German joins the server

>german joins the server

>forgetting ^^

>american joins the server

>scandinavian joins server
o boy here comes the elitism smug fucks

>Swedish guy joins:
>*cock sucking noises*
>brexit was so stupid
>*loud male orgasm*
>I can't believe Trump won

greetings from germany :D

bongs are also obnoxious elitists.



>finland joins the server

>south american joins the server

>Swede joins the server

>Nobody joins the server

>Brazilian joins the server
>you get banned shortly after because he reported you for no reason

That's what you get for making the world size small you dick

why are spics so obsessed with that fucking face?

>Indian joins the server


Danes are the scum of the earth

>I join the server



germans literally have to show online that they arent nazies but happy fun loving liberals

>Serbian joins the server
>loud polka music

>two people with the same eastern European language or germans/french join the server

rip my chat experience.

They have shown that very well considering they're all BROWNED now

>Swede joins the server
>plöz dönt tölk mö ör my whives sön every agaiön

>german joins server
>jemand deutsch :D?
>NiGhTc0rE99 has left the server

you are stupid.

The moment someone types something using the cyrillic letter you can basically leave the server.

>finlandian joins server
>starts making autistic comments
>tell him that all finnish people are autistic mongoloids and that he needs to fuck off
>be finnish while saying this

its true

Fuck you, Muhammed

>Calling for more mc Donalds
>orders pizza in middle of a match

>spaniard joins the server
>starts insulting and flaming everyone

>polack joins the server
>yyyyhbszuuhbszhyc vodka kurwa haha kurwszszszsz haha

>Brit joins the server

>not lowering the mic to your ass and letting rip a big fat fart during the match
un-American as fuck tbqh senpai

>german guy joins teamspeak
>"just cuck mein shit up, senpai"

>Dutchie joins the server


>join a server
>everyone is babbling in spanish
>join a server
>everyone is babbling in spanish
>join a server
>everyone is babbling in spanish
>join a server
>everyone is babbling in spanish
>join a server located in antarctica
>everyone is babbling in spanish
>uninstall the game

i just realized that CSGO is kind of a chav game in my country, most of the people from my country i find there just sound like total white trash chavs

Polka is western Slavic, you probably mean turbofolk (which is shit), or post Yugoslav war songs which are God tier (not just the Serbian ones)

>spic joins the server
>they speak in broken english and rage quit

I like this thread :3

>russian joins the server
>мopгaлa выкoлю, пaдлa. Зaткниcь, иди нa хyй!! xaxaxaxaxaxa))))))


It's not too different in America, everyone is either a dudeweedlord, a weeaboo or a chinstrap douchebag.

>Finland leaves the server



>a fucking white male joins the server
>oppresses people

>eu server
>brit joins the server
>"make me a mod plz"
>brit doesnt get mod rights
>brit leaves server

>british player joins server
>is skillfull and has humour,generally a good guy

>Sup Forumsfag joins the server
>types nigger every other second
>Has to spread his dank may mays
>yells about dude Trump lmao
>Calls you a leftiesjwcucknumalejew if you disagree

>>types nigger every other second
doing God's work


fucking ctr spillover to Sup Forums
fuck off lad

>ayo bix nood mufuggas

Unicode filter doesn't check filenames. Emoji to your heart's content

ok ill do whatever you say just dont say that word anymore, it weakens my jewish soulstone every time you do




Most krauts are fucking autistic, no wonder they're letting muslims take their wimen.

Hey Muhammad.

dumb american. Because your women want a black cock doesnt mean aryans would fuck untermenschen.

Nothing's worse than British children butchering the English language

shut it hans, before the thought police knocks down your door.

>Sup Forumsfag
You should be ashamed of that name. We prefer to be called Sup Forumssmokers.
Fucking faggot


lmao thats rich coming from an american

t. a not german

I heard that they do that because they're subconscious about how hostile their language sounds and don't want others to misunderstand
they're the elcor of the internet

>join european server
>nobody talks except one guy making random comments in broken english
>join american server
>have slightly inflammatory name
>people talking all the time
>someone comments on my name
>other people attack him
>all hell breaks loose
>people trash talking over each other
why are american servers so much more fun? even when you find the stereotypical 14 year old cod kiddie with his high nasally voice it's great compared to the silence of euro servers

>"أنا يمارسون الجنس مع ماعز والمرأة السويدية."

euros are autists

GAme is about the game and not about some weird convesations.
Get concentrated faggot.

Europeans are /vg/
Americans are Sup Forums

Your-ups are autistic?

>american joins the server

well yeah but yanks play the game too it's just that they love to talk shit while doing it

>BR joins server
>half-english rambling for 3 solid minutes on $1 microphone
>everyone on the server tells him to shut the fuck up
>FACK U FACK U FACK U. U SUCK UR MAMMA DICK *intense microphone crackling*

Yes and Americans are spergs.

>join american server
>current hottest memes being spouted
>a group of dudes trying to role play as soldiers
i will admit its fun when all hell breaks loose and everyone starts shit talking

>Join a server
>One person starts talking
>Proceed to quickly mute everyone on the server


obviously meant shekelstone

you're welcome

>>a group of dudes trying to role play as soldiers
Those guys are always the coolest in the server prove me wrong

>England joins the server
>"Oi my G tell me how get dem skins senpai"
>"Harambe was well funny innit XDXDXD"
>"Why you hating on 9gag? Smh suck your mum you waste men"

Why are the spanish speaking players always trying to look for their own?

>americans constantly fling shit at each other
>euros just trying to fuck equally autistic effeminate guys

seems about right

>mexican joins server
>loudly talking or singing in spanish
>while a woman is yelling and a baby is crying in the background

why don't they just turn the mic off

For some reason I get only salty brits, and salty brit is by far the worst shit you can meet minus brbrbrbrbrbr puta.

i can't, i always stick around with them
>one guy takes a hit
>death gurgles
>his friend starts crying
>they give him a 30 second burial ceremony

>Euros have dozens of languages
>All suck at english
>Can't speak native tounge because no one will understand

>Americans have one language
>They too suck at english

>polack joins the server
>his nick is xXx_SeBa_99_PL_xXx

>playing gtav online
>someone has his mic open all the time
>super low quality, super high volume
>people arguing in the background
>some dog barking
>he's not even saying anything
>suddenly he yells something to his friend using his god awful mic
these are the kind of people who talk really loudly on their mobiles on public transportation or on the street

>Join server
>get kicked
>Reason is just a load of cyrillic you don't understand
Do Russians not like Americans on their servers?

>Japanese join the server

>mexican joins the server
>loud TV sounds in the background
>you can hear like 10 poeple of all ages talking and screaming at once

seriously, what the fuck, do mexicans keep their pcs in the living room instead of their bedrooms?

Nah they just cram their entire extended family into studio apartments