CS: GO is trash

>chilling on my second smurf account
>getting silvers mad and whatnot
>suddenly I get disconnected
>you have been permanently VAC banned
>Majorly Disruptive

What is this bullshit? I paid good money for this game. How and when I choose to unleash my skill should be up to me.

I'm also doing the community a general favor by enraging Russian scum and getting them 7 day cooldowns, as well as countering opposing smurfs.

Sure, sometimes I lose rounds on purpose, but it's only fair to give the opposing team at least the illusion of a chance.

I'm also doing silvers the additional favour of letting them play with someone who actually knows how to play.
It's the only way they'll ever learn

I should be commended, not punished.

tl;dr, how can valvedrones defend the corrupt, fascist company that Valve has become?

Other urls found in this thread:


lol get rekt chump

Fuck of, Fascism is white and based

>chilling on my second smurf account
Stopped reading there you are why the community is cancer and this is coming from a lemon.

People who are under at least DMG don't deserve any respect whatsoever.

They don't have even the slightest understanding of how the game works, they play it like CoD; never stopping to think at all.

And what's worse is that they will never get better, as they only get pitted vs. other silvers.

So the people who break free and get to gold nova aren't even any better, they're just lucky.

I am literally doing the entire community a favour by passing my knowledge on to those less talented individuals.

get fucked scrub.
What kind of trash are you that NEEDS to play with bad people bet your main is nova. Smurfing is cancer and so are you

Yes I also taught my kid karate by pairing him against a black belt

Hey, I like Fascism as much as the next guy, but it still means they're dictating literally every aspect of my game.

10/10 pol-tier bait got me to respond

>People who are under at least DMG don't deserve any respect
Hi DMG shitter.

>second smurf

>being such a garbage player that you need to smurf

you had it coming, kid

I'm Supreme, 1v1 me fuckhead

Sounds like he'll learn at least a couple of interesting moves.
It's a better idea than letting him circlejerk with a bunch of white belt scrubs, who don't know anything how to fight at all.

>I'm Supreme, 1v1 me fuckhead
Post that Steam account then.

>being so bad that you have play against silvers to feel good about yourself
Can't make this up

This is why you got banned retard.

>being a steamcuck

You literally allowed and agreed to this upon purchasing the game and even upon creating a steam account, read the terms and conditions next time

>he thinks supreme is good

KYS faggot
t. Global master race

Get cucked, me boyo.

>temporary vac bans
nice photoshop retard

Why don't you read who I replied to?
All that time lying about your CS rank and you can't even read letters, let alone players.

Haha epic thing my man fuck Valve fucking juice XDDDD haha amiright Sup Forumsros xdxdxd?!?
Epic for the win haha

*Unzip account*

Is this what you were looking for?


more like
>being so good I feel bad about the fact that silver shitters exist in the same game as I do

So I decided to educate them myself.

I'll usually team up with a fellow supreme+, so we can't get kicked, and proceed to fuck up everyone's shit for giggles.

It's amazing what silver 4's are willing to do to get that nova rank.

You think far too highly of yourself

And overall we regard you very little in value.
Don't make threads like these. We don't give a fuck.

>I am literally doing the entire community a favour by passing my knowledge on to those less talented individuals.

Not anymore you're not. Get dunked on.

what the fuck is a smurf

>second smurf

I have multiple.

My current theory is that I fucked peoples shit up too much on my prime account smurf.

I guess I'm now reduced to playing with the lowest of the low.

People who don't even have prime and are silvers truly disgust me.

That blue thing

One of them blue kkk guys who all bang the same chick

I meant the name for our 1v1, puss.
I don't want to see all your gay shit.
You better not go silent when you start giving up rounds.

Alright here you go.

Personally i agree with OP Silvers will never become better if they dont face better players
but thats just my opinion *Sips silver tears*


It used to be temporary, but now it turns permanent the second time it happens.

This is for griefing, mind you. Not hacking.

People are way too thin skinned.

You only get VAC banned for using actual cheats.
Get fucked, underage faggot.

Someone who is a Verteran in a game and makes a fresh account to be matched with all the newcomers in the hope they get an easy game.

It's sad.

>1v1 me fuckhead
>1v1 me
>in a game that entirely revolves around teamwork

I'm sure you're really passing on a lot of knowledge to those silvers, OP!

haha, I have nothing to prove.

You haven't even posted your rank.

Also, I would rape you.


Hi OP.

>not knowing that every match, every round has a large amount of 1v1 scenarios

True, team work is incredibly important, but if you can't even win that 1v1, what use are you really?

>gets mad he got banned for griefing

lol get rekt shitter

>disney rp
jesus fucking christ Hans

Delete this!

I can't be assed to log in and post a proper screenshot for basically the same text.

That account is dead to me.

>t. silver scum

You have LITERALLY no understanding of the game kys kiddio

Not even him, but you're a pussy bitch. He called you out and you ducked.

Simple, the maps are not balanced for 1on1's at all

>implying a 1v1 firefight mid-round is in any way analogous to the cat-and-mouse walkfest that is an entire 1v1 round


>t. retard who doesn't understand the first thing about counter strike

Stop posting, it's embarrassing.


Nice b8 fäm

You deserve it for smurfing.

I take great pleasure in reporting every obvious smurf overwatch case I get

I love silvers like you trying to explain how counter strike works, its really amusing.

is "silver" the new "shill"?


csgo is easily the most cancerous community and the xbox-live yelling cod generation were nothing compared to them. every game is underaged shits with a smurf-trade-grief-cheat account, esport tryhards with e-athlete names, russians and turks yelling in their potato. it couldnt be worse, for some reason counter strike attracks the biggest autist in the world


pussy ass bitch doesn't even post his steam hoooly shit
post your steam you fucking shitter ill 1v1 you too



>– A temporary griefing conviction assigned by Overwatch will now be elevated to a permanent conviction if the suspect had a previous temporary griefing conviction.

