Why does it seem like a 12 year old wrote this game?

Why does it seem like a 12 year old wrote this game?

It takes a 12 year old to know a 12 year old.

>complaining about star wars video game being star wars
I don't understand what did you expect. It's basically New Hope of vidya.

because i wrote it and im a fuckin retard haaha

What did you expect from an SJW company?

It was before the dark times. Before Hamburger Helper

Wait till you get to the second one

Bioware was good then. No or very little SJWs. Before twitter and Facebook gave a majority voice to less than 1% of the population.

So adults can not perceive children?
Or does it dawn on you that your "snappy" repartee is actually quite dumb?

Bioware was never good. Their engines are shit, their gameplay design is shit and all their good dialogue was written by Black Isle members, not Bioware employees.

Bioware always have and always will be shit.

New hope is not lauded for its depth as a story, or how it is the single best example of its genre.
>star wars video game being star wars
That is one of the biggest problems with SW games, they get so much credit for being SW games that people are massively ignorant to their flaws and faults.
Kotor was not a great game, if you were no SW fan.

I just know ONE thing for certain
That new star wars movie is shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit

>New hope is not lauded for its depth as a story, or how it is the single best example of its genre.
Neither is KOTOR 1. KOTOR 2 is, by edgy fedoralards. KOTOR 1 is literally just "Star Wars: The RPG"

Because it's not edgy enough for mature, intelligent nihilists with a wicked sense of humor.

>if you were no SW fan.

Why should the opinions of people with no taste in film matter?

Now I for one don't particularly enjoy the Star Wars movies, even the originals, but I still liked both KOTOR games.

Why does it seem like a 12 year old started this thread?


I wasn't a big fan of SW still i enjoyed the game

Tried replaying it recently, couldn't get through it had to skip straight to II.

Not an argument

its hilarious that KOTOR has better writing than the majority of star wars films


KOTOR was literally the beginning of the end of BioWare. Everything wrong with the company can be pinpointed back to KOTOR. It's a good game but what it eventually led to cannot be disputed. You can't prove me wrong.

Mass Effect 1 was fine so no
EA is what went wrong

Could you elaborate more?

>its an 'op makes blanket statements and doesn't even attempt to make a point to facilitate discussion and shitposts wildly' episode

Jade Empire was shit and before EA though

Just the general dialogue is terrible

I will take some screenshots

>Jade Empire was shit
Your taste is shit

its a martial arts game WHERE YOU CANNOT FUCKING JUMP

also its blatantly unfinished and the entire thing feels like they came up with their twist, then forgot to actually build a proper game around it

To me it feels like adults wrote it and kept it enjoyable for all ages, including twelve year olds. You know, like the Star Wars trilogy. The sequel though, with its tryhard edginess and silly over the top fanfiction concepts, yeah that feels like it's written by an actual kid going through puberty and listening to Linkin Park.

Can you explain what that's about? I never played KOTOR2.

Essentially its a star wars game written by people who dislike black and white morality
sometimes its edgy, sometimes it succeeds in allowing more grey interpretations of the force

bit of a mixed bag

they better be of carth because that the first example i thought of

I can but if you never played the game it would take up way too much time to spoonfeed it all so I won't.

It follows the Star Wars formula, black and white. Good vs. evil.

Very simplistic but it was a fun adventure.

Star Wars is popcorn entertainment, it was never deep.

Yeah but that's a low bar.

But isn't Star Wars actually kind of gray? "From a certain point of view" etc.

Everything in SW is black and white. Even Han Solo being smuggler and bastard is good by heart, which ultimately makes him positive character. Something about motives justifying the means.

the original movies had a simple black and white story so now everyone thinks every star wars story must be simple and black and white

It's actually quite dark for a Pegi 3 rated game.