ENB gets popular on Youtube

>ENB gets popular on Youtube
>his lore videos get people to actually care about the story in the Souls games
>Youtube subscribers urge him to monetize his videos, as his imitators have
>refuses, stating that he wants to keep it as just a hobby
>finally gives in, but goes too far and quits his job to make Youtubing his career
>makes a Blind Let's Play of Dark Souls 3
>constantly shits on the game while also playing it poorly
>subscribers don't like watching ENB not have fun for hours
>blames the Souls Community as a whole for becoming toxic as an excuse
>disables Youtube comments and starts an exclusive subreddit so no one can criticize him
>eventually reenables Youtube comments because nobody wanted to use his subreddit
>people still criticizing his low quality videos
>gives up completely
>runs away to Twitch so attention whores can give him money to get noticed and have their name show up on screen
>uploads on Youtube anyway for that $$$

Is there a single gaming channel on Youtube that doesn't eventually turn into utter garbage?

Other urls found in this thread:


Stop self-advertising yourself.

Northernlion has arguably gotten better over time.

He just got tired of Youtube and it's community.

I can't start hating on the humble individual.

>Watching Twitch or YouTube fags.

Kill yourselves.

You obviously haven't followed him on twitter or watched his recent videos if you think he is humble

>caring about nu-male eceleb cucks

Literally who

>constantly shits on the game while also playing it poorly
I don't think we watched the same series, because I remember him praising a lot of stuff on his blind DS3 playthrough. He did say afterwards that it was too linear and he wouldn't play much more of it. Also don't blame him for wanting to get away from retarded YouTube comments and chasing that easy Twitch money. I don't like all of the circlejerking that goes on his streams, but at least he is getting paid pretty well to take care of his daughter and deal with his wife shit going on.

Joseph Anderson


ENB and Kellogg (Whatever happened to her, anyway? I miss that cute little lesbian) were the only Souls YouTubers who weren't obnoxious turbospergs, honestly.

You forgot
>Can't stream because he lives in a rural area
>Rents an office so he can stream video games
>Literally pays rent to play video games

The man is fucking mental.

All these guys have incredibly thin skin and can't take criticism. When really, they absolutely need it

>Is there a single gaming channel on Youtube that doesn't eventually turn into utter garbage?

Game Theory.

We love to hate him, but he is clearly self aware and is passionate about games.

>at least he is getting paid pretty well to take care of his daughter
He makes less money in a day than a minimum wage worker. Youtubers and Twitch streamers are not as rich as you think, only the really big names actually can live off of the money.

Youtube viewers are fucking stupid, they always state things that end up destroying what they love.

Is OnlyAfro really trans? I keep seeing people here say that he is.

Too much praise.
Too long winded.

I don't need to watch an hour and a half video about the stories in the Uncharted series but mostly focusing on 4. It's fucking ridiculous

This. Everyday I pray to God that when I wake up this whole eceleb garbage would disappear as if it never happened

MetalCanyon has been always been steady.

Go away matpat.

No I realy dont follow him or even care about his youtube """"""career""""" because I not a fucking faggot that cares about e-celebs and their drama.

>that doesn't eventually turn into garbage
You missed this point, Game Theory has always been garbage,

Didnt ENB's wife cuck him or something?

You forgot:
>Talked about being a game developer for years
>Says he'll do it someday
>Still hasn't

why do you think he has haruhi plastered everywhere? She not his waifu, shes living his dream laifu.

Better than spamming a bunch of 5 minute "lore" videos and Top 10 lists like every other Youtuber.

this beta faggot has never done anything worth watching. his """lore""" videos are all nonsensical shit just like the rest, and he's not even good at the games that made him """famous"""

His bull annihilated his unborn child.

Well user, do I have the news for you!

MY GAMING CHANNEL hasn't turned into utter garbage yet! Watch and be amazed at my incredible feats of skill and insight into a game's story and videogame history! Get all the hot takes and all the information you need from ME! Like and subscribe today!

Vash12349 has been going strong since 2007, GaLm is fantastic as well. Couple others i could name too.

Reminds me of Alantutorial.

Theres a balance to be had.

Joseph Anderson has some really shitty opinions on some games. Especially related to story, because he's a "writer'. It's english 10 all over again where everything has a deeper meaning.

Sometimes the curtains are just fucking blue.

This is bullshit, I had a channel that was copyright rips of other peoples music / videos. I was getting fewer daily views than he does and was making $250-$300 a week.

Christopher odd is a good youtuber i have started watching recently. though he can be a dumb ass sometimes : youtube.com/user/ChristopherOdd/videos

other channels :

joseph anderson : youtube.com/channel/UCyhnYIvIKK_--PiJXCMKxQQ/videos

Mrbtongue: youtube.com/user/MrBtongue/videos

mitchL: youtube.com/channel/UCTOgpxTnPRYNeF6-qxWQCcg/videos

historia civilis: youtube.com/channel/UCv_vLHiWVBh_FR9vbeuiY-A/videos

But he IS developing a game.

His Twitch streams have been significantly better than any of his youtube series except for his original LP of the Japanese unpatched Dark Souls 1.

You forgot to post a link.

He's allegedly making a shoot em up that turns the genre on its head because the shoot em up community is toxic apparently

Good choice for him.

...uhh. who?

Yeah, Pewdiepie. His evolultion is similar to that of many oldfag Sup Forumsirgins and now he devotes himself to redpilling the impressionable kids that he amassed over the years.

I don't have a gaming channel.

I'm making deep social commentary.

ENB has almost 2000 subscribers.