Eh, in this thread it's mostly just one mad faggot.

here's what I don't get.

Who does Valve outsource CSGO to nowadays? Hidden Path doesn't work on it anymore, and valve clearly is focusing on Dota 2 nowadays. I'm curious who is managing and developing for it still.

What's a Smurf?
and Why is Overwatch in CounterStrike?

Shut the fuck up kid and FIGHT ME

Game is shit,Valve doesn't fucking care. They just add the skins that people submit, then Valve tosses them a couple of pennies for their design.

The cycle continues.

This is only the scenario if you're shit at the game and with a shit rank.

Honestly, the only people who get triggered by smurfs are those bad enough to be affected by them, and those sad enough to not realize the truly amazing opportunity they're receiving to learn from someone who knows how to play.

Sometimes, you meet a guy who's cool, who doesn't care about winning or losing and who compliments you.

That guy gets to win.

Russians get cooldowns, (that goes for all eastern Europeans, they're all scum).

Most other guys need to prove how much they want that sweet rank up.

>playing normalfag games

>implying 1.6 was normie tier

this thread is really embarrassing
cs go and ranked system was a mistake

keep giving valve money to have your little power trips, cuck

this, CS deserves no respect anymore.
>fucking gloves

You can't even see them, your hand is holding a fucking weapon.

Instead of fixing a pathetically broken game, they're happy just cash grabbing.:

Ask yourselves this:
When is the last time Valve actually made a game?
And not just a continuation of a pre existing IP.

t. silver

Thought this thread was about CS:GO

lol, you can get a new account for less than 5 euros, who doesn't have that?

instead of getting a kebab, I can anally rape silvers for two months.

It's endlessly more fun.

are you serious right now?

>smurf account
Stopped reading there.

>being this autismal over optional cosmetics

do you drive to stores and yell at them for selling things you don't intend to buy?


I haven't played GO in forever and I had to look up what the fuck you were talking about. And good god, hahahaha they actually added glove skins and retards are paying hundreds of dollars for them.

Unless you actually have a group of friends to form a serious team with, you might as well just play Casual. The rules are kinda dumb (though they're basically what a lot of pub servers ran in the Source days), but the community is honestly a lot better. There seem to be a lot more older players who have been playing CS for a long time and just want to have a good game, and since it isn't ranked people usually just kick anyone who's being a faggot.


hello ahmed

If my local store decided to not fix the broken doors, shelves and retarded employees, and instead focused on selling me different colors of shopping trolleys, I'd find that annoying, yes.

>Majorly Disruptive
>Ends September 2
Horse shit. Majorly Disruptive bans are permanent.

If theres actually a way to appeal that shit now i need to know.

You realise how pathetic you are, right? You're proud of putting a lot effort into something (which is meaningless by the way) just to be better than someone who isn't care at all.
What you do is the equivalent of playing basketball in equipment, with a coordinated try-hard team against a bunch of people in jeans on the street court.
Youre the reason why the term vidya was associated with virgins who can't find any other source of happiness in life.
Fuck you underage faggot, you're the one that makes CSGO the worst possible community.

>being proud of Valve MM rank when no one, who takes the game seriously actually plays it
This is the most pathetic part. You sweat, you are proud of a bunch of pixels, but you don't realise that the only people who might be impressed ebcause of it are the ones who don't really play the game.
No good players play Valve MM, when there are 3rd party services with better servers, anti-cheat and playeres overall. Being global means you're the top of the people who don't care. The pathetic part is, you think it means something.

And no, Valve are incredibly anal about VAC bans being permanent.

>tfw 2500 day old VAC ban
>it will be a stain on my account until the day I die

No reason for that, to be honest.

>im not good enough to play ranked so i blame it on everyone but me. the post

Just end yourself silver scum

it doesn't say VAC in that article. CS:GO is shit though, agreed.

>he would do this instead of going to another store that doesn't have these problems

Do you have autism?

You were so fucking trash that you had to smurf in order to feel better about you getting carried to DMG
You probably shot your teammates a shit ton, and you were either hacking, or have been overwatched multiple times before.
Overwatch Bans don't disconnect you from them game while playing. If you're going to shitpost, make it semi-true.
Tl:dr OP is fag.

>july 26

what's a smurf account

is op just some shitty hacker

are there any games that are as easily drop in and play as CS:GO is on deathmatch mode, but maybe with a non-shit community and better designed maps/spawn ports? Every map but Dust II is so poorly constructed. I don't have time on my hands to play competitive.

>I got caught breaking the rules and banned WTF VALVE I PAID MONEY"

i lol'd

OP is not hacking he got BTFO for smurfing

>t. triggered gold nova

Lol, the best part about is all the whine, the sweet, sweet whine.

It's like music to my ears, honestly.

I'm just naturally good, the first time I played I got ranked LEM.

Silvers either don't want to learn or simply don't care.

Either way, they don't deserve to have fun.

If they're unironically happy wallowing in their own fecal matter, why should anyone respect them?

>destroying some shitters in ranked
>not becoming a gregor on some public server
ayy lmao

>s-silver! I s-s-s-said s-silver!

OP is so assblasted about everyone ganging up on him.

>look at me I've played this game a 100 times longer than my opponents
>lel they are just scum who needs to l2p with MY help xDeee

wew that delusion

Name another platform that sells good games and isn't intrusive spyware.

I'm waiting.
One, read the thread, fucktard
Two, I have been overwatched before, correct
Three, I literally got disconnected in the middle of my game, believe it or don't, you're still a fag

Triggered silver

>Overwatch ban = VAC