>Wait hol up. So you be sayin we wuz kings and shit?
Skyrim thread.
Wait hol up. So you be sayin we wuz kings and shit?
What are companions good for? Of course aside from having someone fighting with you. I rather be alone, but fear that I could miss content.
Mules, for the most part.
>miss content
I don't think there's a single instance where a companion interacts with a quest. You're expecting Fallout New Vegas type companions when they're more like Fallout 3 companions.
Serana is the only worthwhile one, all the others just get in the way and/or die
Alright, I'll keep being alone then.
Why is that?
>I am sworn to carry your burdens.
You'd be wrong, there's the Boethiah quest where you have to sacrifice a follower.
Barely counts.
>Ebony mail
>Easier sneaking
>Damage aura that alerts everyone to your presence
I got a burden for you right behind this here codpiece.
>spend an hour exploring a cave
>"hey look, a cave, I wonder what's inside?"
You're a dull girl, Lydia.
You see this guy approaching. What do?
Reminder that the medieval furries are the master race. Once upon a time they got so high in skooma, that their souls ripped apart the rules of space and time, and built a civilization in the fucking moon.
You just can't fight against a drug-induced reality-warping bipedal cats.
Hope he recognises all the honest day's of work I've done thus far in my life.
Yes, but can they split atoms?
>mfw can't get into any elder scrolls game aside from morrowind
I feel like I should like oblivion but I don't know why I find it so boring
its okay to not like a game
Give every khajiit a bag of coke and I bet your ass they could reduce Tamriel into ashes with an atomic blast.
It's where the dumbing down began. A game like morrowind will never be made again.
I wanted that enchantment for my Daedric armor so damn bad.
Just get the muffle perk, literally the same thing. Sneak enchants are way more effective.
Dark Brotherhood Assistants level past level 50 and are essential and if iirc you can take ANOTHER companion along with them like you can if you have a dog companion. A nameless mook of an organization only just barely brought back from the point of extinction is the most reliable companion in the game.
Got 99 hours in my current save, just made lydia follow me to breezehome cause she was annoying me whether i try to get to the court wizard. Made her legendary ebony armor enchanted it, gave it to her and told her to wait in her room. I don't plan to go into that room anymore and I always run solo, companions are just a burden.
look where you are, user. we dont like any game
Why even bother with lydia though. Just pick a mage college companion. They're cool.
The snow elves deserve to be a playable race.
>Kill some bandit women.
>Search body.
>Take iron sword or whatever the fuck.
>Give junk enchanted sword.
>Dead Thrall them back to life.
>They use the new weapon.
>Try the same thing with armor.
>They just run around in their underwear and die to everything.
>Why even bother with lydia though. Just pick J'zargo. He's cool.
I fixed that for yah.
Mjoll can solo dungeons by herself with Grimsever and literally cannot be killed.
That's pretty much what I meant. Fire cloak cat goat tier bro.
>tfw if you were Thane of Whiterun all you'd be doing is breeding Lydia
Carry my burdens now carry my children.
Because whenever I visit the wizard to level my enchanting she says " its good to see you again my thane " and other generic shit, I also maxed smithing and almost enchanting so I just improve the gear i loot and dumped it on her since she looks like a hobo. So yeah just put her in breezehome so I don't have to listen to her
I always liked the woman who is at Azura's shrine. She's a mage, so she doesn't block your shots, summons an Ice atronach to fight for her, and uses lightning as her main attack, so she rarely misses. Even without multiple companion mods, if you use her, and summon an atronach of your own, you can have a battle group the size of a Skyrim army.
Lydia has saved my life numerous times at low level. It's sort of an attachment thing at this point.
>Falmer supposedly went blind from years of inbreeding and being underground
>Dawnguard retcons this into them willingly drinking a poison made by the Dwemer
>i smear azura's star with lesser souls
>hire random mercenary from tavern
>sacrifice them instead of any guild followers
At least that's what I did
Not him but I just get grand souls from mammoths.
Can someone post the pictures of Lydia in the iron helmet looking mad
She looks cute in that helmet.
>Azuras star, one of the most powerful, artifacts precisely because of it's uncapped ability to contain souls and be reused.
>Making it so it can contain human souls like it always has is somehow defiling it and pisses Azura off.
I was a little mad. Why would they do this?
>be stealth archering around High Gate Ruins
>fucking retard Nord bint in tow
>sneak attacking Vokun
Why I don't take followers
Everything pisses her off. She's the Daedric god of PMS.
