Anyone want to talk about how Star Fox is officially a dead franchise now?
Anyone want to talk about how Star Fox is officially a dead franchise now?
The anime made by that one furry is p good tho
>tfw we could have had a game where you could play as pretty much every Star Fox character
>tfw Nintendo said no
Nintendo makes a shitty game and then punishes the brand and the fans. Fuck this company into the ground.
>tfw furfag believes every single rumour
StarFox as a Musou game doesn't make ANY sense for the brand. It MIGHT have been good, but still. After shit like Federation Force and Zip-Lash, the last thing Nintendo needs is more brand identity crises.
>Star Fox Musou
Makes no sense.
Well to be fair, unlike Zelda, the idea of a SF Warriors game is dumb as fuck. Like pretty much everything about it has to be made up from scratch. At least with the Zelda characters, you have a pretty good amount to go off of given that those characters, you know, do things besides operate vehicles.
Fire Emblem, Mario, Wonderful 101, maybe Kid Icarus or Metroid could work. But Star Fox? How the fuck would that actually work? Might as well have a new IP.
>Questioning the future of Star Fox.
Simple. Fire Miyamoto and make a new Star Fox game that is actually good instead. Give it a storyline that picks up after Andross's defeat. Give it a fun mix of SNES Star Fox and Star Fox 64 missions. Make twists to have the levels themselves change. If Miyamoto is allowed to release three Pikmin games where the gameplay and controls stay the same, and the gameplay gets more evolved, then Star Fox should be allowed to be given the same treatment. This is all Miyamoto's fault, but also Iwata's fault for picking Star Fox as the guinea pig to be used in their fucking motion control experiment.
You had to buy Star Fox Zero, that's all you had to do and you still failed.
>This is all Miyamoto's fault
>but also Iwata's fault
That's not how amounts work in the English language.
Also, Miyamoto will die before Nintendo ever fires him.
Star Fox is more cut out for a shooting game. The only characters who have ever used melee weapons are Fox and Krystal, and in Fox's case he was borrowing Krystal's weapon.
If they were willing to do something really experimental like making a twin stick shooter more akin to Smash TV or Robotron they could potentially have a whole new sister franchise to the Musou series on their hands. Not sure if they'd be willing to go that route, though, since Mosou is a melee combat series.
>You had to buy Star Fox Zero
Star Fox Zero had to be good first.
Star Fox Zero deserved to fail. It was a bad game.
The Star Fox Franchise deserved better and so did the fans. Nintendo let everyone down and yet it's the fans and the brand who get blamed. Their lack of introspection is why the Wii U was a failure.
>Give it a storyline that picks up after Andross's defeat.
That sounds alright but maybe they should remake the first star fox again.
Star fox should have died with 64
Prove me wrong
No thank you.
I'd rather they just dust this off an (re)-release it.
Nintendo shouldn't have Star Fox anymore.
Give the whole franchise to someone that actually gives a damn.
No thanks. All they needed to do was rehash 64 with NO FUCKING GIMMICK CONTROLS OR GIMMICK STAGES. How hard is it for them to understand that?
That still seems odd.
I'm bored of 64 though. I'd rather have the look and sound of the original.
>all you had to do was buy the shit game with a forced gimmick that once again attempted to reboot the franchise and ended up inferior to its predecessors
That's boring though. I'm glad they made Star Fox Zero instead of doing that sort of dull-ass rehash.
It needed to be 64 but more
Take some stuff from 2 and add Miyu and Fay in.
Multiplayer, make your own pilot/ship
better graphics
A Fox Mccloud that looks closer to 64 instead of Command
More Stages
Optional Controls
Some bonus gimmick stages to make Miyamoto happy
Star Wolf bonus Campaign
I hate that fucking channel so much. They are the epitome of YouTube cancer, churning out hundreds of useless, less than 2 minute long videos that tell us literally nothing that couldn't be told through a simple news article on a website.
Also the lispy faggot that does most of the videos is just infuriating to listen to. He sounds like someone that sucks dicks as a hobby.
