Where do you want it to take place?

Hard Mode: no furbait provinces

In the recycle bin


Argonia, just for the region. Argonians are my least favorite race, but damn if their lore isn't the most interesting

literally reread the OP



I don't care where it's at, I just want it to be a good game

it will be in hammerfell, screenshot this post

Argonians have scales user

Bethesda lost all credibility after Skyrim, it's all downhill since then.


scalies are still furfags you fucking retard


But scales and fur are different user

Doesn't matter where, if its using gamebryo AGAIN only jupiter itself suffers from the kind of superstorm of anger that will generate

Hard Mode is optional faggot

skyrim was good tho

with Bethesda's standard of laziness, how could you ever expect a new engine?

Through cosmic fuckery, old Aldmeris rises from the sea and all the races of Tamriel race to conquer it

Blackmarsh, just because I want to see if they can do water-heavy environments well and make aquatic hijinks fun. I don't think they have the stones to even make the attempt

On one hand, Valenwood.

On the other hand, I don't want Va;emwppd to be Skyrim 2. So maybe they should hold off on Elswyr for 3-4 more games after they experience a crash and have to hire obsidian again.

because they dont have to cater toward xbox360s dvd size limit anymore
consoles limitations hold back gaming more than ever

Summerset Isles set in the late 4th era or even 5th era where a weakened Dominion takes on a unified empire. Ulfrics death is canon and Hammerfell successfully resisted the Dominion. As a last resort the Dominion does some magical high elf shit that will destroy the Empire and Tamriel. It's up to the protagonist to stop them or, in a not canon ending, assist in obliterating the Empire.

The Elder Scrolls VI: KANGZ N SHEIT

Could also be set in Valenwood

No more wars pls

>Be me
>Pirate Bethesda garbage
> Install 500 mods
>Play for 5 minutes
>Get bored, Uninstall this polished turd
>Buy Witcher 3
>Install 5 mods
>Play for 500 hrs

>People actually want Valenwood to be the setting of TES6
>When the last 2 games were literally nothing but endless forests that were boring as fuck

This post served a purpose

You mean Black Marsh? The whole game would be the swamp part from Witcher 1 with argonians taking a shit everywhere and slurping on Hist cum

that and outsiders aren't even allowed in most of the province
it would literally be no fun allowed

Argonia and the Black Marsh are one in the same, babe

>not skyrim 2

This, it follows a simple patter

>morrowind - wow look at the mushrooms and animals ashstorms everything is cool and alien, haha can't get up telvanni shrooms as a warrior gonna go wizard master race this game is AWESOME

but then the follow happened
>oblivion - oh man can't wait for the jung- what the fuck? it's a fucking forest EVERYWHERE might as well go to Bravil and enjoy the snow. What the fuck happened to Mannimarco why does he look like a downy, why does everyone look like a downy??!

>skyrim - oh man it's fucking SNOW everywhere now, can't wait to just get on with it and get a new TES game, fighting cliffracers in Morrowind was more intense than slaying dragons and devouring their souls

>hammerfell - oh man it's fucking DESERT everywhere CURVEEED SWORDS EX DEE




Anywhere as long as it just works

literally retarded

Are our mods going to be safe, Sup Forumsros?

>all skills are 20/40/60/80/100 percent more effectiveness for every weapon/armor/skill/magic/crafting/more health/more mana/sneak attack damage/etc. etc., swim underwater forever, tun into a vampire or wolf (because who needs quests for that)
>voiced mc, male and female with predefined everything
>moon dust retcon
>another village needs our help
>my wife was kidnapped by skeletons please go save her
>go clear out that cave of rats
>build settlements so you can call in anti dragon artillery strikes
>pick 5 locks, female companion wants to fuck


as long as you pay for them of course


There are 3 possible scenarios.

(1). ES 6: Hammerfell.

