Got this on the psn deal. It's my first Tales of game. What I'm in for?
Got this on the psn deal. It's my first Tales of game. What I'm in for?
Fujo pandering.
You can only go up from here.
You are in for best girl.
Patrician taste.
Also shitty camera in combat.
As other anons stated you can only go up from there.
Xillia is OK.
Abyss is Damn good
Symphonia is dated but great.
Is it really that bad as Sup Forums says?
Sup Forums says a lot of things.
I'm 6 hours in and very much enjoying it. Depending on your jrpg past, you may want to enable Free&Free once you unlock it.
Turns the combat to Star Ocean styling.
Shes fun to have around. but not best girl.
expect shitty camera mid-combat, this will be huge pain in the ass if you encounter an enemy near the corner of the room.
Sup Forums will have you believe the game is total garbage when it really isn't. Of course that isn't to say the game has flaws, the biggest being it's plot and the villain being one of the worst villains ever. Ultimately though it's fun, but very flawed.
Your last Tales of game, unless you have extremely shit taste.
>but not best girl
I disagree but each to their own.
>Smug loli
>It's just a front, she's really a fragile brocon :^)
Decent design, garbage character, you mean.
People always complain about the camera, but the equipment upgrade system is horrible and the fusion system results in most of the characters having fuck all in terms of attack options. I definitely think it is the weakest in the series in a long, long time. Even in Legendia you could at least play as whatever character you wanted without it feeling like you were intentionally gimping yourself.
Well, I was planning to buy Berseria too.
>wanting "deep" characters
Are you 12? No one is deep in reality. go back to your fanfics.
Having your equipment and with it your viable combat styles be complete RNG was fucking retarded, having very few options in terms of combos and styles in general was just awful, the story is absolute garbage and it bends over backwards to make Rose relevant.
The Camera doesn't even get that bad until the second half of the game, where it goes increasingly more towards full retard, whichever imbecile decided that the camera should have collision with walls should be fired, the moron that decided that the camera should have collision with characters should be put down.
>Are you 12? hear my juvenile platitudes to justify my outrage!
user... have you ever heard of the term "irony"?
Couldn't finish it. Could barely get into it actually. After i got tsudere rock loli I quit
It's pretty fucking bad and a lot of the criticism are on point, but a lot of it isn't very noticeable if you're not too versed in JRPGs or haven't played any other game in the series. That said, there are a few decent moments.
>Having your equipment and with it your viable combat styles be complete RNG
That's not entirely true, though. You can almost garantee you will get the skills you want on equipment by using the LotL and increasing drop rates in various ways. The game gives you a bunch of weird mechanics and systems and expects you to figure out how to manipulate them to get what you want. It's weird, and could have been implemented much better, but it works, I guess.
Except no, that's how it works in theory, in practice it's still largely random and grindy as hell on top of that. And yea, if you set up all the right boosts in an area and get good drops early on it's fine, but if you're not so lucky then it fucking sucks.
So your enjoyment of the system is entirely based off of how lucky you got with drops.