IIIII... was always a foooool... for my New Vegas Thread

IIIII... was always a foooool... for my New Vegas Thread ...

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Is New Vegas the only proper RPG released this decade?

What the ultimate character build that's god tier at everything?

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for infinite Oliver Swanick's to maim, torture, castrate, and finally kill.

That and Alpha Protocol. Can't think of anything else.

Alpha Protocol was a terrible game though.

Gee bill, how come your faction let's you have all those balls?

if you're playing with DLC then builds are irrelevant because you'll be able to max out every skill. although you should remember that you can only use intense training 10 times.

U avin a giggle m8s?

*coughs* lol

S-4 P-5 E-6 C-1 I-9 A-6 L-9

Put all your SPECIAL points into Intelligence and then find all the skill books. You should be able to max out everything.

That's not an RPG though

Ok, what about some perks? Are there any that you should always take?


Rate my new character

For the glory of Caesar of course.

House/Yes Man forever.

Plague doctor / 10

Black Widow/Confirmed Bachelor, Educated, Bloody Mess, Finesse, Better Criticals, Jury Rigging, Weapon Handling


>1 charisma
>100 barter

why is unarmed so good?

>10 PER
>1 CHR

Uncle Moe (Lester) has good charisma too because he pulls the strings and tricks goyims

Too jew-y

that would suck if that got taken to the teeth

his theme song youtube.com/watch?v=sVXnoanopzA

What does Sup Forums think of Joshua Graham?

Because with the right perks you can have godly levels of DPS.

But why use Unarmed when you can go Melee and knock everyone into orbit?

Mad About The Boy is the best song in all of the Fallout games, prove me wrong.

Big Iron exists

Johnny Guitar.

fucking kek

I also made a Skyrim version of him

>To be alive, to walk this earth, that’s the real curse right there.

and for anyone wondering why he isnt a high elf its because imperials sniff out and find more sheckles

Yeah, yeah, won the lottery, big eyes, big eyes

Dead Money, Old World Blues
Point Lookout
The Pitt, Honest Hearts, Gun Runners Arsenal
Broken Steel, Lonesome Road
Operation Anchorage, Courier's Stash
Mothership Zeta

I've not played Fallout 4 beyond the first hour or so and I thought it was shit so someone will have to fill in the Fallout 4 DLC I left out.

>god tier
far harbor
nuks world
>good tier
>OK tier
any of the building expansions

This feels like bait.


it isnt fellow user



How come all you guys pick Charisma to be 1? Don't you want to get laid in the wasteland? Or do you wanna be "stoic" (autistic) bros with Boone?

Just come back to /fog/, you guys. This has gone on long enough. We forgive you.

I always pick some charisma but making gross characters is fun

what happened?


*FalloutNV.exe has stopped working*

I always fall into the habit of picking characters the opposite of me irl (in real life) so they're always charismatic, intelligent, and useful men

Midmaxing rather than picking SPECIAL points based on roleplaying.

CHR is useless so you might as well not put points into it.
>but muh animal friend/companion damage

Not him, but it's dead. I guess he wants more traffic.
I saw on /fog/ yesterday one user saying F4 is without fault and refused to take criticism, and another user spam posting pictures of female body builders, which he was using as the inspiration for his waifu.

You can take your shitty thread culture and shove it.

>New Vegas fans cannot co-exist with 4 fans because they cannot tolerate people enjoying Bethesda Fallouts
>Stir up huge shitstorms constantly instead of talking about their game in peace
>Eventually decide that they need their own general to discuss the game that they could already discuss in /fog/ if they'd just stop throwing shitfits every five minutes
>Their general keeps deleted so they come here (hence the surge of constant New Vegas Threads a while ago)
>Eventually get approved to have their own general for FO1, 2 and NV but it dies due to inactivity


>he thinks it's our fault
I know /fog/ is slowly dying but come on now, there is no need to shit stir over here.

What's the matter? Buffscale not posting as much?

End of the World. It was the only thing good about 4.

People talked about 4 because it's the newest and there was more to discuss. No one was stopping you from discussing NV, 1 and 2 there as well.

companion nerve is actually very useful because you don't need to give any equipment to your followers, leaving more space for your loot so you can stay in the wasteland for longer without having to return to a merchant.

>no one is stopping you
And yet you think every time we do, we are "shitposting to stir up trouble".

Really it's hard to have a discussion in between seeing pictures of Piper's ass or whatever it is you do. Face it there are just as many retards posting on /fog/ as their people trying to purposely stir up trouble.

How do I kill deathclaws?

Just like God. Punch them in the face.

shoot them until they die

Excessive cuddling.

but they will win then

Shoot harder.

Having 1 Charisma but also being a Speech God triggers my roleplaying autismo

Any mods that fix this shit stat?

cripple their legs. there, they are harmless now.

>Any mods that fix this shit stat?
Fallout 4.

If you count "it helps out settlements" as fixing it, you're dead wrong.

