FF12 Zodiac Age
play izjs on pscx2 with hd textures
you know got zodiac age, retard.
i know user, i feel your pain.
Because the company behind that terrible assassins creed remake is behind it, don't get your hopes up
>you know got zodiac age
1.There are no "hd" textures for izjs. Is just texture filtering by emulator.
2. There are no high res fonts. They all are muddy mess and with graphical bugs(most of the games on pcsx2 has that black artifacts shit on fonts if you don't play in software mode)
3. Hiroyuki Ito himself works on Zadiac Age, he's updating balance of the game.
Oh fuck, are you serious? Well that sucks.
>he's updating balance of the game.
Moderately worried because this could mean fucking anything.
Man, it's a fucking Ito. He's fixed ff12 with izjs himself. He is the dude who invented most of the battle systems of the series. No worries, just hype.
That's it though, IZJS was already a 'balance patch', what is there left to balance? Did he conclude that the game was too easy and takes out half the guaranteed chests from the bonus dungeons? Makes Yiazmat immune to Expose and Wither? Adds more random lv 99 enemies?
there are hd textures
and who gives a fuck about balancing, he game is fucking final fantasy easy mode anyway
>3. Hiroyuki Ito himself works on Zadiac Age, he's updating balance of the game.
The only balancing I want is an option to play with the vanilla or zodiac board
Vanilla board with IZJS value changes and lack of damage cap would be fucking ludicrous.
I just want to see those legs, and hear that voice. Fran, Ashe, Penelo is my usual group.
Ashe, Fran and Vaan because Penelo a shit and Vaan is the people's champion.
>Vaan is the people's champion.
Getting confused user?
I can't wait for this. Last time I finished this game was when it came out. I remember not really loving it back then but in retrospect there were a lot of great things in it. I still think it has the best combat mechanics this series ever had. The Gambit system was so fun to use
Penelo had that big round booty though, and with Gambits you barely played the game anyway, I just had it on auto at all times.
Not played Zodiac, but heard good things. I was going to emulate it before they announced the HD remaster, but it's worth a buy.
emulation doesnt fix the shitty compressed audio where everyone sounds like they are speaking into a tin can which is then filtered through a pillow.
It was FF's underdog, totally underrated. I'm more excited for a remake over what we got with FF15, that's how mediocre that game was.
I remember playing it a couple years after it came out, probably around '08. After a while I realized it was my favorite FF, and when I wanted to replay it, rumors were juuuust starting for an HD version, and I said fuck it, I'll wait.
Bout done waiting, I need this shit. Hoping for a Spring release.
Played it at E3 and it was so fucking broken the demo ended early (characters moved at light speed on the map, one turned into stretch arm strong, music cut out) it was a disaster. They need to take their time with this and not rush it out.
>aristocrat who hangs out with viera royalty
>people's anything
Lol no.
Leading man
It's a fun game but the story is not that great. It had the potentials to be a great story but something just falls apart at the last half of the game. Vayne was just a boring villain.
Imagine if they added more story.
It would finally be the 10/10 it deserved to be.
PC release when
Just emulate, runs perfectly, only the text doesn't upscale very well like all emulated games.
>that lazy Crazybump-tier normalmapping
top fucking kek
you're likely to get a port sooner or later, but it won't take less than a year
>wanting to play with vanilla board
Vanilla board just does nothing but make 3 of your party members pointless. Zodiac actually gives each character a unique purpose and use
You know what would be fucking good? Being able to switch boards for members rather than be forever locked.
Give consoles FF9 HD and I'll trade you.
FF9's PC release is an atrocity, not worth it
I've never played it before, and I want the fast forward to skip past the fights. Because from what I've seen it's the slowest fight timer ever.
So this is a remake? Never played the original
>I want the vanilla board without admitting that it's the vanilla board
Multiclassing is for scrubs who refuse to play unless every character can heal.
what? I had no issues with it.
>(most of the games on pcsx2 has that black artifacts shit on fonts if you don't play in software mode)
This isn't true at all boy.
They haven't said anything regarding game balance and the "HD" textures in the remaster look like shit.
IZJS didn't fix shit.
I wish you pcucks would shut the fuck up for once
It must suck to have so poor reading comprehension.
