At chapter 8

>at chapter 8
>immensely enjoying the game from the beginning
>all those people saying it will go to shit chapter 9 onwards

Should i just stay in lucis forever? Chapter 6 and 7 were fun as heck with the aranea boss fight and clearing a dungeon with her.

Highwind cleared that mofo ass quezacotl.

I'm probably one of the few people here who really like the game (as of this point).

Is the trainwreck of the last few chapters really that bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

Only chapter 13 user. The rest is still decent.

I beat the game at 30 hours, and enjoyed it. If you continue you get an item that let's you "go back in time" keeping your items and levels, so don't worry so much

>Chapter 13

This really is a universal complaint huh. As long as it's just one chapter.

No yeah, seriously. I have never played a game that went from a perfect 10 to a fucking 0 so fast. It went back up but damn man. That chapter is just badly made.

Stay in Lucis. It's pretty bad, the game feel so rushed after chapter 9 and everything becomes so depressing you'll beg to return to the road trip and chilling with your bros. There seems to be a lot of things happening off screen too after chapter 9 which makes the story so confusing but they said they will patch it later. So keep chilling in Lucis until they do.

It's never been a perfect 10, solid 8 sure.

But for OP do as much as you want before Chapter 7, but after that I would simply complete the story and then once complete you can do everything else, even travelling back to Lucis.

That was an exaggeration honestly. Fits the saying you know?

Not him but I'm at chapter 8? Getting on the boat and everyone is lv60 and I have Ultima blade because of all the side content

I feel like if I stay any longer I'll just faceroll the rest of the game and not enjoy it since main story is only lv25 at this point

You can get on the boat now, and i assure you that you will still meet enemies that more or less give you a run for your money even at that level in the final chapters.

Or at least irritate you.

just finish the game, you're not locked out of anything from the open world

in fact you get more out of it

man I thought I was hot shit at level 50 in the final area

still beat em though

Is this an in-game screenshot? Does the game downsample to 360p or some shit?

LV60? I facerolled it at level 45ish

That demon wall in chapter 14 (beneath the rock tunnel) was pretty annoying to kill as level 50ish, raped everything else in Insomnia though.

It just becomes Final Hallway II and chapter 13 is just horrible gameplay wise.
Storywise I actually started to enjoy it more than the previous chapters.

Start Chapter 9, until you get to Altissa. Meet Wex or whatever at the Magooh bar, and then meet Gentia(?) at the hotel in Altissa. Don't continue the story from there.

There is a food at Magooh that gives you guaranteed 100% xp for battles. The hotel in Altissa has a room you can stay in that gives you 3x xp when you level up there. Also, you gain the ability to teleport from Lucis back to Altissa thanks to a pupper.

I don't understand why people do this. You now risk killing bosses so fast that you won't even get to see the awesome QTE/summon sequences.

Why the fuck wouldn't everyone just minimize XP gain if they do sidequests, and complete the story before getting too overleveled? Do people just play with their brains turned off?

More XP is always a bad thing though, no exceptions. You should only sleep at camps or in 1.0x spots.

Why does the text in the middle look like chinese

Not him but I tend to do this on every RPG, over level and over prepare because I want to do everything I possibly can before going ahead.

for me I was afraid that the game would lock me out of some stuff and put me into NG+ like Xenoblade did

The problem with ffxv is that you can do almost all the side quests from the beginning. I'm level 38 and 20 hours in, and I haven't even gone to the Disc of Cauthess yet.

Also due to how the combat works you can kill anything at any level practically, you just spam items and magic.

For example the Naglfar boss, I killed it at LV60 and its LV120

>tfw I did this
>tfw my OCD sidequest tendencies made it that the aranae fight was over in less than 20 seconds and I never got to experience the 1v1 in the air v her

I haven't been on Sup Forums since release and I recently hit Atlissa and just started gambling for like 6 hours in the arena. Glad I read this, gonna just chill here and go back to lucis with Umbra if I wanna do hunts or something.

