I just downed an entire bottle of pills

I just downed an entire bottle of pills

What game should i play?

pills of what and how many?

>edgy post implying painkiller suicide
>more likely swallowed the bottle of flintstones chewables his mom picked up yesterday

The stomach pumping game.

left for dead or max payne, duh.

damn bro you're hardcore

Have fun drinking liquid charcoal at the ER

Turned based multiplayer game so you can piss off others one last time

you're going to die

I took 10 tramadol

not to kill myself but so I could game all night, only problem is I'm so depressed I don't want to play anything.

What to do?

Kiss you're liver goodbye later on in life

you know you can overdose by taking like 4

Enjoy your liver disease and waiting years for a transplant.



Did OP died?

Tramadol puts you to sleep wtf are you talking about

you are stupid. You didnt not play games because of low energy, but because you didnt feel like playing games.


See how long it takes you to get to the top of the waiting list for liver transplants.

I just downed an entire bottle of freds

What game should i play?

Maybe a fucking infant can.

you should drink milk.

I feel like downing a bottle of this will give you the worst shits of your life

tylenol is one of the most painful ways of commiting suicide. enjoy!
call an ambulance you fucking idiot

you won't be able to play with 10 tramadol either. have a nice sleep user :3


If 4 tylenol can kill you you're too young to be posting here.

Jesus loves you, do not give up.

>but so I could game all night
Try staying up all night. Post results.

How the fuck do you know?

Maybe he thinks I'm a worthless nigger faggot and a scrub.

You've just chosen the most painful way to die (liver failure).


why take a bottle of tylenol when you can take just 2 aleve

you are

Why did he tell me I'm going to hell then?

That's if you get there soon enough. It's more likely he'll be told his liver is shot and he'll die in a couple of days and all they can do is help make him comfortable.

Play Dr Mario.

If it is pick related then it isn't going to kill you. You will probably just vomit a lot and pass out.

shit can't be even classfied as painkiller suicide
NSAID overdose in probably the most slow and painful way to kill yourself since you pretty much just have to wait it out until your liver finally gives out a few weeks after

Just downed an entire bottle of these, what should I play?

no one cares

Paracetamol is not an NSAID.

You Need A Budget 4

>mfw I poured a bunch of these into a bowl of Fruity Pebbles as a kid

my friend downed a bottle of Tylenol after his girlfriend dumped him. We found him behind a chuckecheese and he was rushed to the hospital. His liver almost failed but they pumped out his stomach just in thyme.

You're gonna fucking die man.

Any survival game

Urgh, American medicine are total shitshows.
I suffer from migraines, wen't on business trip to the USA, normally I just take two over the counter paracetamol with coffeine and it helps. But I forgot to bring some, had to go into shitty CVS and find painkiller, nothing makes sense, thousands of brand names and can't really figure out why this is needed, so I buy this Tylenol stuff. Headache kept coming back every two hours so had to keep taking these shitty pills, wtf.

everything above 10g of paracetamol is potentially fatal. if you don't die you'll get permanent liver damage.
it will take a few days up to weeks until enough toxic metabolics in your body have build up to kill you. the only thing that can be done at that point is wait, ease the pain and hope that the end will come soon.

he got very lucky. acute liver failure is gruesome way to die and no one will be willing to give you liver transplant because it's persons own fault.

If you understand generic drug names then the brands mean literally nothing. Acetaminophen = paracetamol = a bunch of different brands.

ask the pharmacist you nerd.

>Taking tylenol for a headache
>Not asking a sales rep for assistance with the dozens of medicines you don't know about

You deserved the pain for being so stupid.

what is this?

>asking for help
What are you, a woman?

>suffers from migraines
Just get an Imitrex injection.

tramadol is baby's first opiate

I have pinched nerves in my shoulder and currently blown away on morphine, feels good man. the nod is really nice and I take them as prescibed it's a literal blessing to ease the fucking constant pain

there is an antidote for acetaminophen overdose. it's acetylcysteine, and it tastes like rotten eggs.

>Everyone itt taking drugs for fun
>Not being straightedge


>being an opiate elitist
>bragging about morphine
>and you probably took the morphine orally too.


I can hammer 200mg oxy in one go (just swallow because of bio-availability) but a normal, therapeutic dose of tramadol makes me feel sick as fuck.

Wow how bout some heroin too guys? Man, that's so cool. Wish I could be a fucking loser drug addict too

>likely a junkie replying
>shoots heroin into his veins with no clue of the quality
>somehow thinks he's better than someone using pure pharmaceuticals

enjoy your life of addiction and dereliction and pain. and there are those abscess' and leaky heart valve

if I didnt have an injury I wouldn't touvh the shit because I'm not a fucking degenerate

well tramadol is a synthetic opiate, it's not derived from morphine like oxy

this. when I replied here I wasn't suggesting I was a better opiate addict, just that tramadol is really weak and you aren't gonna od or anything unless you take a fucking huge amount


Kill yourselves degenerates

Has anyone ever drank lean or done xans? What was it like?

The pain is in your head and you're already addicted. You are even belittling someone talking about tramadol and bragging about nodding. One day your doctor will cut you off for being a junkie and youll be on the corner selling your asshole for crack. Enjoy

The risks of tramadol death are more around seizure than depression of breathing like other opiates. It doesn't take a whole lot of tramadol to die if you have a bad enough seizure.

A lot of justification for a prescribed junkie

Lmfao if you saw my mri you wouldn't be saying that but you aren't a doctor you're a loser on Sup Forums

I worked three years with nerve damage to avoid painkillers. now I hold a job and can function on a daily basis, yea I'm dependent but keep trying to make yourself feel better for using just cause you like to get high

And this is where we all mass report you for being too young to use this board.

Im a pharmacy intern i dont even do drugs retard

Am I being 4th barrier'd on?

yea but unlike you I could quit tomorrow and literally have, have fun robbing and sucking dick fo junk while I live in my comfy home with my family and use therapeutic doses of opiates that don't make you strung out, something you've likely failed to do

I took anti-depressant pills recently and I'm not sure if it's working or not. I have noticed my heart has been beating a lot faster and I'm not sure if it's just my perception or because of the pills. Should I give it time?

Dark souls prepare to due edition

What's a good game to enjoy with cough syrup?

On the right cough syrup (and enough of it) you will be completely debilitated and unable to play any games.

blacked out

How long have you been taking them? Most antidepressants take about a week or two to build up enough to be effective

About a week I think. Again what about the whole heart beating faster thing? Is that normal?

Stick with them user, it's a slow as fuck process and you'll be all over the place for a little while

If you were prescribed them, take them as prescribed. If you weren't prescribed them, stop taking them and get that shit out of your house.
It'll take some time, your mood will be total shit for a few days but you'll feel an improvement after some time.

Did you look at the list of possible side effects? The tl;dr for most anti depressants is "literally anything, we don't fucking know" so yeah, probably

What are you taking, welbutrin/bupoprion? That's the most common one that might increase your heart rate. If you're feeling the palpitations the whole day, that's probably not good and you should talk to doctor about it. Usually, side effects will lessen with time though.

Dr. Mario