>a battler space shits game
>why they didnt make it a musuo
if you dont know the answer to this, you are just a filthy furry
I love how heavy hitters like Star Fox, Sonic, and Metroid are hobbled by the Wii's/WiiU's gimmick controllers.
>better graphics,
>two big campaigns.
You're aware you're talking about Star Fox? It's long past the day it can be a big title, In their wildest dreams it wouldn't have even expected to sell 1 million. It's always going to be a content-lite series.
I just don't get why Nintendo is so stupid on such silly things...
>Super Mario Sunshine gets released
>Its mainly the same gameplay as 64, but added to the concept.
>Loved by most people, and Nintendo enjoyed making it.
>Pikmin 2 gets released.
>Everything people liked about Pikmin 1, with new stuff added to make it better.
>People like it. Nintendo also liked it.
And then out of nowhere:
>People like this pattern
>Want another F-Zero
>Nintendo: "No you don't, it would just be the same game again, you don't want that"
>Want another Metroid after Prime 3
>Nintendo: "No you don't, it would just be the same game again, you don't want that"
>Want another Star Fox 64
>Nintendo: "No you don't, it would just be the same game again, you don't want that"
I don't understand their hate for consistency. Its like they hear the "all they do is rehash" idiots complaints, but only half of them. Its stupid.
Blame Miyamoto and the Japanese investors.
The Campaigns of Star Fox were not that big.
>It's always going to be a content-lite series.
In Nintendo's hands, yes it will.
And look how much it sold because of it and forced gimmicks with no optional controls.
This. Nintendo and others just don't understand that it's not actually fun.
Lost World was ruined by the wisp that had no reason to come back besides slowing down the game.
Metroid Other M had that fucking stupid pretend Metroid Prime fps mode for no reason.
I just feel like, for every franchise that Miyamoto ruins, he shouldn't be allowed to work on games for that franchise anymore. Star Fox should just be given to Platinum, they knew what they were doing, even though they were handicapped by the controls. Imagine a full fledged shmup with normal controls, it would be awesome. Miyamoto should just be restricted to Pikmin to prove what a bad creator he is when he eventually makes a really terrible Pikmin game and kills his own franchise off.
>Pikmin 2 gets released.
>Everything people liked about Pikmin 1, with new stuff added to make it better.
>People like it. Nintendo also liked it.
Get real, if Pikmin 2 released today it would be lambasted for being different.
>Removing the day limit
>Breaking the game with White/Purple Pikmin
>The fact it's heavily based around caves where time doesn't pass, a core mechanic of the series.
>Caves being less explorative and more linear level based areas
>Two captains but almost functionally irrelevant.
Pikmin 2 is the same approach that people are shitting on games like Star Fox Zero. It just seems that since the start of the 8th gen people have got the idea in their heads that anything different is bad. I'd bet if Wario Ware was created this gen it would have been called garbage better off on mobile or something.
So the upcoming Pikmin game for 3DS?
>Pikmin 2 is the same approach that people are shitting on games like Star Fox Zero
Except Pikmin kept the core mechanics and controls but placed them in a new environment while introducing new things that worked off what was established by the first game
Star Fox Zero once again reboots the story, once again recycles locations, once again recycles characters, once again recycles lines, and goes full retard with a gimmick controller that turned off both casuals and fans
>goes full retard with a gimmick controller that turned off both casuals and fans
This guy gets it.
I blame Krystal
Pikmin 2 didn't require you to utilize a completely different control scheme that was completely unnecessary. It was just a direct sequel.
Even Pikmin 3 didn't do that.
>>Want another Star Fox 64
>>Nintendo: "No you don't, it would just be the same game again, you don't want that"
>implying Star Fox Zero wasn't a poor attempt to remake Star Fox 64
>Pikmin 2 is the same approach that people are shitting on games like Star Fox Zero
Pikmin and Pikmin are Star Fox 1 and 2
Pikmin 3 is Star Fox Assault
Pikmin 3DS is Star Fox Zero
What does she have to do with Zero?
Reminds me of Blizzard's attitude towards the Nostalrius servers.
