Post the toughest moms in vidya

Post the toughest moms in vidya

Moms are worthless, they spoil and pollute the child with their feminine bullshit.

no u

Fuck off, woman excuser. Women are poisonous by default and allowing anesthesia during child birth was a mistake.

best mom

no u


Let me guess, raised by a single mother? Only logical way you became the way you are, getting so endlessly triggered by a man stating base truths.

Wasn't there some PS2 JRPG where your mother was in your party?

no u

dunno but i want to no

No one cares about your fucking mother fetish, least of all Japan, now get over it or drop dead.

>a nigger that had his mom abandon him instead of his dad

I would have never guessed I'd meet one of those people!

no u

Yup, raised by a single mother, I can practically see the lack of pride, masculinity, or even intelligent through in every single one of your posts.

Moms are tough.

best mom coming through

There there Tyrone. At least your mom made it out of there before your daddy beat her ass like he does to you.

i loike 'er boobs guv'ner

Grandia 3. You mother actually went adventuring with you, up to around 1/3rd of the way through the game.

She should have been the MC.


Came here to post this.
