Spending development funds on known real life actors that add absolutely nothing to the game

>Spending development funds on known real life actors that add absolutely nothing to the game.

He's a hack and he'll pull another MGSV.

Other urls found in this thread:


He looks like a goth faggot.

Yeah but it's only on PS4 so I'll act like it's the best game ever just to make you faggots mad.


Though I'm waiting to see what the game is going to be like. I tend to agree. I don't know what Kojima thinks, but adding actors to your games doesn't automatically make them more "art" or more "validated". All you're doing is spending tons of money to get these assholes likeness and avert funds that could go towards making a good game. Look what happened to MGS the very first time they tried to get a hollywood actor to play Snake/Big Boss, shit hit the fan hard.

Im currently playing MGSV and enjoying it :|
Another MGSV doesnt sound that bad really

>Bankrupting Sony by hiring expensive actors and getting to hang out with people he likes while making the movie he never could before

How is this not a win/win for us?


Is that a fucking plastic cup that faggot made into a bong?

Hope he enjoys his cancer

No one's really expecting anything from the story so as long as it's at least 20 hours long it's worth a try.

m8 you only have to see the kind of shit Sony Pictures makes to know that there is no chance this will bankrupt them.

>game is released
>advertised as being twice as powerful on pro
>base ps4 runs it at a cinematic 7 fps

Can't wait.

By falling for the Mads Mikkelsen meme you're every bit as bad as the people lining up for the latest Chris Pratt flick. These men are marketing tools, not actors. The Hunt/ Pusher are a hollywood shill job made for the express purpose of creating a new "legitimate" actor to be used in subsequent capeshit releases in order to attract the "film buff" demographic to maximize profits. This happens all the time in hollywood. They pluck out a new star with an inoffensive face from obscurity, put them in an indie shit on the cheap, and bam, they now have "legitimacy" "wow look at this hot new talented actor" appeal and can now be a new "artificial star" to hinge your summer tentpole release on.

It is all fraud, a manipulation. Mads Mikkelsen is no more an artist, no more a human being even, than the new mcdonalds festive hamburger promotion. He is smoke and mirrors, a light show, a pretend actor.

Exact same career progression is true of all of the shilled meme actors of late. Lawrence, Fassbender, Hardy, Pratt, Isaac. By supporting these "lesser known" critical darling you are only enabling the pre-production marketing phase of the capeshit machine.

Mikkelsen is lying to you with his very existence.

Daily reminder that Mads is autistic. He begged Fuller not to let them use this take. Fuller spat in his face, laughed and told them to use it anyway. Mads was hella pissed and threatened to quit the show.

Its glass you retard




Im worried he'll turn into another david cage

>all the mad jelly PCucks ITT

Shit. If Sony pulls this, I'm never buying another one of their consoles. I will stick with PC/Nintendo for the rest of my days.

Kojima hasn't made a good game in 12 years.

He has made just 3 good games in his entire life.'

And yet this industry praises him for revolutionizing stealth when Looking Glass Studious practically wrote the fucking book

Whatever, he's still a faggot and so are you

Ahhh, Ive been expecting you

It gives mainstream recognition and appeal to a bizarre game that no one but Kojima drones and Sonyggers desperate for exclusives would care about otherwise. It also generates media buzz and hype, reducing the need to blow money on marketing.

And it's rather presumptuous to claim the actors will add "absolutely nothing" to the game when we know so little about it. If it's like Kiefer Sutherland again, then you're probably right, but there isn't any real indication that that is the case.


>Spending development funds on known real life actors that add absolutely nothing to the game.
Why are you talking about GTA San Andreas?

Whose signature is that? Mads?

>Giant red "V" on tag

really makes u thinkk

Probably Gareth Edwards since he posted about hanging out with him.

MGS fags are reaching A Beautiful Mind levels of delusion. The game was good but unfinished, like tons of games, like VTMB, Thief 2 and even MGS2 for that matter, let it go.


>He really does not know what’s going to be happening in the game’s plot, despite having it explained to him, saying, “I mean, you know (Kojima). He’s a very brilliant man. I mean ... the stuff he told me? I only understood some of it. … I have to see it before I understand.”

So it's going to be the usual Kojima overly bloated, nonsensical trite shit of a story.

>204863 are co-ords to the bermuda triangle (gz helicopter crash) and iceland (ds trailer location)
>the pt radio talks about gateways to alternate dimensions (mg survive, norman reedus's necklace), the men in the sky and how "they" have been manipulating media, don't trust the news (the patriots / konami-kojima controversy)
>moby dick was released without an epilogue, the epilogue was included in later iterations
>kojima has posted an IRL silent hill health drink several times
>has made several tweets referencing "3"'s, like how much he loved the killing tv show but was disappointed how there was no season 3 (there was)
>the second low roar album is called zero and has songs on it such as "phantoms", "don't stop (chapter 1)" and "don't stop (chapter 2)"
>before GZ was even released low roar asked kojima if they could make music for him, point being he could've had this included in the ruse because they asked this before the konami / kojima rumors dropped
>the pt radio even talks about norman reedus hanging himself with an umbilical cord
>time winters (zero) narrates the mg survive gameplay, zero is literally showing us his latest experiment
>when asked about the cancelled silent hills project on stage with Mark Cerny kojima quickly developed a massive shit eating grin, started acting really agitated, both him and mark cerny started cracking up
>ford commerical called the phantom stars mads having a face transplant in cyprus wearing glasses kojima tweeted called 1985
>new playstation ad has the old kojima productions logo in the background
>you can hear the silent hill siren in the death stranding vga trailer
Then check out the poster. PT. Reverse Death Stranding. You get SD.
The events of Phantom Pain were a coma nightmare. Death Stranding IS Silent Hills. On top of that the REAL MGS5 will be coming out next year.