>At least with the Zelda characters, you have a pretty good amount to go off of given that those characters, you know, do things besides operate vehicles.
And yet they still chose to make things up because the waifubait in zelda doesn't fucking do anything compare to the male characters
>playing this in an emulator with superfx over clock at 60 fps
>The Campaigns of Star Fox were not that big.
Yeah but you're asking for a bigger campaign ....then a Starwolf one on top or in essence more than twice as big as any Star Fox game. However 3D rail shooters are essentially dead, the only other rail shooter on this gens home consoles was traditional and got even worse reception than Star Fox Zero did.
Star Fox Zero feels so good to control. Being able to aim anywhere and fly in a completely different direction at he same time is genius.
Too bad they fucked it up hard by making you alternate between looking at your TV and your cock every two seconds.
I guess I really should have meant that the series took a turn for the worst when they converted Dinosaur Planet into a Star Fox game
The button mapping is completely unintuitive.
>Multiplayer, make your own pilot/ship
>better graphics
>A Fox Mccloud that looks closer to 64 instead of Command
>More Stages
>Optional Controls
so.. star fox 64 3ds?
>Kid Icarus Uprising was a better Star Fox game
>Kirby Planet Robobot was a better Star Fox game
>Sin & Punishment 2 is just a better game overall and was on an older console but didn't have excessive motion controls
Star Fox died after the SNES, yet it took until now for people to realize it's dead.
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. You can get used to it, but it was a weird thing to change.
Something that would be irrelevant if they gave us, you know, custom fucking controls.
Just rehashing 64 isn't enough. It needed to be bigger and better. Star Fox Assault had the right idea but unfortunately didn't have enough development time to really realize its vision.
Instead we got a glorified remake of Star Fox 64 with 1996-era production values. Star Fox Zero didn't take the franchise anywhere, while simultaenously shitting on the things that made 64 good (tight controls and satisfying action). It was agonizing watching the Star Fox Zero mess go down, like knowing that a train is about to go off the rails and having to watch anyway.
As soon as Nintendo announced Star Fox Zero my internal alarms started going off. I wanted to be wrong about it. I wanted to believe that underneath the stupid gimmicks and rehashed story they were going to do something new and exciting that would propel the game into the new decade, and that somehow we'd end up getting a sequel that really put the series back on track, but I didn't really believe it. Deep down I knew that Nintendo was just using Star Fox as the sacrificial lamb to try and prove that two-screen gaming can work, and if the game failed Nitnendo was just going to say that it failed because Star Fox is a shitty and irrelevant brand and that there's nothing wrong with the Wii U.
Most of Pikmin 2's new mechanics clashed and fucked with Pikmin 1's. Those berry sprays broke the game, Purple Pikmin invalidated the others 90% of the time, the time limit was thrown away. The focus on caves completley removed the pressure of collection and the resulted in the above ground explorable sections being pitiful. Pikmin 2 did not complement the core Pikmin gameplay well at all, the only good addition was the Piklopedia and that wasn't gameplay.
It seems you're happy just because it looks and controls the same way as Pikmin 1 even if it basically neutered the core mechanics and did a hack job implementing the new ones.
Nintendo doesn't care about Western-centric series like Metroid and F-Zero.
If it's not popular in Japan, it gets thrown in the garbage.
>All they needed to do was rehash 64 with NO FUCKING GIMMICK CONTROLS OR GIMMICK STAGES.
Funny, because Star Fox 64 was a rehash of Star Fox with gimmick controls (rumble pak) and gimmick stages (Titania and Macbeth for the Landmaster, Aquas for the Blue-Marine, and Fichina, Katina, Bolse, Sector Z, and Venom 1 Hard for All-Range Mode).
>The button mapping is completely unintuitive.
I'd have to disagree there, it's literally as good as it could be and it uses pretty much every button, analog and gyro.
>it looks and controls the same way
meanwhile star fox zero couldn't do that right
I want to put it in that girl's pooper.
Get real, your argument is reductive and relies on general statements that mean nothing. Pikmin 2 did not revolve around motion control gimmicks, and even if it did, it would be warmly received because it was released in a timely manner after Pikmin 1.