Please god no. If this happens we might as well give up altogether, it'll will be the death of any RPG elements and the the casualization of video games will have reached it's apex. Though it will lead to Dune-esque giant sandworm mods which will be pretty kickass

(2) ES 6: Valenwood

mite b cool. Sadly, it can go one of two ways: The tree cities don't move at all and there's a shitty story reason behind it (Read: console limitations) OR The trees are fucking walkin, there's forests everywhere, cannibal Wood elves are sniping people from treetops, and basically it's Morrowwind 2 with the inhospitable and alien environment and it's fucking glorious. It won't be released untill 2020 and Todd has all but confirmed with his cryptic "the technology isn't there yet" talk

(3) ES 6: Summerset Isle

Oblivion 2 with it's (semi) bland location to hook the normies, but a throw back to it's true roots with awesome RPG elements. May include invasion of Argonia or Elsweyr.

The hidden 4th scenario is ES 6: Akavir. A complete reboot of the series, only a few races we're familiar with (Nords, High elves, orcs) mixed with new races from the continent of Akavir. This won't happen until atleast Elder Scrolls 8 but hey it doesn't hurt to be hopeful.

>Most likely
Valenwood, and it will become a generic fantasy forest with generic elves
>most wanted
Valenwood, properly represented
>neverever my dream location

>Anti-semitism in 2016

Back to your hut, Ivan

>wanting another fucking forest
kys please plebian

>endless forest
Did you like, turn left at the first fork in the road and played for only 20 minutes?

it's gonna be hammerfell because they didn't do a desert yet

they did volcanos, swamps, tundra, alpine, forest, etc but no desert yet.


Preferably in a linear RPG, open world is a joke

They haven't done jungle yet

Protip, they wont, because they missed their chance with Oblivion.

>tfw consoles can run it at 60 fps because no vegitation

A forest vs. a desert vs. a desert WITH CATS vs. a never ending swamp (with lore implications that says fuck everything) vs. an generic english country side

I don't know man, a forest might be the best way to go.

Akavir will become a neverever because Bethesda only panders to the normies. Almost certain that a huge majority of Skyrims player base have no idea that Tamriel isn't just the entire world.

>furfag wants TES to be linear
double cancer

Open world isn't a joke.

Problem with open world in post oblivion elderscrolls games is that the questlines are forced to be linear rather then explorative

>this morrowind nostalgia boner
Honestly the games go

i think a swamp could be a really good setting if done right. too bad they fucked that option with the restrictive lore

It's fucking boring. Deserts are boring. Badlands and fantasy Afghanistan looks like shit and is boring.

Woop de fucking doop, it's a fucking forest with tall trees!

I don't see how, unless you're someone spying on Thalmor. But it's mostly High Elves there unless they just start populating it with everything and give some shitty excuse for that.

I thought about it, but to play on Akavir Tamriel needs to invade. Tamriel can't keep it's shit together with it's own provinces, and another invasion of Akavir is gonna go worse than the last one. You know, the one where the strong unified Empire failed miserably/

>akaviri invasion
Now this one would be something fresh, the game can set place in either Valenwood, Elsweyr or Black Marsh(nobody would invade this shithole though) since the last two Akaviri invasions went through Morrowind/Skyrim.

Since Tamriel is in shambles Akaviri would be a serious threat for every independant province or union.

Sounds about right

>but a throw back to it's true roots with awesome RPG elements.
NEVER EVER EVER going to happen.

They're smart enough to not hinder the modding community, especially with the inclusion of console mods now.

>nobody would invade this shthole though

Someone knows fuckall about black marsh or the fact that one of the most heavy attacks (failed, of course) during the Oblivion Crisis were in Black Marsh.

>getting rid of the only two decent races in TES

na fuck off

>The "i never played borefest that is daggerfall but I put it in number 1 to show you that oblivion isn't the first tes game I ever played" post

The only good thing about Oblivion is the Dark Brotherhood, it's 10/10 I admit. But everything else is boring, from faction to aesthetics to the main quest. If Daggerfall is so good we would have Daggerfall threads, same applies to Oblivion. I don't think I've counted more than like 10 threads for YEARS I've been on Sup Forums. There were like 10 Morrowind threads just this past week

Why would anyone want Akavir when we haven't seen the cooler parts of Tamriel?

>shit enemy scaling
>fucking terrible dungeon design
>repetitive oblivion gates with the same couple of layouts
>bland shit-tier world thats 99% boring forest with a couple of snowy mountains.
>introduction of the lazy "click icon on map to warp" fast travel system
Oblivion was garbage outside of the guild quests.

