ITT: Remasters you want
It already is a remaster.
What are you smoking mate?
Remaster of a remaster.
Custer's revenge
this what you want?
Pic related.
open world new york with twin towers
leveling system
quests to save people or survivors
craft system to make custom guns and special bullets
mini games
different outfits
difficulty settings
rare monster spawns
It's not HD though and you can't play it on any modern platforms.
It'll be a cold day in hell before Konami does anything worthwhile with MGS again, sadly.
if nintendo wants to save themselves, they will do this on the switch
>worse voice acting
>worse cutscenes
no thanks
Maybe on Switch...
crashes often on dolphin and fps issues. some people can work it out but it really seems to be a hardware gamble. worth a shot though if you want to play.
I've tried it but the game is going to need some kind of hack / codes to fix the problems that happen if you play it in 16:9. There's a lot of shit that disappears if it leaves the center of the screen and it ruins my immersion. At least that's what happened last time I played it, which admittedly was a long time ago.
I want a Star Fox HD collection containing remasters of Star Fox 64 3D (minus the 3D), Star Fox Adventures and Star Fox Assault. Maybe give Assault an online multiplayer mode.
TFW you will never ever play shadow moses
No it is not, its a remake.
>remaster of a remake.
Fixed that for you.
Played it last month, ran easy, even turned on anti-aliasing and antisotropic filtering and it still ran easy, no problems as far as I know
Just emulate it, you retard.
I want to own the game and not some shitty ass iso from the internet
you know i havent tried it since like 2 versions of dolphin ago. i guess i should give it another shot, maybe it got fixed.
>I want to have a copy of the game not have a copy of the game!
Mass effect trilogy.
Anyone know if they are backwards on xbox one?
Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft could have just programmed their own, perfect emulators, and that would have been the perfect outcome.
But NO, they have to fuck with old games and break them.
You can spend $5 to play them on EA Access if you don't have the discs and wanna bust out the trilogy in a month.
okay let me spoonfeed the retard.
his post is >implying that an iso is somehow different and worse than a disc when they are the same exact data
But what if you like the disc in a box on a shelf?
War of the Monsters. Of all the games we could get, this is the one I'd be most pumped for.
>produced by Hideo Kojima E.O. Kojima
then you're either autistic or more worried about showing people how cool and nerdy you are rather than actually playing the game
I don't hate emulation, but isn't the only real negative thing about using an emulator is the games not being as stable?
>remaster of a remaster
also just play emulate the original games, retards
>he thinks he "owns" his games when they're on a disc instead of a disk
>Ape Escape will never ever be popular again
>Million Monkeys will never reach stateside
>Pumped and Primed will never have online play.
Sounds like the opinion of someone who does not have a choice. Steam only user?
i own it just fucking buy it senpai its not really expensive
30-40 bucks is what im seeing for a used copy.
varies depending on the system and game and how willing you are to fuck with setting until it works. Gamecube emulation is pretty solid. Playstation 1 emulation is perfect. I don't image him having any problems with mgs1
MY nigga!
OH NO user.
Please don't tell me that Capcom, Sony and Nintendo are going to come bust down my door and revoke my pic related?!
Revoke them out of my console.
Revoke them out of my house.
Revoke them out of the universe.
they are the same exact game friend. There is no argument for spending money on a shelf decoration. Or are you a fag who buys amiibos?
Nope, but don't worry, im sure you will soon have just moved on to a subscription/stream based system to play games. Its the same data after all.
They're not going to bust your door down for downloading an iso over the internet either, dumbass.
Well if he has a good rig, then it should all be fine for him, and hopefully not end up like me when i tried PCSX2
Not the point i was responding to dumbass.
pretty much yes. PS1 emulators can be run on 2gb ram laptops but ps2 is weird because of all the janky shit they did to optimize the system so like I said it depends
You don't "own" the game, you own a license for the game. Same as if you were to (legally) download a digital copy of the game if that were an option.
is this an argument? How is this comparable to downloading a game for free instead of paying money for a box?
^ This nigga knows. Just give me a big city at a Red Faction: Guerrilla style building destruction and I'm good.
Download games for free on what user?
>2 PS1 CDs
>1 N64 Cart
>1 DC CD
>1 GC Minidisc
How does this work, exactly?
How does what work user? You mean how does a N64 cart, a DC disc and a GC disc have more space than a single PS1 disc?
Um..twin snakes.
>remaster of a shit remake
No thanks famalam
Jet Set Radio Future HD, if only to finally get it off of Xbox.
It needs it.
Dino Crisis