So, this will be my first time preordering a game since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out in 2008. On top of that...

So, this will be my first time preordering a game since Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out in 2008. On top of that, I'll be picking up the gold version that includes the season pass for $99.99. Has anyone else paid this much for one game before it's even come out and what were your experiences as a result? I imagine some of you fallout fans can share some insight

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I'm doing the gold edition for For Honor. Hoping I'm not disappointed.

I wouldn't do that if I were you considering Ubisoft's track record. If you want to pre-order wait for the pre-release reviews and then if you are absolutely sure you want to buy it, preorder a day before it releases. That's what I've been doing the past 7 years and it hasn't let me down once.

It's sizing up to be the greatest Ubishit game yet, alphas have been completely untainted by their corporate greed. I hope so too.


I preordered the Black Box edition of Nier Automata recently. Know I'm gonna regret it, but whatever, Nier was great.

I definitely agree with their track record, I've been completely turned off by the AC series, The Crew is meh, but I've enjoyed the hell out of The Division and Siege so much so that I've discovered my fetish for gun porn and nobody does it better for me than Tom Clancy

Kinda surprises me how few people know about it. Not much marketing going on for it at Ubi. Small community.

it got some attention during the last time they showed gameplay I think? and it was kind of just really shitty looking

>and it was kind of just really shitty looking
t. non-alpha player

so how was it then, cause those trailers are really bad

Please don't

the only good ghost recon was the first one

For what purpose? Wait until beta, there's a very strong possibility this turns out as bad as The Division rather than good like Siege.

The first ghost recon was inferior to delta force.

I've spent a combined total of $189.96 on Rainbow Six and The Division in the last year and there's nothing's you can do to stop me. They're also the only titles I've spent full retail price on for game + season pass

Just get Arma 3 lol.


I hope you're at least having fun then

>games literally cost $100 now

>pre-ordering the special edition of an open world ubisoft game
You're going to get burned hard. I don't know how many times I've seen this exact scenario play out, but people never learn. You don't lose anything by just waiting until the game is actually out and learning about it from videos of actual gameplay from people who weren't paid to play it. You don't gain anything by throwing down money on what's essentially nothing more than a handful of trailers. And recent Ubisoft games are just a neverending disaster. Siege was their one fluke. If you're going to throw reason to the wind, for the love of god at least don't buy the season pass for the DLC that they haven't even started working on for the game that isn't even out yet. Don't you realize how absurd that sounds? Most season passes are still available after the DLC has actually released. Unless this is your one opportunity before you slip into a coma, have a little patience.

Why? The game looks awful.

Also, I pre-ordered The Division. I don't pre-order any more.

Screen capped and I will post a thread 24hrs after release detailing how much fun I'm having. I've always loved Tom Clancy games and I just want to play the full experience that devastated pour their heart and soul into crafting, what's so wrong with that?

*developers, whelp

Did you play Future Soldier? Pretty bad.

Why are you even excited for this? It looks incredibly generic and isn't even trying to be a ghost recon game.

Sadly my last GR recon was 2

Last time I bought a game on release was Ghost Recon Future Soldier on PC and boy was that an eye opener. I vowed never to buy another ubishit pc game on release. Give it 6 months and maybe they'll have patched it so it runs half way decently.

The game felt like a heavier and more calculating game of Chivalry. All of your actions have weight to them that you commit to while swinging. There's not much more than heavy/light attack, charge/kick and blocking, but with speed variances every class plays in its own unique way. Some of the item upgrades were clearly broken (samurai hilts, for one, granting too much revenge gain and making them unstoppable too easily) and classes lacked testing (orochi/berserker speed disparity), but even with those it was a good romp and I have hopes the devs will iron shit out as time goes by.

There's just a lot of potential in the game when such simplicity can be so enjoyable.

Not much. Delta wasn't that great.

what does TRAITS do

Literally pre-ordered season pass on Deus Ex Mankind Divided for $100 (Canadafag here).

My experience is I don't know. When the game released I learned that my laptop couldn't handle it and I'm too tired to buy a gaming computer because I work 12 hours a day and pass the fuck out during weekends.

By the way. Was the game good or not? I think they released a DLC and they're supposed to release another one? I'm so uninformed lol.

Buy caffeine pills user, they're cheap, don't give you the shakes and can change your life.

Sex, skin color.

Only played the base game but It was nice, the Hubs are nice and compact and the gameplay is basically a more refined human revolution experience with better side quests, a little too short though, ending came out of nowhere aswell

By leagues. Ghost Recon was mediocre, Delta Force was the best shooter of the decade.

