How would you do a totally new take on the Pokemon franchise?

How would you do a totally new take on the Pokemon franchise?
>inb4 /vp/
I can't because they don't know how a video game can be done other than in the style of the Pokemon games.


Model it after FFXV

Make a spinoff game heavily based in the grittier, punk-urban atmosphere the concept art and the original RGB games had. I think Colosseum and XD tried something similar with their atmosphere?
Gameplaywise make it a more difficult game, you'd probably need to heavily retool the battle system to increase the moment-to-moment difficulty while still allowing the party freedom Pokemon as a series enjoy.

Not XD. XD was the kiddy version of Colloseum, aka getting rid of the one good thing about it.

It's a normal pokémon game. But every battle is a double battle. Kinda like Coloseum and XD, but actually longer and more fleshed out like the mainline games.

What was the one good thing about Colosseum? XD still had you exploring many of Colosseum's locations, and the new ones like S.S. Libra and Cipher Key Hideout still had that creepy mix of old industrial and modern sleekness.

The grunge atmosphere. XD was as punk as every other Pokemon game. You literally played as a little kid.

Focusing on double battles. GF wants to make them the official tournament format so why not focus on them in single player?

Coliseum and XD did that, I think the only single battles in the game were against wild Pokemon.

I plan to replay XD soon if that makes you feel any better. When both Colosseum and XD had the same art designers and directors, it feels like nitpicking to say they have radically different atmospheres.

Remove the turn-based combat

Make a game more focused on the story.
Remove the HM, no one like HM-slaves
Remove the always present gyms and change them for some sort of minigames.

Fuck off

I think S&M removed the HM system? I'm not sure?


There's a Pokemon game literally called "Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness"

They aren't emoting, that's seriously what the game is called.

This post is so fucking stupid I have no choice but to call it a bad counter-bait. Here's that (You) you wanted so badly.

I actually liked the idea behind Mystery dungeon until I actually played it. Though I've never really been fond of rouge likes. Like if they had the same concept of being turned into a pokemon and blah blah but made it a different genre like a 3rd person action game I'd be all for it.

You just described SM

They did and they replaced it with something decent, but not quite all there.

I figured it might have been a joke, but I've seen some really stupid shit on here so

this is a terrible meme

Sun and Moon is close to this, but is still missing something. A lot of the trials are just running a linear path until you fight a harder than normal pokemon at the end. But the idea is there and there is promise. Some of the gyms were more confusing than some of the trials even though the trials have more potential.

I don't think that the series would even need a totally new take, just do an installment that has a bit more difficulty, a meaty postgame and keeps most of the old mechanics in instead of the typical "one step forward, then two back" bullshit.

I honestly think that Emerald and Platinum are almost perfect as is, just do something that resembles them.

Make combat like FF9, with 4 party members as pokemon. Each pokemon, instead of 4 moves, has an entire set of abilities and skills and traits that they gain over time. You can also put equipment on them so they can defend themselves in combat.

It starts out as a journey to the elite four but turns into a quest to stop an evil pokemon god from turning all the humans into pokemon or something like that.

We've already got Lusamine merging with a pokemon, we may as well go full crazy with potential ideas. Next game there should be an evil team that captures pokemon and sells them to an organization who cooks and eats pokemon as a delicacy. Once the main character has his lifelong pokemon friend captured and eaten in front of him he goes on a quest to stop them once and for all and whatever and it turns into saving all pokemon and all that.

and then give the pokemon some personality and character traits. It could even be an alternate reality where human beings don't capture pokemon, they just form some sort of pact with them to work together.

ITT: neckbeards discuss how to take a children's game franchise away from children

>I want for them to make a childrens franchise for adults

Kids don't play Pokemon anymore lol
Look up the demographics of the game. Within two generations, if trends follow, less than a third of players will be under 13

Honestly why wouldn't you kill yourself if you looked like that.