So why isn't anyone talking about the possible remaster/rerelease of the Dark Souls Trilogy on the Switch...

So why isn't anyone talking about the possible remaster/rerelease of the Dark Souls Trilogy on the Switch? I'm hyped as hell but it seems like nobody cares but me.

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Why would we be talking about the possibility of a port of 5 year old game, a 2 year old game and a 1 year old game for inferior hardware?

because It's on the go, mate

>Tumblr tranny "Reputable insider" whose always ALWAYS wrong. Is the source.

Gave me a giggle matey.

Will the switch even have online play? Will I be able to connect to WiFi networks while I'm using it on the go?

It's a report, not a rumor. She might talk out of her ass 24/7 but this time this is actual stuff thats going down

Nintendo might be full of retards, but they're probably smart enough to put in wifi

>running ds3, which it's poorly optimized, on a handheld system
>porting games about the cyclical nature of man, death and abominable mutations to a nintendo console
I'm a souls fun and i would really like for the switch to be decent but i'd say the next tf2 comic has more chance to come out tomorrow than this to be true

>according to one of our sources
>doesn't cite source
It's a rumor

Pretty much guaranteed.

It would make zero sense for it not to have online capability
It probably will not have 3G/4G capability like the Vita did though

Because I anticipate it will end up the same way as ME3/Arkham City on the Wii U, a passable but clearly inferior port of a game that everyone has already played and has no real benefit to showing up on Ninty's console.

I mean, I'm looking forward to more games from Fromsoft and any new ideas they have cooking up, but a Souls remaster is the least interesting news by far. The Souls brand has been milked dry and even Miyazaki knows it.

>DS3 gets Switch-exclusive Zelda-themed crossover DLC
>Hero's Tunic armor set, Master Sword (with sword beam weapon art), Hero's Bow with Light Arrow WA

He's always right you may be confusing him with Rogers.

I honestly am tired of seeing all related items in games that appear on Nintendo platforms. That tekken was a mistake.

>on the go
Fighting pointiff in butter smooth 10 fps

>running ds3, which it's poorly optimized

Because no one fucking cares?

Dark Souls 3 is already on the good platforms.

If you're a person who only gets the Nintendo platform I can only assume you're a cuck. I mean that in the most genuine sense.

Nintendo has been fucking your gaming life for teh past 2 generations and yet you still give a shit about them.

Because who gives a fuck at this point? The series sequels were a mistake and BB is both better than all of them and desperately in need of porting to new hardware.

>BB is both better than all of them and desperately in need of porting to new hardware.

Never EVER (unless it's PS5)


>So why isn't anyone talking about the possible remaster/rerelease of the Dark Souls Trilogy on the Switch?
its dark souls 1, 2 and 3. both 2 and 3 are ehh
dark souls 1 is nice but its old and on everything.

the only game people wanted re-released at this point is demon's souls because there's a possibility the final arch stone area could be finished.

Call me if they remaster Demons

>on the go

Your fat fucking ass sat on a computer for like 16 hours a day and you don't play it. How the fuck are you going to play it on the go?

Damn, Sonyponies on the offense. Why's this got you so damn TRIGGERED bros?


>dark souls running on switch
Considering From's definition of running is 20fps i'm not excited

I'm bored to death of Souls games already.

should have said graphically demanding, but the optimization could have been done much better.
Say what you want about ds2 but the little shit ran at 1080p@60fps on my 610M
I mean, for fucks sake, after 3 games we still have console button prompts on PC, from can't do porting for shit

>battery lasts 10 minutes

>game will run like shit 720p/20fps
>Nintoddlers will praise it as ultimate version because of muh mobility

Because most, if not all, of the people that care about the trilogy have already played them.

#1 Because its a Nintendo console
#2 Because its not going to happen

Everyone's already played DS1-3

Now if Bloodborne was getting ported, that would be news

why would we get hyped about something that isn't happening or even hinted at anywhere?

DaS 2 was a last gen game.
You can't seriously expect to run new games on your potato tier mobile gpu.

>Now if Bloodborne was getting ported
>To an even worse platform

>DaS 2 was a last gen game
The 610M is a laptop card from 2 yeard before ds2 was released.
The equivalent would be a 910M running ds3 at 1080p@60fps, which i highly doubt it can do

DaS 2 was developed with hardware from 2005 in mind.

Why would you buy a remastered version? Why not just play the originals? I don't get it

>drones hyping up games everyone else has already played

>ds2 released for ps3
uh, the more you know.
ps3 released in 2006 but still.
Still, i highly doubt it will be ported to the switch, this type of game isn't in line with what nintendo wants or publicizes
Things like spider tits and blood would need to be removed.
Also thing like those deformed corvians sprouting wings

>ps3 released in 2006 but still.
You think they designed it in the same year?
The PS3 GPU for example is a cut-down 7800 GTX, a 2005 part.

so at this point it's confirmed to be a "last gen ports + nintendo games" platform? Guess I'll pass again.

