Girl joins the guild

>Girl joins the guild
>Have to watch it collapse in a matter of weeks
>Join a new guild, make new friends etc.
>Girl joins the guild
>The cycle continues

>Guy joins the guild
>It suddenly a gay guild

>girl joins the guild
>nothing happens


>Join guild
>It's primarily female
>One of the few guys
>Everything is going fine

Never had a feeling so strange. It's bizarro as hell.

>And it physically hurts to think about all the times I nearly lost contact with a great group of guys because a vagina got in the way
I wish this wasn't so relevant to life in general.
Not even video games are a safe haven from this bullshit.

There are always things outside the norm.
And if it's predominantly female/"female" then generally, things go better than if it's just 1-3 females in a 50 man Guild

>Girl joins a guild
>Guys start fighting over her attention
>Girl is blamed because some guys can't ignore a little flirting and female attention

>guys acting like retards excuses her failures

>there's like at least 1-2 women in every static
>barely even any drama due to women being women
I just don't understand. That shit's really fucking weird coming from other MMOs.

Women are shit

The bible agrees.

It's because there are no betas hovering around trying to satisfy them. Just keep on not being a pussy bitch and you'll have fun.

>have a female friend online to whom I talk almost every day because we are friends whatever
>meet a guy while playing together
>we then play a few games as 3 then agree to play again tomorrow
>after we finish he messages me on skype telling me to get lost because she's his friend now
>tell him to chill
>he's going all out saying how he's a better guy and she deserves more than me
What's wrong with these people? Why do you turn into an insufferable cunt after meeting a female creature?
Anyway I showed the convo to the girl and she blocked him

Desperation causes weird behavior.

Somehow I have a ton of females in my Warframe clan and they all do fine.
That game is pussy central for some reason.

What would happen if a girl were to join a guild where all the guys are gays?

Your story never happened. Go back to Wizardchan or Sup Forums.

It's f2p and has a relatively low skill ceiling while feeling good to play so it's not too much of a surprise.

Because we're all socially inept creatures with a complete lack of experience with women. The moment you see a girl online, commonly the first thought most people will have is "i need to get this person to like me exclusively" or "how can i get her to date me", picturing her as some cute girl that meets their physical description of a perfect woman.

Shit's weird, man. I think we've all been there at some point.

>in a community with a bunch of people
>every time this one chick joins there are 3 or 4 betas who start spamming her with cute cat pics
The problem isn't women, it's the beta cunts that follow them around for attention.

>tfw the girl actually did like me and it just made me feel worse since I focused on my inadequacies and eventually stopped talking to her

Depends on the girl.

a) Nothing because she wants to do some content and so do the guys, and none of them are going to thirst and argue over her


b) She doesn't get any thirsty attention so she quits.

>join guild
>be a shit eating teenager
>eventually become officer
>girl officer is OCD about guild bank
>constantly fuck with guild bank
>she gets mad
>'whoever keeps fucking with the guild bank is a virgin asshole'
>trigger my autismal rage
>rearrange every stack of every mat to 5
>organize them to say 'sex' cause im an autismal teenager
>giggle about it
>girl officer freaks out and ninjas entire guild bank and the gquits
>her bf and white knights rage at the guild leader
>guild fractures after that

no regrets though

It's both, user. Attentionwhore females and betas alike.

my guild has a lot of females and there's a fag, they're basically all galpals bitching about their boyfriends and stuff

>pick up a pub in Overwatch and get them to join our Discord (was 4 of us, she was the 5th)
>joins voice chat
>female voice
>no one mentions it and we just play and talk, have a great time
>5 or 6 games later another friend joins
>constantly tries to impress her
>does stupid shit that loses us the game to be 'hilarious'

I think for every "btw im a girl", there are 10 of these cunts.

Well I've run a lot of clans over the years. I ran Halo and Battlefield clans, EVE Online corps, and at the moment the WF clan has about 8/200 female members, that I know of.
Which relative to the 0 in all my other ventures is a statistical anomaly.

