Get £20.00 refund for KF2

>get £20.00 refund for KF2
>add it to my steam wallet
>don't even like video games
>£20 sitting in my steam wallet not doing anything

>request refund for D44M
>2 hours later think I might give it another chance
>refund already processed



Seriously tho, are there any good steam games under £20.00 worth getting? Or my love for games just faded?

>play new game
>realize im only having fake fun
>want to get refund
>3 hours played

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hahahahaha JUST hahahhh CUUCK! haha! i get that joke! Internet culture is great!

thank you for your contribution

there are plenty but you probably wouldnt like them since theyre video games

xmas sale is coming

£49.99 sat in my Steam Wallet from a refund at the start of the year, still no games.

you know what else is coming?

what is it, my dear buddy


it's me

pretty good

do YOU know what else is coming?

Buy blue revolver, ori and the blind forest or rabi ribi.
Fun, enjoyable games.

That's a lot of boob, her back must hurt a lot.

What would that be?

it's dick shit

Buy furi