Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard... I have need of it.
Come, Nerevar. Friend or traitor, come. Come and look upon the Heart, and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard...
Other urls found in this thread:
Saint fucking Jiub ,Dagoth!
You always call in inappropriate times!
Im tired of putting up with your shit ,you also only call when you want something.
>Let's go bowling Nerevar!
>Have you seen my Heart, Nerevar?
>when your old best friend acts nice like you don't remember him murdering you
props to him for trying to ask forgiveness.
>implying the tribunal didn't do it
Go to sleep sheeple
>talking shit about our benevolent god kings
time to pay with your blood scum
Fuck Ordinators. I put on a piece of their armor ONCE and then every time I went to Vivec they attacked me. They only took 2 hits to kill, but it was still a hassle.
The tribunal and Dagoth murdered Nerevar at the same time. They both didn't murder him, also at the same time.
Dragon Break, not even once.
>trusting the words of the liar poet
>happy to be literally held hostage by your "god" kings
That armor is sacred to our order! Die scum!
I'd let Almalexia hold me hostage t-be-h
What if an outlander buys and wears Ordinator armor from a shady cat salesman?
Who is to blame, the cat or the outlander?
>Dwemer were so fedora they got cucked out of Mundus
I fucking love Dagoth's speeches
Sell to the mudcrab merchant.
both can taste the mace
In Akulakhan's chamber, you can trap Ur behind the sphere blocking the exit. But if you do this before having been near the heart, he can still teleport to you. So make him teleport once, and then you can trap him.
More like dwemer are so fucking atheist they think reality is a fraud and poof'd themselves into a gigantic brass robot-god, making it exude anti-reality tones that erase whatever they hit from history.
Fedoras not so tough when gods actually exist to fuck you up.
10,000 gold isn't enough unless your mercantile skill is super low. A single ebony mace is worth 12,000 alone.
I don't know if this is the appropriate thread but I was replaying Morrowind, and I hate that they removed the level up messages from Skyrim. They were really thought provoking and nice, and made you feel like you were getting better. Just lazyness on Bethesda's part I guess.
It was more dumping down i think. Skyrim has a big focus on not thinking what youre doing (like planning builds) and doing everything immideatly.
literally a mod for that
Fuck off dreamboy, Skyrim® is perfect and Skyrim®: Special Edition is even better.
Sell something worth 2,000 gold to it. Wait until its gold resets, then buy it back. It now has 12,000 gold. Sell the ebony mace. Rinse and repeat; the gold resets but never the inventory.
What kind of build should I run in my next playthrough of Morrowind? I was thinking:
1. Magical thief, using magic and stealth to steal shit and laugh all the way to the bank
2. Whitestrake's biggest fan: Basic paladin build. KILL ALL THE ELVES.
3. Generic necromancer build, spam shit and laugh behind 700 skeletons
4. Smiling slasher: High as fuck personality, be kind and generous by day, but must kill a random townsperson for each night I spend in a town
Also, since the mudcrab merchan is a creature, it doesn't take mercantile skill into account at all, you always sell and buy at full base price.
2 would be difficult since you'd have to kill most NPCs in the game. That's gonna take a while and lock you out of most quests.
I like the sound of 3. It's a build I've considered myself.
Fuck off ALMSIVI scum. Or maybe you're an imperial cultist and believe in things like "reality"
I did a serial killer run in Morrowind once. Dunmer targeting only Imperials. Left a Black Anther on each body I killed.
you'll have your work cut out for you since there are so many elves, but I believe in you.
Mantle Pelinal
Good point about 2. I do like the idea of being a necromancer but I feel that it would be rather boring after some time.
Was it fun? I was thinking maybe being a vampire to add to the fact that I would kill people, but then I realized that vampires in Morrowind are hunted on sight.
I enjoyed it - trying to figure out targets, their schedules, and when would be the ideal moment to pounce. I prevent myself from just finding their bed and killing them in their sleep alone. Eventually got the courage to try and kill more important imperials, hijinks ensued.
>their schedules
No one in Morrowind has a schedule.
>Vivec achieves Chim, he keeps a rock above a city to ensure they worship him for fear of imminent crushing
>Talos achieves Chim, he saves millions of people across thousands of years from lifetimes of pain and toil
This is one of the many reasons why elves suck.
Mods, user. Mods. There's one that teleports people around depending on the time of day. It broke some locations sadly, but it was nicer than having everyone wander around aimlessly.
Nah mate, YOU should come with ME. We can go to Akavir and CHIM shit up over there, the Tribunal is stale as fuck anyways and will probably be dead within the next century or so.
Shut the fuck up you fat fedora. Hit the heart properly next time you dumb shit.
Athynic summoned Azura. [...] Nchylbar and a dozen of his students entered the summoning chamber, carrying with them a large box.
"As we see you in our land, Azura, you are the Goddess of the Dusk and Dawn and all the mysteries therein," said Nchylbar, trying to appear as kindly and obsequious as he could be. "It is said that your knowledge is absolute."
