Should Final Fantasy have stuck with the linear style and pre rendered backgrounds? Seriously look how good these are and this is on a PS1
Should Final Fantasy have stuck with the linear style and pre rendered backgrounds...
I liked reading text boxes more. It's like reading a picture book or a novel, you can imagine what the characters sound like rather than having to listen to grating HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
the alexandrian castle confused me so much as a kid
This. 3D areas were okay but going with voice acting was not.
Yeah could you imagine 4K pre-rendered scenes now and character models that can be super high poly due to not having to render an entire 3D world and all the processing required in that.
There's a reason FF 7-8-9 were popular, pre-rendered scenes with static or panning cameras were not what was holding them back.
>should Final Fantasy have stuck with the thing that made it good
Gee, I wonder.
Yeah unfortunately people peg no voice acting as "lazy" nowadays but the downside to that is you get less dialogue in the game. I mean could you imagine how many hours and actors it would take to voice all the story dialogue in IX?
Nah. The formula was going stale. They needed to reach the normies, the niche normies not true normies, whom dont play vidya nor touch weeabo shit. We could have had a few more good turn based pre rendered games, and then bankruptcy into sister companies developing cashfarm spinoff mobile apps. Instead they tried to innovate and we all realized they actually only know how to make pre rendered turn based, and are literal shit at anything else. It was die now or die sooner situation
The problem is, voice acting is so hard to get right for any sort of actual emotional impact.
The director of voice acting for some game isn't going to make the actors do 30 takes to get the "feel" right like pretty much any normal movie director would. So we end up with spoken lines that half-fit the scene and toe the line into vocal uncanny valley shit.
Aside from all that, voice acting is expensive. I'd much rather have text I can read and envision myself. The way you voice a line in your head will always be better than the way someone getting paid to spend 12 hours talking into a mic in a recording studio would.
>weeabo shit
No one knew what this meant when FF7, 8 and 9 were around.
a voice actor for some FF game also isn't going to spend 6 months studying and preparing for a role
Just because the phenomenon did not have a name does not mean it didnt exist.
It didn't matter that it existed because it wasn't in mainstream knowledge.
What sre you talking about? Just what is triggering your autism here
Uncharted did voice acting so damn well.
What's wrong with other games?
Exactly this. Even FFV with sprite characters and very little facial expression I still got the emotions from the dialogue.
RPGs have far more dialogue. You need to have tons of optional stuff if the player explores a little for the world building.
If you go with voice acting, that often means that lots of optional dialogue gets cut out because it's costly. But just writing more dialogue for the player to discover is really cheap yet effective way of world building and improving immersion.
I even think the Souls games do voice acting well as theres very little dialogue and the people are supposed to sound mundane.
The point is
>They needed to reach the normies,
back then normies didn't see any japanese games as "weeaboo trash" because shitty moe anime and kusoge hadn't happened back then.
>good voice acting
Every line is some half sarcastic, half self-aware shit that gets more and more grating as you play. It didn't help that the story itself was a half-hearted Indiana Jones knockoff.
Yes and ?
>RPGs have far more dialogue
But i like Dragon's Dogma's voice acting.
Especially when my pawn says "Arisen!"
Aren't these screens the ones that weren't used and replaced for lower res ones?
That game also has the problem where you end up listening to same lines over and over.
Yes, these are high quality renders. PS1 used lower resolution.
Has anyone got any experience with the android port of IX?
I'm thinking about picking it up so I have one game to play on my tablet other than Starlight Stage.
I'm worried it might be a shitty port though.
they'll go back to it after shitting enough on the franchise, just like there's a new 2d Sonic game coming out.
I sort of think that the real problem with Final FANTASY is when they stopped being FANTASY and began to try to push more modern settings and "realism" into the games.
FF6 was pushing Magitech, okay. But Magitech was still fantastical. Final Fantasy 7 really amped up that evolution from fantasy settings to modern times. But FF7 was great..and then FF8 happened. Retarded, incoherent, incomprehensible "realism" where one continent was in the industrial revolution and the other were already capable of spaceflgith and also the Gardens were run by fucking GIANT SPACE ALIENS. What the fuck? Did all your writers died when you merged with Enix, Square?
FF9, they knew. Kuja's world was ded and soulless while the fantasy world was thriving and vibrant.
No, the real problem is that Sakaguchi and every other competent director at Square left.
Better than awkward voice acting like tidus's HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
in whole, almost every voice actors in FF10 is horrible as fuck.
There's no need for prerendered backgrounds anymore. The same way prerendered sprites became obsolete now that it's no issue to render 3D models in 2,5D games in real time.
The thing that bothers me is that instead of using clever tricks to overcome hardware limitations, developers these days instead push graphics to the maximum in horribly inefficient and lazy ways that commonly cause performance issues even on consoles.
But hey, at least the E3 reveal looks great, right?
This is the big problem, Final Fantasy in particular is really caught up in doing realistic visuals, but those visuals are poorly optimized and they just don't fit the kind of story telling that happens in Final Fantasy games.
I really have no idea how jarring the Golden Saucer, Red 13, Cait Sith, Boogenhagen, and all the other blatantly silly things in FF7 are going to be in the remake. Just seems like the game would have worked way better if it had an anime look like a Tales Of or Dragon Quest game.
This. I suppose pre rendered backgrounds are a thing of the past but it was a really clever trick to get good looking areas into these games. I mean just look at the comparison when you're inside a town like Alexandria or Lindblum and then when youre outside of them. Nowadays instead of doing interesting things like that they just push ths graphics as much as possible and it ends up causing frame rate issues and graphical glitches.
>Better than awkward voice acting like tidus's HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
So many people don't realize that that laugh was supposed to be awkward and stupid. Check out the scene in japanese.
But it's still not a good scene. It sounds awkward for the wrong reasons.
They could make a great game in about 6 months now just using text boxes and great detailed pre-rendered backgrounds.
Maybe an indie developer should pick up the challange.
>that feel when no modern indie/small budget jrpg with tons of text and pre rendered background
the only thing that comes close is trails in the sky, and i love it for it.