What went wrong? Why did it flop?

What went wrong? Why did it flop?

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net code wasnt good enough
half weapon setups are absolute garbage

>Team shooter
>no voice chat
Use the mute option if kiddies hurt your feelings.

It sold more than Bloodborne.

But it didn't?

>when you can still go online and find a game instantly

did you eat your bag of dicks already?

What went wrong? Why did it flop?

Only because Japans cares too much about this shit. Every time I boot up the game I ended up playing with Japanese people, they are the only people still playing this.

They are probably the same people who thought Splatoon wouldn't sell more than 300K units.

Non sexualized females is why it flopped. Same with all games that have female not meant for titillation. Even tomb raider has huge boobs for this purpose.

>Only because Japans cares too much about this shit.
The lastest Splatoon testfire, which was region locked, says otherwise. You could find people that are from USA and Europe to play.

And even if Splatoon was only full of japaneses playing, that still doesn't by no way means it flopped.

Nobody wants to play a kids shooter.

My issue is that the success of the franchise is vastly exaggerated mostly because of the difference in reception of the game between the West and Japan.

Splatoon sold over 1.5M in retail units in Japan (give or take 20% or more as digital sales and we could be saying that Japan sold as much as 1.8M) with less than 4M Wii Us in Japan. That is roughly 1 game per 2 console owners in Japan.

Outside of Japan there are roughly 10M Wii U units. If the west bought Splatoon at the same rate as Japan, the series should have sold so far 4.5M-5M in the west for a total between 6 to 7M worldwide, but the series never took off as much as it did in Japan, the series currently has (according to Nintendo's IR page) 4.5M units world wide, which Japan represents over 40% of the total sales while only representing less than 30% of the install base.

only hard facts matter.. It crushed bloodborne.

>My issue is that the success of the franchise is vastly exaggerated
so much words to say "I'm butthurt and mad". The gymnastic is fucking real.

And Pocahontas made more money than Heat, what's your point?

Not at all, I love the game but I think people are getting the wrong message from its success. The west clearly doesn't care as much as Japan does and that will affect how not only the sequel but also the marketing of the game in the west. Since I doubt Nintendo will be pushing for the game in the west do to its low penetration with their own customers.

God you're pathetic.

It wasn't on the PS4.

So how long until its released on a real system?

>normally hates shooters
>buys Splatoon

Maybe because it featured underage looking girls......just sayian.

>Replace squids with space Marines
>game would have sold like 30 copies in Jap land

The Nintendo Switch launchs on March 2017, stay tuned user.

I'm pretty sure the west DOES care for Splatoon, given that NOA did put as much as marketing as they can in west.


They even just had a tournament, being passed by Splatoon's tumblr.


It sold better than the PS4's one game, though.


Ah, the typical uninformed Sup Forums poster. Might want to do a quick google search to find the sales numbers before making such statements, my friend.

so sales suddenly don't matter because a lot of Japanese people bought it?

what are you blabbering about, it sold 3 million copies in the west, it takes a special brand of retardation to spin this into a negative because it didn't comparatively sold as much as in japan

Splatoon is actually one of the best selling games on the wii u

the problem was the wii u didn't sell well

Are you living in some bizarro world where this game didn't sell like 5 million copies?

>Sell 43 million consoles globally
>Only manage to sell 2 million copies of Bloodborne despite this
>Shitpost about Splatoon on Sup Forums because it sold better and you have no games to play

Young man buys expensive paperweight, contracts fanboyism and defends it to the death on a board for Nepalese cave paintings. Sad!

Nothing. It didn't.

only time i've ever agreed with a tripfag