There's no fucking way they're putting DS3 in a collection when they haven't even finished all the DLC jewing. Wait for all DLC to come out, wait for the complete GOTY special whatever edition to come out, wait for another year or so, then you might see this happen.

can't say much about it m8, haven't touched a home console since the ps1

>there's no fucking way they're doing this thing that has already been annonced
ok user

>can run DaS I & II on my 2006 xbox 360 fat
>manchilds piss their pants because they will get a broken port on their toy
lately the switch wont get shit you wont even get mvsc infinity even umvsc 3 wich got ported to xbone and ps4 the switch is doomed

Because who the fuck would play DaS on this?

I don't know why I'm giving you a (you) for your shit tier false flagging but here you go.

Because everyone already played them to death by now. I'm happy for Nintendo that they got them.

I always thought wouldn't that be cool? I mean everything that puts a dent in Sony fanboys' smiles is fine by me.

What's bigger news for me from all these rumors is:
>The confirmation of the DaS 3 GotY edition and it's release date of somewhere after Switch's launch, so somewhere April?
>The hint that the second DLC will come out either at that time or some time before, so maybe March, February.

Please show me the trilogy announcement user

Ew, good way to cheapen the game

No thanks, Souls is already a lifeless and boring Zelda clone.

>I mean everything that puts a dent in Sony fanboys' smiles is fine by me.
Why are Nintendo fantards so insecure about Sony? Souls games are on PC too you cuck.

>by an alleged "leaker" that had 98% made up news and was 1 time barely right

That guy just turns anything promising on Sup Forums or neogaf into some sort of story and hopes it's eventually right. Nothings been announced.

>tfw that's just a rumor to increase hype for the Switch
>tfw you have no face

because that game has 0 replay value. I've already beat it once, and that was enough. It isn't like the other souls games, that have fun pvp and build variety. It's just r1 mash and rollspam: the game.

You are literally retarded. BB is OWNED by Sony, why the fuck do you think it would come to the Switch?

Bloodborne is a Sony IP retard

>multiplat games are staying multiplat
>exclusive game is staying exclusive
>"everything that puts a dent in Sony fanboys' smiles is fine by me"

>he actually thinks this
Zelda hasnt been good since SNES

you can't pause the game or anything.... it'd be kinda awkward on the go.

You are dumb. Why am I a Nintendo fan? I just said I'm happy for them. Obviously I'm PC.

And I mean, I'm happy because Sonyggers have this misconception that somehow Dark Souls is a Sony series or something and that From is "theirs" too.
>Souls games are on PC too you cuck.
You forgot Xbox too. ;)

you just linked to a shitty website reporting the exact same thing as this professional "leaker" who guesses 100% of the time with a few successes.

I've never seen anybody claim Souls is a "sony" series. You're delusional. And if anybody believes that it's probably on account of the exclusive games nobody else gets to play.

>sources only count if they agree with me!

it's not a matter of opinion, it's not about agreeing with somebody you fucking imbecile. How many of this tranny's reports have been correct? out of how many? You do the math nintendork.

You seem to be having serious trouble grasping the difference between a rumor and an announcement

I'd just want Demon and Dark Souls for PC remastered or whatever.

I guess Dark Souls portable might be interesting but I don't think I want to buy a Nintendo console with the way Nintendo behaves.

what tranny? what are you even talking about?

DeS makes sense of course, but what possible reason could you have for wanting a DaS PC remaster? You can play it right now on PC

Laura Kate Dale. I know it's tough to keep up with an adult conversation but do your best and use the reading comprehension you learned at school!

I don't know. I guess they could fix some stuff and make look better and run better. I heard you need a fan patch to make it playable or something.

You want a PC remaster for a perfectly playable game that you haven't even played yet? wat

I played it on PS3. I have 2 and 3 on PC, but I never bought 1 because I already had it on PS3 and heard it had port problems.

If you already played it on PS3 and didn't wanna play the PC port, why would you suddenly want to play a remastered PC version?
I'm not trying to be confrontational or anything, I just don't understand it
With DSFix, Dark Souls is perfectly fine and playable already

Its port "problems" are fixed by a 50kb file that you put in the install directory and set your resolution in an *.ini file

If you want "better graphics" like it's a "remaster" that little file lets set up custom textures, but that's pointless, just raise the internal rendering resolution to that of your display resolution and leave everything on default if it's too much for you.

Ah well alright then, I was just thinking out loud.

A fucking pro gaymer, that's who.


I know that, but you missed the point. The point is none of the other games require remasters except BB and DeS. I mever said I thought it was coming or should come yo the Switch, just that every other remaster is utterly pointless.

can you even play from a technical standpoint?
>light and strong attack for left and right hand
>lock on
>camera controls
>weapon/spells/tool switcher
>walking stick

Not that guy but you are right btw, almost unplayable without the mod

How is it a remaster if they need to downgrade Dark Souls I

>min max invading an active community of nintoddlers in the burg
Almost makes me want to buy the Nintendo shit

Because we already have like all day yesterday you retard

Because it's on the switch, so nobody cares