable fighter, and here she is as an assist.

Source? Xrd had free DLC for a week.

is that Yuta?

Yeah fuck no. They havenĀ“t even translated Muramasa yet, and we get a spin-off with her.

they're selling a DLC included version at a higher price point right there on the steam page

Jap Jews.

You know, scratch that.

Didnt see the PARTNER SELECT, my bad..

Anime fighters don't last long enough on Steam to care about.

>he has to stare at asses 24/7 to prove he's not gay


Because Blasterz and Arcana Heart lasted on consoles right?

>No hype for the anime fightan on steam?
No, because everybody knows exactly why you picked up the game: you wanted to see anime girls jumping around and beating each other up. You don't give a shit about the game itself. It could've been a brawler and you would've been just as happy.

>no Al
>no Saya
shit roster

Hey I don't need to prove anything on an anonymous image board but if you give me the option to stare at a girl's ass I'll do it.

>it's that post again
Broken record.
If you really feel smart for this post it's even sadder.

Okay, tell me what original game mechanics you are waiting on with both Nitroplus and GGXrd share, and why you are lumping them together as "anime fightan games" based on those mechanics.
Saya is in the game.

Are you this retarded and ignorant? You don't know the most basic thing about GG, a super old serie now?

DFC on pc when?

What do they honestly expect to happen? People be overjoyed we got the port 2 years later? Go fuck yourself.

yo where the saya at tho?

About half a year too late. Until the PC versions stops being delayed for that long I'll be forced to stick with the PS3 versions of their games. It's still better than Sign, which was a whole year late, so here's to hoping Arcsys will eventually do simultaneous releases.

Im buying GG because i have 4 friends who will play it with me online. Hell, we are still playing Ultra on steam because SFV is a shitshow so with GG we can finally go and leave capcom behind.


Why is Sonico the mascot?
I thought Nitro+ was a loli company

>leave capcom behind.
UMVC3 on Steam soon famalam.

Who the fuck cares about that trash

>Wanting to play that piece of shit
There is a reason why nobody wants to see that shit in Evo ever again


Next year bro, june i think. Its far too late since Infinite will drop 6 months later. I think i can buy it if Capcom rebalances the game, i got tired of it after a year on xbox.

fucking neato, still getting revelator first tho, dat jacko

Nitroplus is kusoge
Revelator is the exact same game as Sign expect you have to pay 60$ + tip

I'll just wait for Tekken

I don't have a choice. All my fuccbois play mahvel primarily.

Tekken 7 is literally rehashed Tag 2 with less characters

more like nobody pays for them. Fightcade is always full with people.

You mean Tekken 6.

every single fighting game is a rehash

I play mostly with my friends anyway so I get the same experience. I'm not paying for a PS4 and a yearly PS+ subscription.

Hey, the day 3rd strike gets official support on Steam I'll buy it.

You know what they say the third strike is what counts

>I'll be forced to stick with the PS3 versions of their games

Wew lad, PS3 is unplayable vs Jack-O.

>4 new chars in base game
>charged blitz
>side dust
>toned down Sin and Elphelt
>lsuka, GGX and XX tracks added
>same game

Or you could just play Melty Blood


>few new characters
>new music lol
>few mechanics
>everything else recycled
Might as well be a patch content.

Did they update the steam version yet?

That's a patch, or a dlc at worst you arcsys drone

I don't understand how the publishers really expect anything other than a lukewarm response when the core playerbase has already been forced to purchase a console version to stay relevant.

The delays make absolutely no sense to me, especially now that Steam is so lenient on release conditions.

I mean, the original arcade games run natively on Windows to begin with. This is an Unreal 3 title we're talking about here, not a CPS3 port.
BBCS was 'available' on PC before consoles for this very reason.

I can understand wanting to let a title remain arcade exclusive for a period of time, but the platform gap just makes them seem inept.

Shit nigger, get me Yatagarasu stats on console.

>You don't know the most basic thing about GG, a super old serie now?
I'm still waiting for your answer. What mechanics do GG and Nitroplus share, to the point where I should consider someone shilling them together to have a valid point about getting excited over good games, instead of just hyping themselves up over some anime artstyles.

take arcsys's dick out of your mouth.

rev should of been a dlc expansion, not a full priced game and they still had the gall to charge for dlc chars as well.


>same game
It is. That a Special Edition/Expansion tier. When Capcom pulls this shit off people tear them a new one but oh shit nigger ArcSys can do no evil. The Jews fear the samurai because the samurai can outjew them.

Melty is fun but none of the characters look appealing to me
they're all bland ass schoolgirls

Every BB game should have been an expansion too, but what can you do.

>TM kusoge

>Wew lad, PS3 is unplayable vs Jack-O.
I've played against Jack-O' online and had no issues with it. I'm guessing you're suggesting that the framerate will dip when the screen is full of servants, projectiles and on a messy stage? So far I haven't experienced that.

>tfw forced to bend over at some point because they actually make good games

I just buy every other BB.

You hating on my waifu?

Who cares about shilling together seriously? I'm not OP, he's a faggot anyway, GG is the best 2D fighter currently, Nitro+ only has an interesting story, though the game itself is alright (sick of strikers though)

Nobody play fighters on PS4 either but I don't shitpost about it like you.

Pretty sure they implied there wouldn't be any newer GG game. They'll probably milk the game through DLC from now on and people will be happy because they won't have to rebuy the game every 6 months.