
Fake. This was obviously composed by someone who has never been in a company environment before.

>American beverages

>5 fuken dallars for a Grande

Capitalism was a mistake.

I stopped playing when they blocked rooted players

>hey it's the middle of summer and our game is a huge hit for both kids and adults
>maybe we can make this even bigger by getting some partners
>nah lets wait until december when everyone's over the game and it's too cold to go out and play
>great idea! that way we can find a partner to sell hot beverages and get the game going again during the cold months
>fuck that sell a cold beverage


I'm not even sure if Pokemon Go qualifies as a Video Game. What is the game aspect of the game? Is there challenge? Is there player choice?

It's more of a video game than shit like Visual Novels

People still play pokemon go?

I lost all interest after they abandoned tracking. I was loving the game when I could see a nearby pokemon, and I'd actually leave the house to go hunt it down and find it.
Now it's just hoping you randomly stumble upon something. No reason to leave the house because it's just as likely that something appears near me as they do elsewhere.

>450 calories

fuckin hell

It lost most of the normies (they never stay on one thing for long), but yeah.

Gen 2 info allegedly happening this month too.

that's the main reason I saw most people stop, that and winter months.

I still know a few people who play but no where near as many. It's kinda sad, truthfully. It could have been a massive success and it was getting people to leave the house. I hadn't left my house in over 8 months and I went out to catch some pokemon. But like you said, they ruined the reasons to go outside, and made catching shit that much harder so it's basically just a cashgrab.

how disappointing.

>able to interact with other characters
>multiple storyline and endings
>player able to make decision and choice that probably matters
>some has minimalistic strategy rpg gameplay

Do most players (aka 18-25 years olds) even care for the new pokemons?

Gen 2 isn't that new

the meme magic already died, might as well stop the service by the next summer.

Yes, you'd be surprised how big Pokemon still is. Gen 2 people will still care. I can see people stop giving a fuck after a few more gens though.

>Have one pokestop that's across a river from me.
>Stops the local tracker from working, can't see shit now.
>Things that are tracked are just common shit anyways
>Now just living off of dailies

Goodbye weekly Snorlaxs and other rares near me.

>gen 2 data is already in the game
>rumors of gen 2 release this month for a couple of months now
>Pokemon GO is being featured on the front page of the app store with a big banner thing again


too bad kids and teens are back in school and don't have time to play this anymore

and the fact that it's 30 fucking degrees outside

>are back in school
winter break starts in a week

it's still AR """"""""""""""""""""""""shit""""""""""""""""""""""""

They brought back tracking about a month ago

But now it tells you which pokestop to walk towards

My town only has local cafes and coffee shops. Good thing I don't play Pokemon Go anyways.

>Most people stopped playing Pokemon GO months ago
>Frappuccinos in the middle of winter

The worst thing about it is that they also disabled trackers. Losing tracking is one thing because everyone just started using pokevision or something instead but then they got rid of that immediately after so we were left with nothing. They should have just left the trackers until they fixed their own tracking system.

>crème syrup base
>vanilla bean powder
>raspberry syrup
>freeze-dried blackberries

The fuck is wrong with this place?

>Actually ask to look at their nutritional information guide
>They're like "uhhh where the fuck is it"
>Finally find it
>Lists calories
>Lists fucking sodium
>No mention whatsoever of grams of sugar per drink
Now I'm doubting they sell a single thing with less than 30g

I worked for Starbucks for a few years, and the "unlocking a beverage" thing is just the kind of bullshit Starbucks would try to pull, before giving up and just selling it to everyone like a normal company because "unlocking" items at a food place is a profoundly stupid fucking concept.

They did it the last two years I worked for them with the Pumpkin Spice. It was "unlocked" for rewards members only, but then if someone else ordered it, you'd just make it for them because they wouldn't want to piss off their customers; making the entire promotion meaningless.

I haven't gone to Starbucks in over 3 years.

Local cafes are vastly superior in every way.

Why do you get the same amount of freeze-dried blackberries regardless of how big the drink is? What the fuck man

So what the fuck happened with that new tracker they started testing like 5 months ago

Yeah, there's team building and battling aspects, although they're extremely casualized and they never patched the horrible pokemon balance.


We have like 2 starbucks in Australia and they're fucking garbage, the coffee is weak as shit.

Considering other coffee places just give you whatever the fuck you want.

this is why i drink dunkin donuts coffee

People still play pokemon GO?

>All the people on Pokemon's twitter page calling it a dead game to validate themselves.

So those things aren't a seasonal thing? They just stop promoting them after autumn?

I would go but there's no Starbucks near me.

It is seasonal, they don't have the syrups and whatnot the rest of the year.

So the only benefit players get is using the shops as a stop as they are shilled to by Starbucks employees on their latest "healthy" sugar filled shit?

>Any game I don't play anymore must be dead xDDDD
Neck yourself

No, they are seasonal, and nothing in his post should have led you to that conclusion whatsoever

>That drink
Absolute shit tier. The peppermint mocha frapp they have for christmas is pretty good though.

But it is a dead game?

Not a single person is asserting that starbucks is healthy for anyone

>vanilla bean powder
>Frappuccino® Creme syrup base, whatever the fuck that is
>raspberry syrup
>whipped cream

>people drink this shit

Also, were is the fucking coffee in this whateveraccino?

Pumpkin Spice is seasonal. They stop promoting it around November to promote the Christmas stuff, but stores still Pumpkin Spice delivered until about January and most stores don't run out until February or sometimes March.

Actually, most of the drinks that are heavily advertised are seasonal, but all fall into the same group of "you can order it until they run out;" with the exception of Peppermint Mocha. You can get that year round; peppermint syrup is a "core" flavor that stores always have.