I may actually do that user. Thank you for the tip.

Though do you know if it can lead to cardiovascular problems? I kind of have a hereditary heart condition. And I'm hoping there are no serious withdrawal problems if I decide to stop.

Dude, what the fuck? You preordered a game for $100 without even checking the fucking system requirements first? And you still haven't even played it?

How much microtransation/hats shit is there going to be?

It's gonna be half price 6 months after release

About as much as Siege I'd guess, which is a lot. The cosmetics behind it already had a paywall in the form of pre-order ornamentation (crests) and flair (executions). But what affects a player's performance is strictly item configurations (blades/hilts, armour, shields), so it's safe to assume that everything impactful will be obtainable just through playing a lot.

>Ghost Recon was mediocre
>implying Delta Force isn't
You just don't have much variation in this genre. Especially in 1998 or 2001.

Thanks user.

I actually loved Human Revolution which is why I bought this game. I pirated HR so I felt like "giving back" with the season pass for MD if that makes any sense lol But I got the season pass so hopefully the extra content can help fill in the random shortness.

Yea basically. I pre-ordered it a couple of months before it released (the trailers really hyped me up) and I still haven't really played it. I think it was released last August? Either way life fucking sucks. If I have no job I am "going nowhere with my life" and I don't have enough cash for a gaming rig, but when I finally get a job I have the cash but no time for anything outside of work, sleeping and showering. I can't even go to the gym properly anymore.

Sounds familiar. Wasn't the division supposed to be?

so there's only cosmetics? are there any progression?

Man, they're really doing everything they possibly can to make me not want to spend 60$ on this game.

I've worked in cafes for about seven years with free coffee throughout every day and caffeine withdrawals are most certainly a thing, although since I've switched to pills, withdrawing from consumption has been much more pleasant if I run out and decided not to buy any more for a little while.
As for a family history of cardiovascular issues, I'd consult your doctor and lookup threads and forums where similar people discuss their experiences. I usually take two 200mg pills per day (200mg = one 12oz coffee); one during morning ritual and another if I'm feeling exhausted from being up and working since 4am and need the extra energy.

>don't have much variation in this genre. Especially in 1998
you fucking what

delta force was completely unprecedented you mong and it was so far reaching that 95% of FPS releases in the past 2 decades draw their lineage from Delta Force.

Sounds about right. I'm only openly optimistic because the closed testing phases were so fun. Ubisoft will by all rights run this game directly into the ground, no matter how it performs in sales.

Crests and decals/ornamentation are cosmetic.
The weapon/armour configurations all have their own bonuses that improve your natives like offense/defense, movement speed, revenge hit gain/retention, regeneration, etc. They were only purchaseable with gold in the alpha, and you get gold from winning matches and completing challenges. There's also ways to level up gear and improve it into rare/epic/legendary through synthesis.

fuck me this looked really cool i didnt realize it was by the asshats making assassins creed games, oh well

>95% of FPS releases in the past 2 decades draw their lineage from Delta Force
Is this supposed to be a good thing? Modern FPS sucks badly.

Wildland's movement looks so fucking bad. The way you move, sprint etc in third person is just so fucking terrible. How hard was it to take the movement from the Division, add jumping, crouch, and prone and be done with it?

That said, its one of the only FULL co-op games in the last few years so outpost killing might be fun with a friend. Didn't save Far Cry 4, but if this has all the main story missions for co-op too then its way better for co-op than FC4.

This game is pretty good but I feel like I would get insanely bored and burnt out on it. Maps and map designs are entirely inconsequential, the layouts won't really matter. So the wait on characters might be rough.

Thanks again user. It never ever occurred to me that I could take caffeine pills but the concept would definitely appeal to me. I'll have to see my doctor beforehand though.

Why do people preorder season passes? I'm the first guy to admit that I preorder/buy-at-release a shit ton of games just for the heck of it If I already know that I'm going to get it with or without reviews. Especially cause over the years my views of gaming and those of the reviewers changed dramatically. And I'm the last to bitch about it.

But season pass? Why? Ubi's season passes are not worth it most of the time. I never really bought a season pass from them because the content isn't worth it. You never know exactly what you are getting. And at least if you buy a game on console you can sell it again and didn't activate the season pass for nothing and lost more money than necessary.

>How hard was it to take the movement from the Division, add jumping, crouch, and prone and be done with it?
How hard take movement from GRO? Another team, another style.