Maybe they're attracted to the fashionframe, I dunno. Only had one cause problems when she was attempting to cyber in the clan chat to get people to buy her stuff, shut that down fast.

>Playing League (yeah I know)
>Having fun chilling out with my League buddies who I've known for 5+ years
>Need to invite someone I don't really know to fill up the stack
>It's a girl
>One of my friends goes full autist trying to get them to like him

Why does it happen? What is it about the opposite sex that changes some people? I despise playing with girls because they completely ruin the social dynamic. Some betas try and one up eachother constantly to prove their worth and often the girl is a completely vapid person with absolutely no character who contributes nothing to the conversation and is usually terrible at the game. Then there are certain things you can no longer talk about or discuss because of her feelings

>When you realize the "beta" behavior spike when a girl shows up in a videogame is basic human instinct to attract a female partner, which leads to competition with other males, which eventually leads to conflict
Biology is a piece of shit sometimes.

That happened to me last year in XIV
>Girl joins guild
>she gets into our static
>she is fucking trash
>swap her out
>guild leader tells me to put her back in the group
>I get kicked out of guild
>friends from guild said after that there was nonstop infighting until nearly everyone got kicked

>mfw had to do the first real raid ever in the game with my clan leaders girlfriend
You have no fucking idea how.
Imagine having only 4 fucking abillitys to keep track off AND STILL FUCKING EVERYTHING UP FOR EVERYONE


>chat around global chat in mmo
>be generally nice and usually a solo player
>get invited into a guild
>against my solo player nature I accept
>get 3 pms from guys asking "do you erp?"
>say Im not into guys
>go to guild chat
>everyone is either a fag, a lesbian or a trans

I have my doubts about the entire woman population as a whole, but you have to admit that men are gullible fucks for giving them indirect power and influence

>being in a guild that allows girls
lmao all girls are shit at MMOs so just don't allow shitters in your guild

>Girl joins the clan
>Several members start acting out trying to impress her etc
>They finally get her to come on the voice chat instead of typing
>Turns out it's not a girl, it's a guy with a girl on his profile picture and a girly name for his ID
>The moment they hear his voice they change their behaviour immediately
>They now hate the guy because he was posing as a girl "which is weird!"

In all honesty posing as a girl on the internet is probably a great idea if you want loads of free stuff. It really is like playing life on ez mode

On some level, I think it is just a primal drive to impress women. A lot of guys completely lose their heads when you add a woman to the mix.

Outplayed kiddo

I got invited to a guild, similar boat.
They were genuinely nice people whose guild just had a really edgy cover name and image.
Tokyo Ghoul-themed cover, but it was just friendly weebs. Comfy.
When it comes to global chat, anything goes, really.

>several girls in guild
>no one actually gives a shit
>guild has existed since Vanilla WoW with the same core group of people, girls included

>was a 14 year old kid when WOTLK came out
>picked death knight obviously
>was still top dps as soon as i got death bringers will
>mention i was 14 in guild chat
>never invited to raids again despite being the best player in the guild

Like, introduce a woman to a group of guy friends in real life, and I guarantee you it's gonna turn sour.

>Why are you being nasty to me, is it just because I'm a girl?
>You're just a virgin and no one likes you anyway!

Or maybe it's because you're fucking shit. Maybe it's because despite having more playtime than nearly everyone else here, you are the worst player by far. Maybe it's because you fail to follow basic instructions and throw the game because "sorry but I'm having fun". Maybe it's because you constantly bring up the fact that you're a girl despite it being completely irrelevant to the current discussion.

>tfw your guild is only together still because everyone has massive egos about their dps and kill rankings
This guild should have died in WoD but pure manly competition has kept it alive

I usually have to deal with the opposite when it comes to guys
>play pso2
>ask friends if they want to do an eq or a quest
>they keep trying to get me to erp with them
>i say no
>they constantly spam gay shit about traps and saying things such as: Im gay in team chat
>they say erp is the only reason to play this shit game
>i say i acrually like playing the game killing shit
>they act weird as shit afterwards
>get ostracized by them

I understand erp happens in MMOs but not everyone has that as the main reason to play this game

>guild has a token female
>wife of one of the raiders
>shes the guild mom
>treats everyone like family

Had this happen in a FC in FFXIV.