Hope they don't set it in Hammerfell and fill the game with nigs. Redguards shouldn't even be black, they're clearly middle-eastern influenced, they should be yellowish/light brown skinned. No huge lips and nostrils pls.

Why not all of tamriel?

just play ESO why dontcha


cuz i dont want to play an "MMO" especially not one from zenimax

You need to be 18 to post here.

>most heavy attacks
No it was just a regular attack. Argonians drank Hist cum to become super argonians and the Daedra fucked off when they saw a bunch of spastics smearing shit all over themselves. I bet that when they invaded Oblivion everyone was running around trying to not get any argonian shit on themselves

Why would you EVER invade a huge swamp steaming with lizard shit? You can't build an infrastructure, it's protected by tree CTHULHUS, you can't grow food and everything is poisonous and stinks and you're constantly pestered by spear chucking naked lizardmen.

>daggerfall is a borefest
You never fucking played it obviously. The minmaxing in that game is glorious.
>le morrowfags shill morrowind so its deh best
Morrowind has good story behind it. The quests are well written. But the combat is complete dogshit, even compared to its predecessors, the pacing is fucked, the speech and barter system are broken, stealth is more broken than any other game, spellmaking scales to unreasonable levels, and the difficulty curve is more like a difficulty bump. Morrowind is a power fantasy for kids who played it when they were 9.
Oblivion is superior to morrowind in every way aside from lore. Fast travel was optional, and you were never forced to go through all the oblivion gates. Also
>Shivering Isles


You're funny.

>an entire furbait continent
please no Todd

Are people really hyped for their next shit? Didn't you faggots learn from Skyrim and Fallout 4? Bethesda lost their talent long ago, they don't care about making good video-games anymore.

skyrim was great. a needed improvement over oblivion although not as good as morrowind. stop living and breathing Sup Forumstard memes and go outside once in a while.

It's already known. It's Valenwood. An internal memo leaked before FO4 was announced that outlined stuff employees aren't allowed to talk publically about. Nukaworld was on there. Also on there was "Project Greenheart", "Valenwood", and "TES VI".

i liked skyrim alot, i just bought the Special Edition on console. Im a poorboy and being able to use mods (albeit somewhat limited) on console is godsend

i am excited for ES6

I unironically want "Elder Scrolls 6 Khajiit-land" written by Bioware. I want dialogue about barked cat dick.

Because you want the Hist, a superpowered god-creature-presence that is easily more powerful than any daedric prince.

Skyrim was good, Fallout 4 was good, just not as great as Morrowind, not as great as New Vegas.

>written by Bioware


>Monkey People
>Tiger People
>Snake People
>Ice Demons

>Skyrim was good

No it wasn't.

Hammerfell is the only good location you absoulute fucking pleb.
Hammerfell has the most interesting lore, the most advanced technology, the best religious pantheon, etc
If you weren't a fucking retarded normalfag you would know this.

>give me the 1 inch strawberry covered in spines
>ah yessss *orgasm*

Yeah but Niggers.

also more Dwemer ruins to explore

>Black Marsh



>a desert WITH CATS

Sign me the fuck up

Open world is actually the latest cancer.


>minmaxing in daggerfall in glorious
>morrowind is a power fantasy
Uh-huh, you sound like a huge cum-guzzling contradicting sperglord.
>muh daggerfall was so good
>m-morrowind combat is shit
It's literally THE SAME combat you fucking idiot, except in Daggerfall it's even WORSE.

None of what you said is an argument btw, just shitty opinion and I wont even bother trying to argue about "broken stealth"(what??) or spellmake scaling(Again, what?).

>Oblivion is superior to morrowind
And there we have it, this is the whole point of your argument.

Fast travel was optional like it's optional to cook meat before you eat it.

user, you're embarrassing yourself

Elsweyr is desert to the north, and jungle in the south. It is the most diverse land of the ones you named.

That makes no sense. If I wanted to invade I'd give a wide berth to the Hist.

Vice City

They SHOULD be Sandniggers, in Skyrim they all looked like full on Niggers.
Sandniggers don't have big lips and nostrils, sandniggers aren't jet black.