How do you feel about religious themes in vidya?

How do you feel about religious themes in vidya?

the only religious themes i enjoy are the ones where god obviously doesnt ezist

If they're done well they can be a good well to drawn from, Dante's Inferno was a pretty great game and it's lore is all based in Christianity.

They're fine.

Unless it's Scientology.

No...just no.

Im more triggered by the fact its offcenter.

The Divine Comedy pays more attention to the Christian canon than most modern day Christians.

You don't know shit.

by which you mean a divine fanfiction?

Has fantastic potential in any aspect in gaming, but will never be fully realized.

Yes. Calling it fanfiction doesn't diminish my point in any way.

Once again, it's still based on judeo-christian mythology, and still pays more attention to the fundamentals than most modern practitioners. If anything, you calling it a fanfiction (which it rightly is) only reinforces my point, because the original statement was that it's based on christian lore, and fanfiction is always based on something pre-existing.

>put a religious object on screen

WOAH SO DEEP111 Woaaah....

This guy gets it.

Has there ever been a game with Scientology themes?

Dead Space 2 pretty shamelessly based the religion that formed around the Markers on Scientology.

Why Japs mock Christianity so much in their vydia and cartoons so much? they deserve to be deus vulted hard with an atomic punishment again for these heresy!

I think the use of religious imagery in media can work extremely well to emphasize a point about the viewer because of how close it is/was to people's identity. It shouldn't necessarily be a focus, but if you're an artist wanting to make an honest point/realization about your audience then it's not a bad idea to do so. Media using religion as a source of mythology is also awesome if it understands what ideas about the subject truly interest people, and frankly, we don't get enough games surrounding religious mythology.

>Why Japs mock Christianity so much in their vydia and cartoons so much?

They believe Christianity, more commonly Catholicism, is a deathcult and an edgy religion since it's based on a God lowering himself to human form and killing himself and it's obsessed with martyrdom and the afterlife,or theysimply don't understand it

see Amakusa Shiro, a real life figure that commanded a christian rebellion against the shogunate is always portrayed as a villain in their media.

Also the trope about God or the Church being evil and having the endgame of destroying everything in their JRPGS

Eva reference?

People put religion on a pedestal and it has no real reason to be there. Religious themes in vidya is great, draws from one of many aspects of life, and there's a shitzillion different religions that there's a lot to base ideas from.

I would enjoy a game like Asura's Wrath but with Jesus instead and you punch YHWH in the face for being such a dick to humans.

That sounds pretty bad-ass even if it doesn't follow character lore.

What are you, a jew?
now if he had to fight the father, and the holy spirit then that'd be rad since he would technically be the only thing as powerful.

In Xenogears? Ridiculous.

Letting aside whether all that symbolism even means something or not, this game probably has the best theological development I've seen in a game.

>user wants a game where jesus punches out the almighty for being a dick
>somehow this is jew behavior
Do you even know what a jew is? Jesus punching God in the dick is the least jewish thing I can imagine.

Exactly, takes established lore and bases a game on it. We do it all the time with everything else, religion shouldn't be much different. And typically isn't, as long as it's some weird ass foreign religion.

Specifically in the bible all the angels are horrific monstrosities that I never see represented in anything other than SMT.

Basically you just make a "..what if?" kind of script, where instead of Jesus accepting his fate he goes full on rage mode and turns against his dad for all the transgressions his dad did in the Old Testament and trying to patch it up by killing him.

Even better. In fact that would be awesome, final boss seems like it's the father, and it's an awesome fight and you think you've won... And then the holy spirit comes out and reality starts warping and it turns into an iridescent incandescent lightshow.

I'm not sure if you know anything about Judaism, but the idea of Yahweh isn't necessarily the same as the context of the Christian god as Jews believe god is a singular being.

I do, and that exact reasoning is why user's idea is so extremely un-jewish as to make the jew comment meaningless.

It was a just a humored way to acknowledge the use of YHWH on his idea for a video game.