Let's be real

Let's be real

You will get it

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Yeah probably, as long as it's not region locked so I don't have to deal with being cucked by SJWtendo of America.

No I won't

Never said I wouldn't. When it gets homebrew it will become my the perfect console

Depends on the library of games
hat half controller thing is really fucking tiny

Considering Nintendo is one of the last bastions of quality Japanese vidya, and the only hardware manufacturing actually making interesting consoles instead of just consolized PCs, I probably will.

this autistic weeb again



I travel all the god damn time for work, so this console was made for me and my coworkers. Of course I'm getting it.

N-no I won't

Only delusional spnynnigers wont.
Even Xbros will get it if it turbs out to be as great as it could be

I'll get it if it has PS4 level third party support and even then only if it's hacked.

I didn't get the Wii U. Not getting this.


Rats, I've been caught, the only person on Planet Earth who likes Japanese games and doesn't like them edited to hell and back by puritan libtards who spend too much time on Twitter.

>3D Mario
>WiiU ports
>Zelda Emptiness of the Wild
Reserving judgment

want to play that new zelda game?

that'll be $300

plus tip

I will, but not for any first party games.
Nintendo handhelds are for SMT and Etrian Odyssey only as far as I'm concerned.

Splatoon is Wii U port as well IIRC.


They're "muh family values" conservative types.

>Nintendo handheld are for weeb uguu rehashes

But Bloodborne/Persona5/Nioh/NieR:Automata are on PS4?
Seriously though, I'll probably get a Switch but not on launch.
Nintendo is well known to rip off fanboys (retards ) by basing the launch price on hype, so I'll wait for the price drop


Not happening.

>3rd party

I said one of, PS4 has some good Japanese games coming for it 9P5 is likely gonna be my GOTY) but they're few and far between.

Yeah you will

Yes I will. Xenoblade 1 and 2 were the best jrpgs in years imo so I can't wait for 3rd, or whatever the next Monolithsoft RPG is

I haven't owned a Nintendo console since the N64 and GBA but I will get a Switch. I don't know why but after calling Nintendo Kiddy in the PS2 era and shit in the Wii era and an irrelevant company for me in the PS3/XBO era

I've had no interest in Nintendo games since but something just hit me with the Switch commercial 3 minute trailer, it reminded me of my days in Elementary playing with my N64 and GBA and all the fun I had and this system will have both experiences basically in one.

I"ll also be able to finally catch up with old games I secretly wanted but would bash instead online on the VC though those prices still fucking suck maybe I'll hack it. I think there'll be many nostalgic fags like me who are "hardcore" gamers and will buy it.

I mean, maybe.
>No idea what the launch titles will be
>No price announced
>No details about their online service

It looks like a pretty neat console, I'm just waiting for all the details to come out first before making a decision. Shouldn't you user?

It depends if the launch games are good, I just need 2 non-wii u port games that will interest me.

*Outside of BotW, so 3 games total

I'll get it if it has good battery life

Not if I have to pay for online.
Same reason I only bought a WiiU, 3DS and a Vita this gen.

>>No price announced

They're probably waiting for higher hypelevels.

BotW likely isn't going to make launch, looking like a Summer game at this point. 3D Mario is going to be its replacement.

>let's design the unsexiest female characters and make them do all these sexy moves


I'm buying that new macbook pro with touchbar. I will never buy a child's toy and bring it in public. (you may not, but I care about my public appearance)

I thought the price leaked on Target or something didn't it? I think it was $250 USD.

>playing handhelds outside of the comfort of your own house
It's like you don't want to be comfy.

I like Anime Tiddies. They are nice. Nicer than my gfs.




ps: no one got the WiiU either...

Maybe if they release a new splatoon but I might be dead by that time for all I know. I've had my fill on their other franchises at this point. Plus BoW is coming to wii u so even less fucks given.

>my gf

I'll get it if there's a legitimate pokemon game on it, I'm tired of playing sun on my 3ds at like 10 fps

latest Eurogamer and Laura Dale leaks (both of which were highly accurate with past leaks) is that it is launching with Gamecube VC support, with the first three games being Melee, Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion

Of course I will.
I want to hack it and play emulators on the go

You'd be better served getting a GPD WIN

>No idea what the launch titles will be
According to our favorite tranny insider, pic related is what the launch lineup is looking like.
>No price announced
Price is looking like $250, probably $300 for a bundle.


