This is a Ubisoft game
This is a Ubisoft game
Other urls found in this thread:
>an age withouth SJW
I miss it
before the fall
Thats a big butt
This is problematic, please delete this.
We live in the dark ages now.
>why do you hate women
They say.
Fucking whores
>Ubisoft doesn't pander to horny teenagers because their biggest fanbase already grew up
it really fuels up the neurons
also the worst of the trilogy
lost two runs halfway in because the sequence breaking bugs
and Dahaka being weak to water was a huge bummer, I expected a badass fight against the almighty guardian of time
>teemagers do not exist now
Which game? ASSassin's Creed?
>men stop liking women past puberty
What a silly costume.
>teenagers don't exist
>men stop caring about tits and ass once they reach 20
Really gets my salty spittoon spittling
>LMAO he doesn't like dicks, what an immature manchild!
I hated that edgy grunge crap.
>teenagers died out in 2007
>all men are now gay and cannot function unless an ethnicity and gender of every kind are represented in every game
Really gets my gears grinding.
Fuck you
This is a Ubisoft game
user pls I can't read a thumbnail.
>ubisoft knows that modern teens wouldnt give a shit about their games
>tries as hard as they can to pander to their old, now grown up audience
that really tingled my shingle a little bit
Men stop liking when good games get shitty, half-assed "gritty" sequels.
source on that please
...stand alone?
>old people don't like t&a
>it's definitely not the fault of the current ultra politically correct zeitgeist
this really angers my calms
>B-baka its not like I wanted you to hug me or anything!!
>implying modern Sup Forums wouldn't get triggered by a game starring muslims.
sew a snakes mouth shut and give it to a baby, you can make the source.
Pls no bully the snek.
>sew a snakes mouth shut
what the actual fuck
>a game in the middle east
>it's stars and features muslims and female action heroes aren't shoehorned in for brownie points
Wow, no kidding.
>Solid Snake vs Armstrong
>posts a thumbnail
neck yourself
yea I remember that age. it was very sleazy.
fucking ants
..., its literally in the gif you stupid baka.
Why is her butt so big?
Someone post the before and after pics of the AssCreed dev teams where the after pic looked like a Jezebel meetup
Play Japanese games.
Good genes.
Because that makes your penis feel funny user
>ironicaly voting for yellow monkey to stop SJW
>they are getting worse and the monkey is eating banana in his golden tower
I thought you were a GEP gun.
Fuck off skeleton.
It's probably just defanged.
What the FUCK did you just say to me??? Your cruisin for a bruisin buster.
Holy shit what the fuck a normal size must be flat to you and a small ass must be concave inwards
For someone who probably doesn't adhere to a daily workout regimen, it is a pretty nice size.
I'm jumping in to say that it's now impossible for a triple a game starring a female or dark skinned dude or woman to show up on Sup Forums without incessant shitposts.
the only way to placate this place is make the girl cartoon-hot. the dark dude is unsalvagable from memes.
But then he has to play bad games.
.not trusting ur snek
Nigger detected
Even by non-nigger standards, that's way too much ass
shut the fuck up or are ya just dockin for a knockin pal
It's not big. It just well-shaped.
>japanese = bad
go home Phil Fish
>he is knowledgeable of nigger standards
You're delusional.
Is a B-cup way too big now?
If it's an action game, yes, people will bitch because they don't belong in a leading role. It's like a man starring in a fashion game.
>dark skinned dude
Depends on the setting and what he's like.
Honestly people are just fucking sick of SJW politics because nobody writes female or minority characters anymore, they're just white people but brown to fill a quota. This huge push for tolerance has ironically made people the most racist they've been in a long, long time.
As if that's any better
>that's way too much ass
Hardly. Queen of Pain has a better ass than that.
He fell for the polygon meme
>Queen of Pain
0 = Small
1 = Medium
2 = Big
Anything bigger than 2 is too big
>female or minority characters anymore
>they're just white people but brown to fill a quota
This is an excuse SJW's use to attack straight white men for pointing out their inconsistent and flawed arguments for the lack of minority representation.
I don't buy it.
>they don't belong in a leading role. It's like a man starring in a fashion game.
i am SILLY
0 - 2 is normal.
3 is okay if you have the right proportions.
Anything beyond 4 is literally for degenerate fat fetishists and black people or NIGGERS as I like to call them.
ass thread
>they're all depth-based asses
>none are volume/width based
Nigger chart. Post the hip version.
3 would be good if they worked out and it wasn't just a bunch of flab.
>It's like a man starring in a fashion game.
That's be realistic, the fashion business is ran by gay dudes
Thanks for asking here you go
>if it's in an action game
Bayonetta, and christ I think even Kamiya would slap the shit out of you.
>depends on what setting he's in
Honestly, I find this to not matter.
I ran some PoP threads before and nowdays "mudslime" and "shitskin" are used as cons for sands of time. Seriously, a legit good game is thrown under the bus. Then there was the BF2142 revival where people were complaining about playing niggers despite half the map rotation being in Africa.
Shit I posted Shadowman once in a n64 nostalgia thread and it degenerated almost immediately to pol-posting.
I know these are antecdoctal evidence. But seriously, i've long since lost my faith in the criticism this site provides. When good games get shit on for just having a darkie is where I gotta say it went too far.
>Le based anti-sjw
You do realise that japan made child porn illegal just within the last year
>and then she turned around and boner deflated
Not him but most are pretty trash. But that's the same for the west.
Is Bayonetta 2 playable through the Wii 2 emulator yet? Meaning not a lot of stuttering.
Isnt it always illegal but porn industry lobby made them turn a blind eye to cartoon child porn?
actual child porn was always illegal
le ebin b8
/r/ing druid edit
>they're just white people but brown to fill a quota
lol what does this even mean
so every black character has to be some cartoon from San Andreas?
0 is just fucking sad
1 is something you can settle for
2 is is the most realistic you'll find
somewhere between 3 and 4 is the most ideal though
Anything higher than that is way too big though, although the chart is weird because no one will have an ass and absolutely no thighs or hips or breast or a figure to go with it.
You'd have to go to brazil or be extremely lucky to get a 3-4 girl though.
Its a real shame there aren't enough SFMs of her fat ass
i dont know
distribution of, not possession
no you don't know what you're talking about
Terrible timing to call Japanese games bad in a Ubishit thread.
Eh, I'm stuck with emulation. I don't mind.