"So it is," smiled the Daedra.
"You would know, for example, what is in this wooden box," said Nchylbar.
"If I am to demonstrate my might in a way to bring the Dwemer race to understanding, it might have been a more impressive feat you would have me do," growled Azura, and turned to look Nchylbar in the eyes. "There is a red-petalled flower in the box."
Nchylbar did not smile or frown. He simply opened the box and revealed to all that it was empty.
When the students turned to look to Azura, she was gone. Only Athynic had seen the Goddess's expression before she vanished, and he could not speak, he was trembling so. A curse had fallen, he knew that truly, but even crueler was the knowledge of divine power that had been demonstrated. Nchylbar also looked pale, uncertain on his feet, but his face shone with not fear, but bliss. The smile of a Dwemer finding evidence for a truth only suspected.
Two of his students supported him, and two more supported the priest as they left the chamber.
"I have studied very much over the years, performed countless experiments, taught myself a thousand languages, and yet the skill that has taught me the finally truth is the one that I learned when I was but a poor, young man, trying only to have enough gold to eat," whispered the sage.
As he was escorted up the stairs to his bed, a red flower petal fell from the sleeve of his voluminous robe. Nchylbar died that night, a portrait of peace that comes from contented knowledge.
Nice. I do wish you had the option of carrying corpses, like in Deus Ex or the like. I could easily take someone out and carry them infront of the nearest temple or fort in the dead of night.
Just remember the most important lesson in life kids.
Dagoth Ur did nothing wrong
Based Azura. Truly our girl.
Asking too much, sadly. Who knows, maybe in OpenMW?
Are you, uh, sure you read the story?
Hey fuck you blame those stupid gold turned black retards.
*chugs strength potions*
heh... nothin personnel
*hits u so hard the game crashes*
Why was the final fight so shit? standard goblins in tribunal are more difficult
So did he teleport the flower or...I don't get it.
What will the es 6 player character be called?
wait so what happened here?
was Azura wrong or did the Dwemer do some bullshit?
The Chosen One.
Sleight of hand. The point of the story is that Azura didn't know he was going to do that. So much for a god specializing in prophecy, eh?
>believing dwemer fanfiction
>not reading between the lines
Nchylbar got played.
He cheated. He somehow put the flower into his sleeve and made Azura doubt herself and got proof they weren't omniscient. That's why he was smiling.
Say that to my Azura-cursed visage and not through the Numidium and see what happens, fedora.
Ah. Well, here's a question. How the fuck do you confuse/trick/troll Sheogorath? You wouldn't know if he was being serious or just joking about not knowing.
Twas merely a ruse my good friend :^)
shove muatra down his throat
A paradox might work, but I'm talking out of my ass.
Why would he try it on Azura then? I thought the only Daedra that were all knowing were Mora and Jyggalag
Come down below Tel Fyr bitch. Me and my corprus bitches will be waiting.
>reinstall morrowind 2 days ago
>spend the last 2 days gathering mods and setting them up so they don't crash
>after some minor annoyances everything works fine and the game is as enjoyable as ever
>see morrowind thread
>have to go to the gym
Fug, did anyone play Morrowind Rebirth and knows if it's good or even compatible with most mods? I've got 150 mods installed atm and it's bound to fuck stuff up.
Also recommend some must have mods I might have missed
Dagoth looks like he belong to Dark Souls
We're trying to trick or confound him, not seduce or molest him.
Azura is basically queen of the Daedra. Even other princes bow to her.
It's why she has first pick of souls if there is a dispute
Come to Vivec, bitch. Oh wait, you can't.
What are Earthbones?
Mmm, nothing like a plate of scrib jerky with a side of scuttle you fucking n'wah.
You fuck with Yagrum you fuck with the Fyr
Fuck you I'm gonna call Divayth to fuck a fireball into your house.
The Divines. They sacrificed themselves to establish the laws that keep Mundus ordered, and so concepts like Time, Life, Death, etc. all continue to exist by feeding off their powers.
>tfw you can't fuck a fireball
I just want a flame atronach gf
You have to install a mod to get those messages working right. If you don't you're officially old and over the hill by level 20.
Have you tried?
Maybe if you ping-pong your spells and potions to make an outrageous Potion of Resist Fire? If you're intent, you might be able to make it last long enough to cuddle after.
what's with all the tes threads lately?
I don't know but I'm into it.
Maybe it's just from Skyrim 2 coming out.
What's up user. Very high quality post. Definately worth the thread you knocked off.
i heard she's into bondage
is sujamma liquified CHIM?
If she's into it I'm into it
Wait, I just realized those are his fucking gross unclipped nails.
Jesus Christ, I thought he was just deformed.
Holy fuck that's gross.
>terrible hygiene
>spends all day alone every day
Truly a Dwemer Weeb
He's also dead, so I guess that makes a difference.
Well weebs are dead inside, so not that much of a difference.
Have you praised your goddess today Sup Forums?
Every day, my friend.
what are you planning user