Of course I will, it looks great.

Ironically, the Wii U was the only console worth owning this gen. So yeah, if I'm going to get a console at all, it's going to be a Switch. Especially if it gets a slice of that delicious handheld library pie, since the 3DS was above and beyond the best platform this gen

I'm getting it mainly so I can play Zelda at a not-shit framerate relative to other Nintendo consoles.

But if the rumor about the next mainline Pokemon comes to the Switch is true, then no force mightier than god will prevent me from buying it.

Yeah I'm actually pretty dang hype for it. Here's hoping the GameCube support isn't a pile of shit. And that we get homebrew .cia changers like the 3DS GBA games so I can get Time splitters and Tony Hawks on it


Well no shit. The idea of multiplayer smash on the go is amazing.

no, no I won't because I'm a fucking poor fag.
Hell I don't even own a ps4, Xbox-one or even a pc capable of high demanding game's past 2013

Surely you jest

Is its selling point portability?That you can play on.the go?Otherwise how can.this be worth purchase over xbox or playstation?

We'll see, but I'm not budgeting for it and expect its launch line-up and 1st year line-up to be shit. I think I can wait until Holiday 2017 at the earliest to grab it.

Nintendo is conservative mate. Hence why their getting rid of the tits.


agreed, do you think it will just be a remaster of sun and moon or a completely new one? I'm hoping for a 60 fps remaster of sun/moon myself

lol that's objectively the worst Macbook ever. No memes, it is the most overpriced and inefficient laptop compared to its older model and any other high end laptop out now.

They said the first 3 games are going to be sunshine, luigi's mansion, and melee.

I'd rather have metroid prime, animal crossing, and windwaker.

Really really hope metroid prime comes out soon after

My hope is that it's a sequel and continues from the open ending they left off with sun and moon currently.

But in all honestly I'd be fine with whatever.

even worse on 2ds. What the hell was Game Freak thinking?

This isn't 1987 anymore, the ones working at Nintendo crying for censorship are all millennial libtards.

The games. I do agree with you on that logic though. PS and Xbox will have better software and home application.

It'll be Lillie's adventures in Kanto for maximum genwun pandering
Screencap this post

Absolutely will buy one. Console quality hardware with a Nintendo handheld quality library? Poised to be the ultimate platform. Plus Nintendo is one of the best software developers ever.

When it comes out there will be no need to buy any of the AMD tablet-PC consoles anymore. Just have an nvidia desktop and your Nintendo Nvidia Shi--Switch.

Liberals want change. Hence why they are constantly pushing for the minority people to be shoved into the spotlight instead of just white people. The thought of bouncing Anime tats is progressive you retarded.
The whole point of conservative is to preserve traditional ways, bouncing anime tats isn't the norm, and in general is frowned upon.
Take a fucking government classes instead of spewing the same words everyone else does.

>You will get it

Just like I did with Wii U

I didn't

>I care about my public appearance

So why are you buying apple products?

If it has Monster Hunter, absolutely.

If not, maybe? Really depends what sort of games come out for it.



its way too soon to say


>Considering Nintendo is one of the last bastions of quality Japanese vidya


If games are important why is PS4 selling?

Checkmate Atheists

Because of tasteless rich normies

but i'm not a nintendrone

I'm going to wait a couple of months and see whats worth getting on the system. I at LEAST want to have 10 games I want to play on the system before buying it.

It never amazes me the amount of effort that goes into console wars.

Is it looking like this thing's gonna erupt out of the gate with upgraded Wii U ports?

i dont even own the Wii U so i wouldnt mind


and sports games, hot AAA shit

2 million sales out of 50 million ps4s. Nope.

Nah, I wont.

Awesome Nintendo exclusives boil down to Metroid and Zelda. Metroid is pretty much radio silence since the awful Other M (that bullshit 3ds federation doesn't count) and the Zelda series hasn't been anywhere near good since Twilight Princess.

Add to that the fact that I would only use console mode because when I go outside I like to live my life and not be a mouth breather showing the world that I can't go an hour without vidya.

So fuck off OP.

I haven't owned a console since the Wii and before that the PS2 so I think I will buy it. Lots of ports and stuff that'll be old to everyone else but new to me.

What a shame

Depends what kinda sales/deals they've got. I'm certainly not paying more than $250 even if they give me BOTW with it.