This bitch wouldn't stop causing drama, making random members come to her "exclusive" discord while not inviting others (and within that same Discord, there were more split channels that only certain friends were allowed into).

She started hitting on one of the nicest guys in our guild but who was also very shy. After about a week she started making him so uncomfortable he stopped coming online, and I called her out on her shit and kicked her out of the official FC's discord.

She literally cried. She called each one of the other officer's on skype, and cried. Literal tears.

I got kicked out, my two friends left, and the FC split into two. Then she quit by the end of the month and none of us ever got together again.

FUCK women in MMOs

All these white knights trying to defend female gamurz

>when roasties try and insult you by calling you a virgin

erry time

this is based but also bad in the sense were if you ever decide to leave the guild it's like spitting in her face

Why don't you create your own guild then, faggot.

>girl joins the guild
>she's good at the game and commits to pre-raid prep much more thoroughly than most of the raid team, gaining a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy player as a result
>gets promoted to split raid leader after a few months of playing
bugged gender mechanics, fuck you kojima

story as old as time

>Join a Discord from /vg/ (yeah bad idea already)
>There's a massive cult of personality around one girl who barely even plays the fucking game at this point.

I don't know who I hate more, the girls who just sit there to soak up attention or the guys who give it to them. It's the internet, you are not going to get laid by impressing someone on a different continent

No, I just accurately stated my experience. I have stories of girls and white knights ruining things too, but it's not always the case.

Also, the problem that can arise from girls in guilds has just as much to do with guys being retarded and giving them special treatment.

>she forgives you
>but you never will


Gays in mmos are so fucking obnoxious. It's why xivg is impossible to bear.

>that girl who's actually a great player and you admire her
>and then you said something about abortion being wrong and now she hates you

>Girl joins guild
>She's absolutely based, plays her class really well and only starts shit when a tactic is fucked up and needs changing

I imagine this ravages some serious asses on /r9k/


Had this happen, except it was a tranny.

They said they were a girl, played up being super cute (of course), but as soon as s/he comes into the discord s/he has a deep bassy voice with that weird ass "gay" accent with a fake lisp.

The two guys that were hitting on xer did a 360 and stopped inviting the tranny to any of our events because it was just so awkward saying "her" and other randoms being like "huh? theres a girl in here?" and the tranny being like "yes I am thank you"

I still fucking cringe when I think about it

>your inability to find someone decent to have sex with is worse than my ability to have enough self respect to keep my legs closed to all the assholes I associate with


>someone rings up politics or shit like that
>pretend to go afk

Please show me one successful guild that openly states that girls are not allowed. If you chose to say that the guild is exclusively for males (and it's not a gay guild or whatever) You get a rebellion from your beta males because they are so desperate for female attention.

This happened to me twice.
Fucking hell.

You don't want the mentally unstable in your guild any way.

You don't have to statell no girls allowed numb nuts.
Just stealth ban them all if you want.

>play MMOs with a gril for some time
>currently ff14
>drama seems to follow her even though its not always her fault
>I just sit back and watch it happen every time
>I never get caught in it since I just mind my own business

I get to watch the destruction of guilds from the outside. Feel like some nature documentary guy

I'm not saying it's all the girls fault. The cucks that have to act differently around the opposite gender are to blame too. But sometimes the girl is like a puppet master to her virgin army of white knights.

Our EVE corp had a guild mom.
But she was a fucking iron lady who didn't take any shit and would grill you for the most minor fuckup in fleet comms.


My guild leader in Ragnarok back in '07 was a 50-odd Texan woman with grandkids. She had the thickest southern drawl but was super sweet. That guild was like a family to me, I think of them often.