Star Fox fans have been STARVING for a decent game in a long while. When the shuffle out a gimmicky reimagining of a previous game, it's not going to be received well.
>if Pikmin 2 released today it would be lambasted for being different
yeah, but NOT for stupid controls
Those actually add to the game though.
If by "add to the game" you mean "bog it down," yes.
You couldn't have a shittier opinion. Pikmin 2 substituted the time mechanics for individual dungeons with difficulty massively amped from the original. Once you reach mid-game, each room has something that can totally fuck you over and keeps you on your toes. It was a more combat oriented game, which surprisingly suited the series. I'd argue the above ground segments are nearly just as well-designed as the first game, all things considered.
>if Pikmin 2 released today it would be lambasted for being different
If anything, it would be praised for providing more content and being more accessible, with varying opinions on the removed time limit.
Like at launch.
Landmaster and Blue Marine are just variations of the Arwing. They use the same core mechanics with some differences. They fit in the game.
It's not like Sonic Adventure where you get a completely different genre every level.
EDF but with Star Fox characters
The Pikmin ports that used the Wii mote were popular enough it was made into a control scheme for Pikmin 3. You're doing nothing but control scheme bitching whereas my issues with Pikmin 2 are aspects that literally clash with the core ideas of Pikmin.
Star Fox Zero is a good Star Fox game and a better follow up to 64 than Assault ever was and I think it is big an improvement on the base gameplay. If it's been rejected then oh well, but All Range Mode in Star Fox is never going to be a great as it was in Star Fox Zero again. When the options for 3D Rail Shooters are as thin as they are I don't understand why you'd be so sensitive about control schemes, especially one that ultimately works and from the 1st stage shows off shit you could have never hoped to do in SF64 or Assault.
Since the Switch has a normal controller, what are the chances that Star Fox Zero will get ported with good controls?
>Star Fox Zero is a good Star Fox game
It isn't, though. It's a failed attempt at another pointless reboot.
>and from the 1st stage shows off shit you could have never hoped to do in SF64 or Assault
>flying through Corneria, again
>all-range mode in a circular arena, as usual
>shooting enemies
Oh but now you have an "epic" cinematic camera most people don't give a shit about.
Honestly I could've done without those stages, though they weren't bad.
Speaking of stages, I just enjoyed the ones on SNES more than the ones in N64. I remember Zoness, but not for good reasons. Fuck.
>Star Fox Zero is a good Star Fox game
in terms of what
it has tries to pass off single boss fights as complete routes
there are no difficulty settings
only one ending
andross only has one form
arcade mode is a lazy unlockable instead of a default mode
it ditches the series multiplayer for a simplistic coop mode as shallow as super mario galaxy's
the grav master was a redundant addition and the gyro wing kills the game's pacing
Hyrule Warriors was the better idea
I'm talking about the Striders, the land based enemies with a weak point that's smaller than the weak point of the Final Boss in Star Fox 64 shows how more accurate the aiming can be even downwards at an angle. Star Fox Zero does a lot to justify it's new control scheme and demonstrating how it improves on Star Fox 64's gameplay.
It's lame to just see people pretend the things it does improve didn't happen in order to push their narrative.
>I remember Zoness, but not for good reasons
I only remember it because of the music.
I never brought up my issues with rail shooters of SFZ at all, I explained the reason why the fans had such a backlash. It's entirely reasonable. You tell your fans to wait such an absurd period of time for a follow-up in a series and fill it up with gimmicks, they aren't going to be happy. And, lo and behold, the game didn't sell.
Take, for instance, Federation Force. It would've been a cute spin-off, but since it was not only released in such a drought in the series, but also after the most controversial game in the series, fans went ballistic. And, lo and behold, the game didn't sell.
Nintendo has no idea what they're fans want, they do their experiments (some working out well, some being half-baked), when the fans want something else entirely.
