Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Devs are retarded and want to be hip

Why is Watch_Dogs 2 allowed?

Should it not be allowed?

Game tries to make a political message but with no actual substance other than parody so it feels forced and stupid (which it is)

He barely appears in the game

>why is satire allowed
i bet if it had a satire of Hillary you would post it and say "lol get cucked"

>make a villain out of a candidate you hate
>said candidate wins by a landslide


Because the first amendment permits it :^)

How would a Trump-esque politician be of any relevance in San Fagcisto?

Fuck Thrus.

liberals love batting at shadows.

if you're triggered by this you need to grow a fucking spine

Assuming you took that screenshot yourself, YOU allowed it when you handed them $60 for it.

The electoral college was designed to stop people like Trump from becoming the POTUS. He will not enter the white house and he will be made to face the consequences of lying, cheating, and raping his way to the top #notmypresident

A video game character vaguely resembling him is lightweight compared to what he is going to get.


It's not ok now, and it wasn't ok then, BUT:

In 2008 we went through the same shit we did now with Obama.

A lot of teenagers and gen z fags don't remember because 10 years old when it happened.

But this is no different from Obama. Complete with:
-"Not my president!"
-"He's not eligible for president!"
-"Let's secede!"

I know you were 10 during 2008, but, the right said the exact same thing back then too when Obama was elected.


The electoral college was actually designed to give an equal voice to the masses of america.

Not just the fuckhuge populations of California and New York. Alaska gets 3 electoral votes which gives them a grossly disporportionate say over people in California.

And that's -exactly- what it needs to be.

>term hasn't even started
>literally Hitler

i know you're begging for (yous) but that guy no where near reminded of and or of Trump. In fact I didn't really care for that shit.

>responding to such a lazy troll

Shame on you!

The media and entertainment industry especially coddled Obama tho. The people that support Trump (at least the ones online) probably either didn't give a shit about Obama or supported him, I don't think many people on pol were ever Fox News types.

>want to be diverse
>muslim girl
>short shorts and hijab

These devs are retarded.

like any liberally corrupted game company would only defame their lord and savior not-trump girl to-be president.

the best part is they assumed he would lose

get fucked, cuck devs

>won by - (minus) 2 million votes

No it wasn't. This meme needs to die. The electoral college only exists because the founding fathers thought the masses were too stupid to directly vote for the president. Besides, why should hillbillies get more voting power than city dwellers when city dwellers make up the majority population?

>california, illegal capital of the world


eat shit pedro.

She's not muslim she's Indian


>Winning an election makes my position correct.

>implying illegals can vote

>mental gymnastics
>damage control

>get proved wrong
>insult the person instead of accepting the refutation

Why it should not be allowed?

Because its 2016, and almost 50% of ps4 and xbox one owners are female

Im not joking, this is a fact

oh they definitely can, trump said so on twitter

It's called free speech faggot, but a Sup Forumscuck like you wouldn't understand.

>mfw Trump won so now video games will endlessly copy him
>mfw I have no face

>implying commiefornia should matter more than the rest of america

this is exactly why we have an electoral college.

You're retarded and don't know how or why the EC is there. If there wasn't an EC California alone choose the President.

they can in some states it's estimated 3 million+ illegal immigrants voted in the recent election

>liberally corrupted game company

You must go realllll far IRL. Seriously conservatives get more hurt fee fees than any other political group in the country. Its crazy.

Because city dwellers don't contribute anything to society.


>Besides, why should hillbillies get more voting power than city dwellers when city dwellers make up the majority population?

Why should the majority get to decide everything?

>"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."

I realize this is a troll post, but for the benefit of those who may not recognize it I'm going to post this video that directly refutes this horseshit:


Delete this 0 illegals voted against somebody that wants to get rid of illegals


[citation needed]
>inb4 tinfoilhat.totallyreliableunbiasednewssite.com link

How does it feel knowing the Right won?