Bear in mind the kind of people who play MMOs in the first place, retards. You're all just faggots looking for attention, how is it a surprise that your fellow mongoloids are looking to try and pick up girls online?

Tough love user.
She loves you but will slap the shit out of you if need be

I met my current gf on Sup Forums. Not internet gf, I see her every few weeks. Sometimes it happens. People are willing to fight for that 1% chance of getting to see some nudes.

>that girl who's actually a great player and you admire her
>she suddenly confesses her love to you, even though you were prepared to just be her friend

That was a nice day. Been together for 7 months now.

Definitely, some girls thrive from the attention they get. However, as long as you're with a group of reasonable and mature people, problems like that shouldn't arise, and will be nipped in the bud.

>Why does it happen? What is it about the opposite sex that changes some people?

Gee I don't know. Could it be that whole procreation drive people have?

Not really, on there we make fun of the "jus b urself" meme.

Don't openly state it? Whenever a girl apps decline her for some bullshit reason.

>playing MMOs for attention
>thinking this is what drives most people

>bear in mind

How would that even get it to fit in?

>people start flinging shit at eachother
>don't like to see people argue over petty shit like politics or genders/whatever
>say something that offends everyone so at least they don't fight eachother
I don't like guild or chats shitstorms

>Girl joins the guild
>leave guild
Problem solved
>Have to watch it collapse in a matter of weeks
The guild was already dead, before the grill joined it. Grills are a symptom of collapse and decadence, but not the cause of it.
The cause are males allowing females to enter.

Don't state that, or alternatively ban the thirsty ass niggas who are making a big deal about a girl.

>I play MMOs for attention
>Not the loot pinatas
Normalfags, politely leave. YOu wouldn't like me when I am angry.

>Play argonian in TESO
>I just really like their lore and think lizard people are cool
>Get endless invitations to gay furry guilds
>Stopped playing argonian because of it

>play EVE
>end up buddying up with a random while solo roaming in low
>get a few kills
>plenty of banter, they take it well and know what they're doing
>"wanna hop on my TS? It'll make split second communication a lot easier"
>I jump on
>It's a girl

Guess you just have to play a game that's not designed for retards

>say something that offends everyone so at least they don't fight eachother
what did you say?

You're not seriously playing for the turn based mechanics that even a child would get bored of, are you?

Oh, you like watching the numbers go up, huh? Buy a fucking clock. I don't play MMOs, but I know why you all play them.

t. ESL.

i would have to agree with this

if the player was good she would never really mention she is a girl

and if they do mention she is a girl the raid leader is gonna give her freebies for no reason

Ya did good.

>playing MMOs

nigga just pop in FF12 or something at least that grinding ends

No, I like seeing shiny and the loot distribution.
>I don't play MMOs
Then why are you making assumptions about MMO players?

giigled too. Nice one.

>tfw playing THICK khajiit
No gay furry invites thankfully. Guess they dont like gypsy jews.

Come on user, some filthy beta is going to realise that you banned his "online gf" or wouldn't let her into the clan for some reason or another. I suppose if you played it smart and really micromanaged the application process to make sure no girls slipped through the cracks then you could do it. You know what anons? I think I might do it at some point. Making and running a guild/clan/whatever isn't easy though.

>girl joins guild
>she's a chain-smoking ex-army dyke who wipes the floor with everyone 1v1
>quits the game a few months later because she thinks it's too casual

I would've understood this thread around 2007 but it's 2016 and you guys keep getting triggered by women. What the hell is YOUR problem?

>You're all just faggots looking for attention

Wrong faggot. I play MMOs because I actually enjoy large scale PvP. Killing 10 mobs in a single player game is just meh ,but killing 10 players in a MMO feels like I'm motherfucking Gimli at Helm's Deep.

Correction: I used to play MMOs, until that piece of shit WoW came along and done away with FFA World PvP and every fucking idiot in the industry decided to copy that.