Also, Pikmin has changed the element of challenge in each iteration. The time management did make the first fantastic, but the second changes focus entirely. It doesn't "conflict" with the core gameplay "mechanics," it's simply a different application of those same mechanics. And it works phenomenally. At least you can agree that Pikmin 3 is shit in comparison to either of it's predecessors.
It does things well, but it's hard to praise it when it shits all over everything too.
>great controls ultimately ruined by having to look at the pad
>rehash of SF64 but worse
>some bosses utilizing all-range mode end up just being more tedious
No, you know what's lame? Acting like precision aiming makes up for all the other shortcomings and makes the game a good entry in a series that never needed to rely on controller gimmicks to provide entertainment.
I'm split on how Zero treated Leon
>Doesn't have his own special fight like the other got
>Doesn't have a special ability like the others
But on the other hand.
>Looks great
>Sounds like he should
>Star Fox musou
to think there could be something even mroe trash than Zero and Command...
Basically Miyamoto needs to fucking die for Star Fox and F-Zero to evolve.
Who cares, your series is dead :^)
Am I the only one who loved Assault more than 64?
I genuinely loved the on foot stuff, and the music was beyond amazing.
And the multiplayer was fucking amazing. Me, my brother, and a lot of my friends would play the fuck out of it all the time. We played it enough to have unlocked everything multiplayer related, which wasn't an easy feat.
If Star Fox didn't try so hard to be 64, I genuinely believe it wouldn't have died as fast. It would be retarded, but I would have loved to see Nintendo use Star Fox as their answer to the everlasting genre that is FPS's
I care, Leon's my favorite Star Wolf Member.
I didn't like his huge fat head in Assault+Command and I hated his croaky voice.
>your series is dead
No shit.
The problem with Star Fox Zero is that it does more wrong than right.
>great soundtrack
>cool set pieces in space
>Fox doesn't sound like a whiny fag
Then you have
>another plot remake
>these planets again
>everyone's favorite one-liners except we change a word or two and completely ruin the delivery
>teammates repeating instructions even more often because why are these controls required for a simple rail shooter
>what the fuck was all that interview bullshit about the story exploring Andross and Pepper's past?
>multiplayer? that thing 643D had with multiple control schemes? fuck that
>getting sippy with uncle grippy's nippy slippy bippy has more replay value
>everything looks like a cheap plastic toy when you're on land
Multiplayer was amazing. I'd fucking kill for a modern version of it.
Honestly, a sequel to Assault would be amazing.
>everyone's favorite one-liners except we change a word or two and completely ruin the delivery
>You're good, but I'm better!
>You're good... but not good enough!
>Sorry to jet, but we're in a hurry.
>Can't talk now... gotta go!
We know what they're supposed to say. It's like they realized how samey everything was and just changed random shit for the sake of it.
I'd rather have Star Fox go out on Zero than go out on 643D or Command.
I think it is possible to go past Andross as the main enemy but just hasn't been done well enough yet. Assault did it kinda okay but ended up too space opera-y. Rather than remove things from canon from a series not many have even played, it's best just to try again from scratch.
Zero improved the franchise by doing new things while still feeling like Star Fox. 64 was great but many planets and areas essentially felt like pallet swaps of one another. Instead of having filler, Zero does more with less.
Different localization team could also have been the cause, if they weren't familiar with all of the one liners from 64.
>Zero improved the franchise
No it didn't. It showed that they literally have no idea what to do with it.
I'd rather have it go out on 64 3D.
It's another rehash of 64, but it's good.
>furfags think they're starfox fans
They should just make a Star Fox movie, for fuck's sake.
I've never played a Starfox game but know all the lore and read fanfiction of it.
>>everyone's favorite one-liners except we change a word or two and completely ruin the delivery
Yeah that bothered me. Yes I know Star Fox 64 isn't shakespeare but there's no good banter in Zero, where's the shit like "COCKY LITTLE FREAKS"?. Instead we get ripoff banter where they changed the words around, like in Yoshi's new Island.
That's really fucking sad.
it's not like Star Fox 64 is even that hard to play. Hell play Adventure on Dolphin if you feel like some good old fashioned cringe and gud graffix.
At least you got a game.