Surprised he's not vaping desu

hi FIB

>you can hear the silent hill siren in the death stranding vga trailer

Eventho this is clearly bait that last one triggers me for some reasons

>Metal Gear
>Metal Gear 2
>Metal Gear Solid
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Zone of the Enders
>Metal Gear Solid 3
Yeah faggot, 3 good games.

And Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were released nearly a decade before Thief, you subhuman troglodyte.

How is it bait? How is any of my greentext incorrect?

He's pretending to make a movie.

It's not "silent hill's siren", it's a siren.

Really moved my bowels.

>Spending time creating a thread whining about a game's "trailer" that isn't coming out anywhere in the near future.

It's evident in your post that you're both dense and underage.

Off you go.

He decided to use a siren while his previous game, Silent Hills was cancelled. Coincidence? I think not.
>project ogre has nothing to do with metal gear guys, we swear
>moby dick studios has nothing to do with kojima guys, we swear
>the phantom pain has nothing to do with kojima guys, we swear
>pt has nothing to do with kojima guys, we swear
>kojima really was fired from konami guys, we swear
Playing you like a fucking fiddle every time.

GDT and Refn are getting them for cheap. rest easy, it'll be the best game you ever buy a ps4 for

>Feeling the need to reply to a thread that doesn't interest you just to insult people like a Redditor would.

I bet the ladies are all over you.

Venom never cared about Quiet.

I will point out this fact in every so gle mg/s thread until all mg/s discussion dies.

No, you are not Venom and neither am I.

>he'll pull another MGSV.

I've said this exact thing a week ago and people said naw.

You faggots are hyping it just like MGSV and will be let down just like with MGSV

Yeah i'm sure it's all just a ruse and it's MGS right? Even Del Toro hating Konami is just a ruse

>it will flop like MGSV
no it wont, if it does, it definitely wont be as bad.
>le hack kojima
go look up the story that Geoff Keighley said
they fucked Kojima bad by keeping him locked in a room.

>they fucked Kojima bad by keeping him locked in a room.
Yes and cartoon supervillain lawyers were somehow able to stop him from accepting his award last year. You're a fucking idiot, definitely underage with no conception of how the law works.

No one fucked Kojima you faggot.

i dont think you know how gook laws work faggot. they dont give a fuck. now shut your fuckin mouth before you start talkin about shit you dont understand faggot.

I have never wanted to believe a Sup Forums post more than this.

Thank you for keeping hope alive.


There's always bleach, my dude.

>shitting on something that doesn't exist yet.

Found the autistic kid.

Check out this, screenshots showing the Kojima Productions logo in a new Playstation ad: imgur.com/a/QhKMZ

Kojima Producions is literally not recorded as a private independent business nor holding company nor any fucking entity in Japan's registration bureau or anywhere else in the world

They also use front organizations to sell their products and those organizations refuse to tell you the name of who owns the intellectual property.

Also to make matters worse; Kojima's logo and name trademark for his team got turned down for copyright. And KONAMI still owns the name "Kojima Productions."

Feel free to mention this to him or his team members in Twitter. They won't dare respond to you.

Dorito Pope also slipped up in when being interviewed about how he got involved in the Moby Dick ruse when he said Kojima approached him and told him he wanted to do MGSV in 3 parts (Ground Zeroes, Phantom Pain, so what's Part 3).

god speed user

Unlike Venom who didn't care about Quiet.

what's his endgame?


What is he reacting to?
What was the point of this scene?
Was he telling people to stop asking for a PC Version since Sony owns DS?

To show you how much Venom didn't care about Quiet.

>drinking bleach meme
>edgy tumblr gif
>Implying Kojima doesn't exist yet.

>What is he reacting to?

Venom leaving Quiet for dead because he didn't care about her.


good one faam

Right now I'm not really too hyped.
I just want to see some gameplay.

I don't mind them using actors, think it looks better than using literally who's or just modelling from scratch.

Who is this? I don't follow actors or anything like that.

I can already tell, this guy reeks of shit character like Quet.

Mads Mikkelson.

you just described Sup Forums, not reddit

Hi Sup Forums.

>gross hair
>shitty glasses
>chin beard with no mustache
>handcrafted waterpipe
>the belts on the wall
>the handdrawn anime girls on the wall

It keeps getting worse the longer you look at it.


