Why are there no fat people in Bethesda games?

Why are there no fat people in Bethesda games?

because that would require them to make more then one skeleton that has different properties to it than normal sized human, slightly larger human, and baby human

Because that would require them to make mora than just one character model and Bethesda is allergic against anything that requires effort.

you can be fat in fallout 4

Why is that a problem?


Modern add them for the people that want them.

The physics of their fat alone would triple the game breaking glitches

you do relize that body weight does not increase the size of your skeleton, right? skeleton sizes are pretty universal, there's literally no such thing as a fat skeleton you fucking uneducated tard

source; practicing radiologist

source: dumbfuck that has never put effort into learning how to make vidya

Lord Amiel Richton from Redguard

So they don't offend my eyes.

I'm merely pointing out that the size of the skeleton has literally nothing to do with the weight of an npc, there are plenty of games with fatties but there's no reason you'd need to make the skeleton larger you moron

and yea lets see your masterpiece of a game you've crreated seeing as you're so damn experienced

>I dont understand what skeleton means in video game/animation context.
You ever see games with a fat character, and their arms are sank into their sides, or remember how that SL troller with the green avatar fucking with people had its arms sinking into its side.

That's why you need a different skeleton, you need a different rig, and they are to lazy to fucking do it.

>See fat character.
>He crosses his arms.
>Arms noclip into his chest.

A video game "skeleton" refers to a character model's physics rig which you manipulate to create animations.
Fat people in video games need a different skeleton and different animations to accommodate their different resting poses, walking gaits etc., otherwise they'd look like they were normal humans with water beds under their clothes.

Stop being fucking dense, vidya isn't real life.

for the exact same reason there are no jews in bethesda games

You're a nobody, Dumb Donald!

they are fucking lazy and cheap?

Probably for the same reason all the old people are really buff.

was fat albert always this fucking fat?

Because someone keeps stealing all the sweetrolls

which is why?

Todd is a Nazi sympathizer


Thus started the obesity acceptance movement, because no one fat shamed Fat Albert.