What are you on about? IZJS on the pscx2 looks really fucking good as long as you have a halfway decent PC, none of your pointss warrant me getting the game again.
Thats only an issue for FF12 vanilla, IZJS fixes that.
Still waiting for someone to give me a good reason to buy this/get hype for this if IZJS already exists.
>Thats only an issue for FF12 vanilla, IZJS fixes that.
No it doesn't.
And neither does the remaster.
>Mfw before I bought it, I watched a bunch of gameplay videos on youtube and decided that it looked 'completely shit'
>Went out to buy some random game
>Shop didn't have it
>Reluctantly pick up the last copy of FFXII because everything else looked like absolute shit and I didn't want to go home empty handed.
>Mfw I loved the game so much that I played through it 3 times, putting a total of almost 1k hours into it.
>Mfw it's my favorite FF bar non.
>Mfw copying Ashe10's "Perfect" game guide on youtube.
>Mfw all of that GOOD grinding.
>Mfw I did a 122333 run as well as a solo character run
God I cannot wait for this. I really can't. Probably going to do a solo character run again and make them a summoner to check out those changes made to summons. I always felt like the Espers were awful in terms of usability in the base game, minus a few who had decent final attacks, so I want to see if these changes make them actually worth summoning now.
Also one of the best gameplay related changes seems to be that spells can be actually cast all at once. In the game now, if something casts Scathe and you also have that ready to cast, you'll have to wait until the enemies spell has finished casting before you can cast yours, even if it's ready to be cast.
There's no need to be mean, user. I just want to also enjoy the game you'll be lucky to soon have.
We can all get along here.
The remaster won't fix that. They'd have to rerecord everything to fix that.
>And neither does the remaster.
Yes it does.
>True 7.1 surround sound, including high definition voicing and newly recorded background music utilizing the current generation of sound production.
They could have kept the original recordings but for some reason vidya companies hate thinking ahead
>The point of the IZJS boards is that everyone has a fixed role
>People still want board swapping
Watch footage, they still sound the same.
>Also one of the best gameplay related changes seems to be that spells can be actually cast all at once.
This is potentially one the biggest improvements. Black Mage was the fucking bees knees for the normal game, but useless doing a lot of side content because of the effects queue. It also affected your ability to heal efficiently in a lot of fights.
I just hope it doesn't make things too easy late game because you can now constantly nuke and Curaja everything.
The game was already easy so that would just make it significantly easier, obviously.
Wait, is Zodiac Age really removing the spell queue? That's legit great.
It probably depends on the boss. The more magic heavy fights can probably get really chaotic when there's 3-4 high level spells going off at the same time.
god damn that short skirt!
They need to fix the Reverse spell, because that shit is broken.
Makes the game stupidly easy to cheese.
I think I've pretty much always made Balthier a White Mage and Fran a Black Mage because it always fit just so well for those two.
Curaja isn't free, you'll burn through MP REALLY fast if you're using it to heal instead of Cura. You could wear a sage's ring but do you really want to use the accessory slot for that? Not to mention undead types (aka everything in every bonus dungeon) are immune to Syphon and ethers only restore 65 MP with all three lore licences learned.
>IZJS didn't fix shit.
well at least it fixed level 1 spells being useless and removed the gay ass overpowered sword from behind demon wall
No zodiac make you pick class that don't go with the style of the character.
It would have been better if they had created individual board for each char instead of generic class.
You can still get infinite Demonbanes and Deathbringers before ever entering monsoon Giza.
>boss has no charge time/0 MP when low on HP
>endless nukes of high level magic and statuses coming your way
>can no longer stall them by abusing the spell queue
Its square enix.... lightly touching up a already finished game.. what do you mean why does it take so long ;P its square enix!
>zodiac make you pick class that don't go with the style of the character.
That's false though.
>by abusing the spell queue
so you are just a cheating scrub
>ywn anal ashe
i want to die
>cast reflect
Sage's ring is a great accessory. Half MP plus absorbs holy, which a few superbosses attack with. If you're really worried about MP, you could use the turtleshell necklace for late/end game healing once money is obsolete.
baltier is the best withe mage, it sure fit the guy
I don't even know what he means. Thematically? Visually? The class-specific stat licences and armor bonuses compensate for the characters' stat spreads so it can't be that at least.