>FPS games have no variation, delta force did nothing
>But it did, it completely evolved the genre
Am I getting owned?

can you or someone post the trailer or something, im lazy

pic unrelated

also wouldn't exist without delta force (just like Ghost Recon)

>Why do people preorder season passes? I'm the first guy to admit that I preorder/buy-at-release a shit ton of games just for the heck of it If I already know that I'm going to get it with or without reviews. Especially cause over the years my views of gaming and those of the reviewers changed dramatically. And I'm the last to bitch about it.
But season pass? Why? Ubi's season passes are not worth it most of the time. >I never really bought a season pass from them because the content isn't worth it. You never know exactly what you are getting.
For me, that's some of the fun of it. At least with the Tom Clancy games, the season passes for The Division and Rainbow Six have proved to really expand on the game and I've enjoyed them a lot.
>And at least if you buy a game on console you can sell it again and didn't activate the season pass for nothing and lost more money than necessary.
I don't sell my consoles and games personally, and it's not as if I'll be playing the game for the rest of my life. Games come and games go, but I prefer enjoying them in their prime time when possible

it's gonna be the Division mountains edition

Latest trailer
Latest gameplay
Enjoy the spoon feed you lazy sod

The only game I did that for was Gears 4 and I'm kind of disappointed. The game is great and I loved the beta, I just don't think the season pass was worth it. All the maps are free, you just can't use them in custom games without owning them. The skins I got weren neat but nothing amazing. Unless they add a lot more shit to it I'll regret it.

This game is literally the Division. Enjoy your shit game. Similar concept, similar looking. Complete garbage.

>At least with the Tom Clancy games, the season passes for The Division and Rainbow Six have proved to really expand on the game and I've enjoyed them a lot.

Yeah but The Division is a "MMO" and Siege is an MP only game. At least there you have something to expand to and a community to keep running. GRW will be another open-world ubi game with coop. And especially those Ubi games have the most worthless season pass. They don't need to make a community happy post launch. They drop just some small content so it's not a full scam. I played all Ubi games and I don't know the season pass content for at least 90% of them because it never was something useful.

>but I prefer enjoying them in their prime time when possible

Well that's right after launch but at that point there is no need to get a season pass already. Hell in todays time and age you can buy the pass the moment it drops the first content and keep playing if it's really necessary.

But do whatever makes you happy.

Can't speak for everyone, but I felt that I wasn't getting the complete game if I didn't buy the season pass when I preordered a game and the whole it's cheaper if you buy the pass now was extra incentive along with any goodies you might get for doing so.

My thanks to gearbox for showing me how fucking stupid I was for getting sucked into the whole preorder and season pass shit. I'd been called in for a 12 hour shift the day colonial marines came out and couldn't pick it up. Needless to say the news broke out and I was able to cancel my preorder and get my $5 back. Never preordered anything since, but will probably preorder Nioh, but will wait for the dlc to come out before I even think about the season pass for it.

>This game is literally the Division. Enjoy your shit game. Similar concept, similar looking. Complete garbage.
Congratulations on being so simple and lazy that you are incapable of looking up two videos and distinguishing between the mechanics and offerings of two completely different games. I will enjoy the hell out of it, faggot.

>I imagine some of you fallout fans can share some insight

You almost got me there OP, but i see right through you

Stop preordering video games

Looks really generic desu

Wasn't it already apparent after the Borderlands 2 season pass didn't include all future DLC?

>Yeah but The Division is a "MMO" and Siege is an MP only game. At least there you have something to expand to and a community to keep running. GRW will be another open-world ubi game with coop. And especially those Ubi games have the most worthless season pass. They don't need to make a community happy post launch. They drop just some small content so it's not a full scam. I played all Ubi games and I don't know the season pass content for at least 90% of them because it never was something useful.
Wildlands can be played in its entirety either solo or cooperatively, and while I agree that most open world games I've played are trash, I think that has more to do with the overall experience offered through gameplay and how polished the game mechanics are. I'll go ahead and say that The Division and Rainbow Six Siege were buggy to say the least at launch, but I've enjoyed following the evolution and they're rather highly polished games now.
>Well that's right after launch but at that point there is no need to get a season pass already. Hell in todays time and age you can buy the pass the moment it drops the first content and keep playing if it's really necessary.
You're right, but I kind of want to show support for the Ghost Recon series and get it out of the way since I know I'll be buying it eventually.
>But do whatever makes you happy.
Thanks user.