Just think about in ch.1-8 you are on obama pres time and next 9-13 you are in tump time

I know many people do this, but it sounds extremely boring and autistic. I bet you spend most of that time not actually having fun, but rather just satisfying your compulsive urge to have done everything.

I worried about that too, but it's as simple as just keeping multiple saves. Plus, every time I passed a "point of no return" I checked my quest long to see that my quests were still there and not failed/missed.

People can still have fun satisfying their urges user.

Good thing Squeenix promised to fix it huh? ;)

You need to go back to >>>/reddit/

>All the jump scares in chapter 13

Thats what bugged me the most.

What specifically is so wrong with chapter 13? I haven't played the game yet.

No, that's not fun. That's called mitigating what would otherwise be a bother to you because of your compulsions. It's like your whole gameplay experience is applying band-aids to wounds instead of having fun.

I'm a mild completionist myself so I totally empathize with the urges, but whenever I'm doing some random sidequest and it occurs to me that I'm not actively having fun, I have the mental capacity to fucking stop doing it and do something else.

Not to mention if I see the story quest levels falling behind my own level, I'm not so fucking retarded that I keep doing sidequests knowing full well that every one I complete is going to make the actual primary content of the game less fun.

For a long period of it you have no weapons or party members except a ring that gives you some new magic.

Stealth section in generic narrow linear corridors for a couple of hours, also filled with story-related letdowns and anticlimaxes.

I love pixelart. Post more!

I'm one of those people who really appreciated chapter 13.

It's like old final fantasy of yonder, a part of the game who is TEDIOUS but willingly so, it's brave and if all the chapter before that were that well constructed in their intent we would have had a masterpiece in our hand. Unfortunately it's quite apparent they had to cut content out completely to meet the deadlines.

Feels rushed and is basically a mad dash to the end of the game. All of the storyline is condensed into like 2 hours and it just feels like an uncomfortable clusterfuck

>No, that's not fun.
Not for you definitely. Just because you think doing side content is mundane and a waste of time doesn't mean other people don't enjoy finding out what happens at the end of a side quest or maybe they enjoying over leveling and stomping the shit out of everything.

The emperor shows up after having only 1 cutscene in the beginning of the game as some generic, lvl 30, bat/imp enemy in an unremarkably, unsastisfying fight


The worst part is that it goes on forever. You have no chance to leave or do anything else, and for most of it the story doesn't even progress. Once the story elements start happening it gets good, but the first half of chapter 13 might be an actual 0/10 experience.

That said this might still be one of my favorite games ever made... if dark souls 1 had stayed the way it was when it was first released everyone would hate it.

That's not what he said at all. Fetch quests can be alright but when they're repeated ad nasium it's time to move on. I tried doing all of the side quests too until I realized
>holy shit they just keeping coming, they aren't fun, and aren't expanding on the story or lore or anything
So I just stopped and completed the story

>level 50
>have a hard time beating level 40 mobs

what am I doing wrong? most of the time my party gets wiped out and I end up beating them solo

But that is what he said and so are you, you're calling the fetch quests mundane which is fine, your opinion; but what I just said was that there are people that enjoy doing the fetch quests due to many reasons.

I kinda just think that's how the team ai is in this game... they really don't understand self preservation .

Another thing anyone who isn't retarded will quickly notice is that the quests never go anywhere interesting or expand on character development or lore, aside obviously from the quests from main characters which should be high priority.

Again it seems like people who play the way we are talking about are just really stupid and not capable of making informed decisions on how to use their time.

but it's not just them, I'm burning through hi-potions against most of the enemies in Insomnia

>alright guys let's finish this journey
>gets absolutely destroyed by mobs right at the entrance

>Again it seems like people who play the way we are talking about are just really stupid and not capable of making informed decisions on how to use their time.

Nigga you're playing a JRPG, you already decided to waste time, not to to mention you decided to play a Final Fantasy game

Have you been using your AP and getting better gear?

You're not supposed to actually fight the stuff in Insomnia, you're supposed to sneak past them and kill the easier actual bosses.