Never ever.


I like the fact that MGSfags are derailing the thread with their unrelated fanfic shit. OP's point is legit. "Cinematic experiences" are single handedly blocking the creative side of video games. Not to mention normalfags eat this shit up, so in the future this will be your average "higher quality", triple A game in the future. Since middlewares are basically destroyed, all you'll get will be low tier projects with shoestring budgets. Cinematicfags are the plague.

Not defending sony and their new shitty practices but sticking with Nintendo is worse.

I totally agree.

But it's Kojima, so you gotta love him.

The only part of the company that isn't bleeding money is the playstation division. If they get losses in video games without Spiderman being in the black, they'll be in some serious shit.


Nice headcanon

So is it true that Death Stranding is about Kojima getting screwed by Konami?

Kojima doesn't make games. His team does, they mostly walk around his retarded ideas and endure requests like "if d horse shits on the road, enemy's car must spin" Shouldn't we be working on finishing chapter 2? "Shut up, I'm god".

>Be Sony
>Acclaimed videogames Director that I'm in great terms with gets fired unceremoniously by the company he worked for
>Contact him and offer him a job, not only because of his credentials, but as a sign of friendship
>Give him a blank check so he can make his magnum opus, give him total and complete freedom so he can relax and make a great videogame that will make his career soar again while helping me sell my newest console by making it an exclusive
>He wastes the money getting high and paying money out of his ass to meet with his favorite Hollywood celebrities and paying them to pose naked holding aborted fetuses for shits and giggles while they smoke away my money

Naw, because it never happened.

The pro is actually WEAKER than the base PS4.

No it's about del Yolo stealing Norman's baby

>I would know my dad works at Kojima Productions

>Sony gave unlimited funding for Kojimbo to play sandcastle
>Kojimbo spend kojimbolian amounts of money on trailers and pre-production
>Sony realizes its more than they can chew and decides to cut budget
>Death Stranding released but will be named as Death Stranding Partial Darkness as a prequel sandbox single map
>Death Stranding Full Darkness as remain of the game with tons of cut content.
>Kojimbo invites platinum to make another Death Stranding high speed hack and slash because sony wants to expand the game
>Kojimbo decides to leave and go on his movie making journey in Russia
>Kojimbo announces Hunter IP series, focusing on a russian civilian in a deserted kiev
>Haunted by his past the Hunter protag must search through the deserted town for clues and battling strange warping entities

I just hope Kojima doesn't ruin the mysticism by over explaining everything, like he did with MGS.

I wonder what the price difference is?

Whilst I do agree with OP that it's a waste of money and time I do find it adds a kojima-esque camp to the game having actors that he probably personally likes and knowing he's a fucking westaboo it just seems hilariously out of place. Norman Reedus and Mads Mikkelsen?

It's like he just watched Walking Dead or Hannibal and said YES I RIKE, I WILL MAKE GAME WITH THESE ACTORS which is probably not far from the truth.

So yeah, i think it's a sign the game is going to be very similar in tone to the Metal Gear series. That is ridiculous melodrama that borders on Hilarious and Tragic and quite muddled.

Sony is writing him a blank check

I doubt he gives a fuck

Cool deal dude.

Some say Kiefer was cheaper than Hayter.

Also Del Toro is a mexican screen director, not a real actor. He's on this project because Kojima is a friend of his. Kojima helped Del Toro with his Godzilla movie. I bet he's working on Death Stranding it for not much money because he's a buddy of Kojima. Also I hope he helps Kojima with the script writing.


What's up with ruse posters and early dates? If there's a ruse, then it would be revealed when the game comes out. Not a year and a half before release


I don't get it. It's like many of you have no idea how this business works and still talk out of your ass. You do know they go through casting, even if Kojima likes Hannibal and asks Mikkelsen to come to the casting, they won't cast someone who won't fit the role.

Both of these guys are very solid actors and also very nice people that directors and other people have had a good time working with. That's literally everything you want from your actors. And the reason to use the mainstream actors is because... they are full body actors and not just voice actors and it's a lot cheaper to actually do it all at once and not you know, one person for body, one for face, one to animate what didn't work from the mocap and one to do the voice. Like why do you guys think this costs more to have Norman Reedus? He gets more money from TV than this so he seems to WANT to do the role and that's also very valuable for a role.

It's also true that they get a bit more money from the fact that a familiar face will up the revenue of a product. And that's wrong why? Like it's their fucking job and they calculate how much to pay someone in contrast to the estimated market value they bring to the game. It all makes sense, there's nothing wrong going on and the game will hopefully be good, like pretty much all of Kojima's games have been.

I don't know but we'll see.

Finally an user who has a bit of sense.

fucking this.

hell it was probably sony that told kojima to hire some real actors for his game just like he did for mgsv

Great response. Truly, your words are the literary equivalent of Hamlet.

And guess how many normies on Twitter started sperging out over Mads being in this, or fangirls over Reedus.
The sole presence of Mads will make it kino.

>pull another MGSV

you mean making another critically acclaimed best seller? thanks for the vote of confidence