The stat differences of individual characters are so neglible it doesn't matter what you make each character. It's literally completely your choice unless you're autistic about min-maxing
Not him but visually is an important argument. Characters look fucking bad with most weapon animations.
I remember crashing the ps2 by casting reflect and making all char casting Scathe on the party
White Mage and Black Mage work with literally everyone. The only reason why people tell you to make Balthier as a white mage is because he's one of the three characters with innate Steal and WMs basically have nothing to do besides healing/buffing.
The animation differences are also only like 2 secs difference at most and only somewhat relevant for combo oriented classes at the very end of the game.
Eg. Case in point Samurai where Basch is actually the best one for comboing despite needing a different setup to reach 99/99 unlike Ashe.
But Ashe is better for most of the game since she can use their random black magic spell better.
I tend to make Vaan the white mage because the most important quality of a white mage is to not be dead. Penelo seems like the obvious choice but she has like 1k less HP. Basch is also a motherfucker because of his -15 VIT compared to everyone else.
It's fun to fuck with the game mechanics and beat hunts or bosses like the bomb king way earlier than expected, because it gets you some very nice gear and is overall more satisfying.
>picking a time mage
Tied with machinist for worst class in the game.
Reflectga motes aren't too common either, so you'd have to know the fight pretty well anyway. Plus they still use some regular attacks, so there goes most of your healing.
I'm pretty sure there's a superboss somewhere that casts through reflect too.
>typing all that shit
You seem incredibly autistic.
The problem with Vaan (and Ashe) for that matter in WM is that their stats are so good that it kind of goes to waste in a job like WM where even the worst mage is guaranteed to cap magic anyway.
Black Mage and Red Mage are a bit different since the higher magic for most of the game is a bit more relevant in terms of landing ailments among other things.
Time Mage isn't all that bad though since its an excellent supporter and you easily shutdown bosses/enemies with their ailments between spells and crossbows. Ashe/Penelo are the only ones who have high enough magic to pull it off though.
Machinist is literally only good for Weak Mode.
Balthier's father operates a shitton of magic-based technology so for his son to become a spellcaster is not something that unusual. Especially black mage as he starts shooting kamehamehas like his father.
>Tied with machinist for worst class in the game.
I was curious and made a save where my A-party is a time mage, a machinist and a monk. It works okay.
Don't forget that he spent a lot of time with a viera so he's bound to pick up some sort of spellcasting knowledge.
>discuss things on a discussion forum
>get called autistic
>its an excellent supporter and you easily shutdown bosses/enemies with their ailments between spells
Except most actually difficult bosses are immune to everything, and even then, it's easier and more efficient to use the remedy+nihopaloa trick.
You could just as easily pick Red Mage and get all that, plus mid-tier healing and offensive magic, plus someone that can actually deal physical damage late game, and all you'd lose is Hastega, which can be replaced with the 2 Hermes sandals you get and motes when you need them.
>cap magic
Is something different regarding levels in IZJS? Because even when I went the completionist route in the orginal I didn't even reach level 80.
If we were going with thematic reasoning I'd make Ashe a black mage since her entire quest is about obtaining unearthly power for the sake of revenge. And Basch would be a samurai, since there's a bigger cliche of dedication to their master associated with samurai than knights.
Red Mages don't actually get access to any of their real physical weapons until when the game's pretty much over though. Before then TMs have heavy armor and a bunch more battle lores in their arsenal.
I will agree that TMs are a weak job but I think its generally a safer pick than Machinist.
Mage classes (and some other ones) have licences that up your magic by 1. Mystic armor in both vanilla and IZJS boosts magic too, Lordly Robe alone boosts magic by +9 or something.
There's more +Str/+Mag licenses on boards so dedicated jobs cap their best stat a lot easier than someone would in Vanilla. Which is why minmaxing focuses more on other things to decide who you should pick.
>Red Mages don't actually get access to any of their real physical weapons until when the game's pretty much over though.
But they can play second fiddle to a proper WM/BM for early-to-mid game, and then not be totally useless at the end.
I think the best choice is to make someone with innate cure the Black Mage, and then have either a White Mage as well for easy mode, or have a Red Mage/Hunter that can heal until Knight/Monk get Curaja and pick up the slack.
Fran's probably the best choice for a Black Mage with innate cure since she has steal on the side allowing her to skip an esper lock.