C4 and a missile launcher if you use explosives, anti-materiel rifle and 12.7mm submachine gun if you use guns, gatling laser or plasma defender with max charge ammo if you use energy weapons. if you use melee then you need the super slam perk, the piercing strike perk, and a healthy stash of turbo.

No? 10 Charisma gets you one of the more imaginative (for Bethesda) perks in the game.

My issue with 4 is the player character and settlements. The personality is too defined leaving no room for actually building a character, at best you can make him/her snarky. The game will often punish you (or at least not reward you) for not going the boy scout route. Then there is the huge focus on settlement building. No matter what faction you side with you are going to have to build a settlement, which is why the DLC wasn't good for me. It had a large focus on settlements, but most of what it had added had already been done by modders. They took so much from the modders that they made a statement saying they were in the right to do so. That killed the modding community for it even more than it had already been.

>anti-materiel rifle and 12.7mm submachine gun if you use guns
>not minigun

Cirosan's Classic Overhaul makes it affect how many companions you can have following you, with 10 charisma + a perk you can have a posse of 6 motherfuckers following you around

Nigga I killed the deathclaw alpha male with literally 1 (one) headshot using the anti materiel rifle with normal ammo. This rifle is fucking brutal.

Bah, stealth crits. You don't even need to stealth with the mighty Gatling. Point it and hold the trigger, watch your enemies melt.

same, that gun is fucking great

I sometimes like to pretend I'm Sinon when I'm using it btw.

i forgot about the minigun, the CZ57 is probably your best bet. but i don't want to tell him where it is if this is his first time playing.

The regular minigun with mods is fine too. I can even give a hint where it's located: Vault 34! It's a fun place! Worth checking out!

you can get a minigun in novac

IIRC it's gonna be all broken up and you can't even equip broken stuff to repair it with kits. And even with Jury Rigging you need a gatling to fix a gatling.

it's not broken unless you break it.

it's near broken

Oh, cool, then you can fix it with Mojave Outpost kits and then uh, go find some 5mm to shoot?

It was my first playthrough. I'll play it again soon and see how it goes.
Not totally broken, gotta be careful.
Don't go there.

188 is right up the road, you lazy tard
and you can find random 5mm all over ncr bases in ammo crates until then.

and you can even craft if you've got the cases!

amazing how easy it is to get ammo in this game.

Well, for the second playthrough you probably don't wanna go Guns again.

Also V34 is legit my favorite dungeon in the game, I did it at like XL10 with JSawyer and it was intense.

It's my first time playing NV, and i took my sweet time to enter the strip. Did Honest hearts, i'm siding with NCR, dealt with two Legion camps on the south east, etc. Suddenly i'm meeting Mr. House, Benny got important again, and Caesar just forgave me for killing his guys.
And i got a ton of quests in the blink of an eye.

I'm considering ruling the strip myself, from what Yes man said. But i know a lot of you anons like Mr. H best, I've seen plenty of he didn't nothing wrong threads with his face as OP. When do i get to know more about Mr. H? I wanna know why he's so beloved in these threads.

Talk to him and Yes Man. The game will let you know when there is no turning back for the outcome ending, save often before talking to them and doing quests for whichever side you choose. Every ending has its downsides.

I might just be playing like a real dumbfuck but I've had some bad experiences with the Avenger. Feels clumsy to wield. I can get a bunch of kills when I'm getting swarmed by Deathclaws but inevitably some asshole gets to me while I'm reloading and fucks me up. I've had better luck storming Deadwind Cavern with This Machine.

Regular minigun has twice the capacity, might wanna mod that and use it.

The Courier will make Vegas great again

Mr. House already made Vegas great again

>Operation Anchorage
Now this meme fucking irritates me. It ws really ambitious to make something like the Sino American war in an already packed game. They did a pretty good job because not much is known of the Alaska invasion aside terminal texts. It was pretty awsome to actually be in those trenches.

I'm playing fo3 after vegas and it's somehow harder.
I checked teddy bear in a cage and behind me spawned 5 meter high mutie with 2000hp.

>It ws really ambitious to make something like the Sino American war
It was a really stupid idea and a direct opposite of ambitious - just throw a map in redactor, put in a bunch of enemies, quests, dialogues? Who the fuck cares, here's a powered armour painted in white! Wheee!

Unarmed run in a nutshell

Fallout 1, play it, it's better than most of the games in the series. It's also a good introduction to 2, which is less story-focused but a better game overall.

>on rails shooting experience
>in a game where the shooting is atrocious
>good in any way

>one family is eating people
>another is working with the goddamn Legion
>third is worse yet - they follow around some jackass in a shitty suit
>this is "great" by House's standards

Are there any restoration mods for F1? It always seems every Fallout game has that one part of it that was either cut or stuck in developer hell.

Hard to choose, they're all good

Not sure, but fallout 2 has a pretty big restoration mod. I played FO1 vanilla and was thoroughly satisfied with the game.