If true this will fail miserably, pokemon go has been dead for at least two months

>a bucket of sweetened sugar syrup laced with fruit juice and topped with cream
>'It's healthy because it has fruit in it!'

>A black americano
>'No thanks, caffeine is bad for you!'

Yeah, no.

The top charts say otherwise. Just because Pokemon GO isn't the worldwide phenomenon it once was doesn't mean it's "dead".

I just can't understand why anyone would willingly spill spaghetti to order this thing. Saying "Pokemon" out loud in a place full of normies is embarrassing. Maybe when the app first came out, but now only the hardcore Pokemon fans play it.

But that's fixed now.

not everything at starbucks is coffee. this is a "creme based frappuccino"

they also sell tea, refreshers, and other shit

this drink in OP is basically a drink people already order (cotton candy frappuccino) + blackberries mixed in.

source: ive worked at starbucks for over 2 years

The 'coffee' is obviously in the ingredient you aren't acquainted with.
Basic problem solving skills, friend

Starbucks is only good for their hot chocolate

Starbucks is.

They know their customer base. They know the vast majority of people who go there aren't going for coffee, they're going to get a vaguely coffee-flavored sugary blended bullshit. They also know that anyone playing Pokemon Go is probably not old enough to drink coffee.


>Falling for a marketing scheme

I wish the normalfags would just fuck off already.

nah, Starbucks doesn't even do that

Show me, then. I said they aren't and you say they are, and yet we've both got evidence pointing to my concluson, i.e. none.

>ive worked at starbucks for over 2 years

Question then; is the coffee actually good?

Not the seasonal stuff, the coffee-flavored milkshakes or anything else. Just a straight black coffee. Is it any good?

I've never actually been to a Starbucks as I'm put off by all the weird drinks their marketing focuses on.

It's a 'Sup Forums pretends to know about coffee' episode

Do you guys remember when George Kamitani drew the Starbucks siren?

there's a reason they focus on the bullshit drinks, chum

Sweet, liquid death.

>he thinks we're talking about coffee

it's an 'user responds to a thread without reading a single post within' episode

It's an 'user responded to an user without reading the thread himself' episode

It's a mobile "game", friendo. Let it go

You can get a bag of Starbucks beans at most grocery stores. They're not bad.

Cool, I'll keep giving them a miss. Thanks man.

Depends on what they're brewing. Pike Place Roast is their "signature" roast, and it's fucking awful. Their dark roast is usually a safer bet, unless it's French or Italian roast, which are also terrible. Good coffees to order (which they have to make on demand if asked as either a pour-over or French Press): Verona, Komodo Dragon, Kenya, Guatemala Antigua. Of those, Verona is my favorite. Around February they have a seasonal roast, Guatemala Casi Cielo, which is my favorite normal Starbucks coffee.

If your area has a store with a Clover machine, the coffees are even better. Especially if they have Blue Mountain or Kona.

Find the posts discussing coffee.

Not the syrup shit we're actually discussing. Not the game or store we're discussing.

Posts discussing coffee. For bonus points, posts asserting something regarding coffee, since you're so keen on telling all these nonexisting coffee discussers that they're wrong.

I like my coffee how I like my women
literally anything will do

Starbucks has done two things to my local cafes.
They've either run them out of business, or forced them to raise their prices because people assume if your coffee isn't as expensive as Starbucks that it's not good

I haven't enjoyed the ones i've tried. Too bitter without any flavor to justify the bitterness. Kind of a sour-ish flavor to at least one of the ones i tried, which was really off-putting

Coffee is fairly subjective, but I can't help but notice how often Tim's and McDonalds advertise their coffee whereas starbucks is all about their desserts in cups

If i can catch it i'll generally consume or fuck it


I'm not opening a new fucking pound of coffee to spend five minutes making your pour over to see that pound sit on the counter until it goes stale. Fuck right off and don't encourage that behavior. If you're gonna be elitist about it then just go to a reserve store. If you buy that pound then sure, ill make the whole goddamned thing but not for a penny less.

t. tenured shift supervisor, 167~~~~

Also this shit is real, I saw it on the communications hub today and my partners lost their shit over it, except one girl who will refuse to say "pokemon" through the drive through speaker. Don't blame her though

There's that word again...


Conditioning took hold nicely on this one

made me thunk

I don't know shit about coffee, but I enjoy Dunkin Donuts the most.

Really made me think...posting this to my Facebook right now.

I'll do whatever the fuck i want buying my coffee, and you'll serve me with a smile and a nod, you pathetic fucking wageslave lifer

Nothing wrong with freeze dried fruit, especially berries. The rest is shit though.

>Fuck right off and don't encourage that behavior.
My partner number was 177, which granted, not as tenured as you are, but making coffee is your fucking job. With everything else really being secondary, it's your only fucking job.



>I'm not opening a new fucking pound of coffee to spend five minutes making your pour over to see that pound sit on the counter until it goes stale

Then why have the fucking coffee in the first place? If you can't sell it to customers then you should either be a better salesman or stop carrying it.


How the hell does it affect you if a pound of coffee goes stale? Starbucks makes enough off two frappuccinos to pay for a pound of coffee. You didn't personally have to pay for it, so shut up.

Then you can walk out fuckface. If the manager wants to bend over for you then he's welcome to, when i've got a line put the door with a 2 minute drive through timer and the guy up front just ordered 25 assorted warmed pastries with a 5 person play i'm pretty okay with saying no.

Yeah I bet you are, as long as it's hypothetical and anonymously online

There's no 'want' when it comes to bending over, you're paid and required to do it, so lube up, fuckstick.

>this utter and complete impotent rage at being a loser barista for far longer than anyone should work at such a dead-end position

The only way this could be more amusing is if i were NEET

Literally two posts above you, why are you being so autistic over one post?

Wait what. They actually did that?