Same, when I come across them, never really go out of my way to get them. I usually just buy the filled grand gems
>tfw married Shavee
>mfw that raspy voice every time I come home to offload my dragon boners and iron ore
I keep thinking I may have made a mistake
>~ Setessential 0
>buying soul gems
Did they patch the Khajiit inventory chest in Dawnstar? I use that exclusively for soul gems and poisons.
If you have a decent sneak, you can remain hidden while your companion fights. You can keep pelting the same enemy over and over without ever being detected, and every shot will give a sneak critical.
Jump on top of that roof in the center of Riften and watch him staring up at me, desperate for conversation.
Bitch plays favorites like it's her job. Get on her good side and she will literally curse entire races because a few of them betrayed you. I want in on that.
>No Umbra for unlimited Souls trap combos.
Mace of Molag Bal still works but it's not as stylish as a sleek black sword.
>when you're using mod armour but the texture quality is slightly less good than book of silence and it just feels off
Yes, the unofficial legendary patch fixed that. And when I say buy I mean I buy ingots from the arms dealer, craft legendary ebony gear and sell it back, so I have leftover ingots, gear to sell the wizard to get my soul gems and to turn a profit while doing it
>No Altmer husband option
Wtf?! I want a husband who will beret me for being inferior but fug my brains out.
>beret me
>finish thief guild quest and get an ok buff
>keep skeleton key
Not a difficult choice.
And it doesn't matter what companion it is and they don't react at all based on who it is, so it doesn't count.
I agree that's why I want it. Lydia is very cute.
I'm still pissed that you can't finish the quest AND keep it. You know it's not really getting used. The guild is content with just chilling in the sewers.
>not marring Syglja
You can't even steal it back. I'm keeping it, fuck these niggas. That's the best item in the game that doesn't involve me exploiting the game's mechanics.
>not marrying her and having her mom as your housecarl
Good taste.
>That's the best item in the game
Maybe if lock picking weren't so easy, and lockpicks weren't so common.
Companions are useless past Expert or level 40
>get Ebony Blade, a powerful daedric artifact
>looks great, like the life stealing effect
>it can only do like 30 damage
Fucking lame.
J'Zargo never stops leveling with you.
Or if you couldn't just quicksave before every lock.
You have to power it up by killing your friends, I'm pretty sure the game tells you as much
I did that at first, but after a few hours of gameplay I had gotten so many lockpicks that I just didn't care any more.
If I could change anything about Sylgja it'd be to tan her up a little. She's pale as a ghost yet her mom is a caramel colored goddess.
You still can't smith it
it's pretty trash
Basically the same thing i guess
The starting damage is 11 without perks. The highest it's capable of going is 32, iirc. I may be wrong.
>can't marry J'zargo
Are you playing on unpatched consoles? There's a lot of companions that level up to 50 even 60. Couple even go up past that.
Yeah but he sucks.
Same, for picking pockets too which is already broken if you can bribe guards with the Speechcraft perk. Pick a guard, take stuff, leave stuff, get caught, bribe and repeat.
Skyrim is so stupid I swear to god
>yeah but he sucks
remove yourself
Outta my way Forsworn fucking shits, best house coming through.
tfw can't marry best girl, Adrianne Avenicci
Serana's better
>and built a civilization in the fucking moon.
No, they didn't. Those Imperial Moon colonies were there during the Reman Era, long before the khajiit decided to build a ladder and pick apart the abandoned remains.
>molag bal's rape puppet
>better than anything
>it's okay to have personal subjective opinions
spoken like a true bitch.
That's why I like her. She's damaged and needs to rely on me to keep her life from falling apart, even more so since I forced her to kill her own father. She's completely mine.
that's all well and good until you try to fuck her and realize you might as well be thrusting into an open doorway
Jesus fucking Christ, she's POLYGONS
Polygon is a website silly
and you're just energy condensed into a slow vibration, fundamentally no different than a rock, being pulled through time by forces you can't possibly understand
Why did the best house have to be in the worst city?
Markarth is the best city
once you kill all it's inhabitants
She's had thousands of years to get tight again.
Relax faggot I'm just kidding.
Bill you are dead, pls leave
It is fair because it means you can't be a furry. The game is saving you from yourself.
that's not how it works, once you're wrecked you're wrecked for life.
or unlife in this case
Healing spells could fix that right up.
>vaginas don't get tight again
virgin detected
Bullshit. Shes a vampire, so she stays young forever.
Also if you stretched your butt out with a dragon dildo, do you honestly think it would never be the same again?
Danwguard didn't retcon it, it was like that in the base game as well. That's what the whole black reach area is about.
I'd blush softly, squeeze my thighs together as I think of him, taking me all night in the tent near Dawnstar full of red mountain flowers.