That's at a minimum $1000 per month.

Couple that with his recent bit donation totals (which just in the streams he did this week so far was about $700 and this is a LOW number for him) and he's easily clearing $2k per month without factoring in ad and youtube revenue.

2000 subs on twitch?

That's 2.5 x 2g which is 5k monthly.

He's obviously doing fine, but that's obviously why he moved to twitch. Since it's

>Easier and lazier content creation
>Gets you more income
>Don't need to do anything besides pander to viewers and play the same games over and over again

Got more on this story?

401,287 subscribers

His wife miscarried and he got BTFO about it because Bloodborne has references to it.

when the FUCK is matthewmatosis uploading again?

all his videos ended up consisting of the words:
>miyazaki san
>wife/daughter/technical problems

If i was depending on a stupid hoe to take care of me and my kid and she paid to play video games id go mental too. The guy is beyond autistic.

Also what the fuck did he expect? The souls hype to keep going forever so he can slowly transition to other weeb games and keep being an e-celeb to make money?

ENB is fucking garbage, VaatiVidya is better and seems to love what he does.

$5 a month from subscribing is split between Twitch/Amazon and him. ENB makes about $2 per sub, per month. He would need about 800-1000 people to sub or stay subbed every month to reach minimum wage.

Ad money is practically nothing unless you are really big.

Donations can make you a lot of money, but ENB rarely gets much, unlike Twitch whores.

Actually that user is double retarded because once you pass 1000 subscribers, Twitch offers you a better ratio of the money. You also get assigned a Twitch representative/liaison who is supposed to help you fix any streaming problems and assist you in finding sponsorships. This is my job btw.

Someone like TB actually makes a clean 4.50+ per subscriber.

I'd guess Marcus gets about $3 to $4 per month per subscriber.

And yes, I volunteered to be his liaison when he started streaming. He got more subs in his first day than any other streamer. Ever.

Subscriber count means nothing, viewcoujt means nothing. YouTube cash is based on AD REVENUE. And you know what that means? You have to play ADS. You cant run adblock.

Remember MundaneMatt and ReviewTechUSA shitting their pants over adblock? Remember InternetAristocrat telling them to piss off?

I didn't think much of it when he announced he was switching exclusively to twitch. Then I watched the first few uploads from his streams and it only took about three clips before he appeared to have turned into your average sperglord twitch streamer.

Been a sub since as long as I can remember but "swag parry" was them moment that killed it for me.

how does he have that many subscribers
i saw him streaming today and he had like 600 viewers
people with 3000+ viewers usually have less than 2000 subs

Vaati is worse.
Way hotter, but worse.

We're talking about Twitch you retarded nigger. Read the fucking thread.

p sure Kelogg died of cancer

OnlyAfro is LI
a memelord that stopped coming to Sup Forums because people were too mean

Back to /dsg/ with you, Vaati.

I was talking about youtube alone, he has that and twitch.

Because the Souls crowd is made up of 24 - 36 year old people with nothing else to spend their money on.

>This is my job btw.
That's neat. How did you get this job?

>tfw you work hard for your money
>tfw you have never, and will never donate to a streamer, or youtuber
>tfw you put that money to good use for your own entertainment

If you're going to give away content for free, I'm going to watch it for free.

It doesn't fucking matter what platform you idiot. Piss off.


Any eurofag who takes any of his shit seriously or gives it any thought or time after that embarrassing video about "soccer" should off themselves.

He's also renting out a studio and providing for a wife and child.

That's reaching poverty levels.

>Liking sellout vaati that everyone knows steal content from other people and Sup Forums AND literally called his fans "cocksuckers"

>stopped coming to Sup Forums because people were too mean
lol did he really?

I applied to be a community manager/global moderator on Twitch.

I did that for 2 years.

They offered to let me be a channel liaison.

Now I basically scout out hopeful channels, offer them the sub button if they didn't already sign up for it, and then I basically get paid based on how well those channels perform.

twitch channels get paid per subscriber, user.

>tfw you also run adblock

as soon as he's done buying his friends Christmas presents you ungrateful fuck

Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra.

he's some Venezuelan dumbass who used to post in League of Legends threads on Sup Forums before /vg/ existed in like 2010, 2011

after Dark Souls came out he got super hooked on it and started making videos

after the PC release of DS1, he started memeing in /dsg/ and got BTFO so many times he eventually retreated to his inner meme circle

>chink wife runs off with your kid

Youtube ads earn him next to no money, he has said this himself. That's why the career youtubers always make two videos a day.

Yeah, he even went on an autistic tired on Twitter years ago.

>AND literally called his fans "cocksuckers"
well he's not wrong

His office costs $350 per month.

I rent office space in the same building as him.

Why doesn't twitch just give everyone a subscribe button?

Whats the logical choice for that? I genuinely don't understand.

Sheit sounds like a nice job. Pay is good enough?

did this actually happen?

shut the fuck up matthew get back to work


Do you even masturbate to him?

>he said that himself
LOL, he is lying

have you ever considered poop-socking him in the face

Why do retards watch lore vids? Not smart enough to explore the game yourself?



He's pretty cool. He offers to buy me lunch every time he steps out and we played some Street Fighter the other day.

I see no loose pretentious interpretations when he reviews the writing in games. He's actually pretty fundamental in analyzing whats basically a shallow action movie cliche movie about finding treasure. He focuses on the plot and character developments and points out inconsistencies. Not that there's anything profound about pointing out the issues with a video game story for an AAA game with multiple writers and game design interference. But you sound like he's extracting themes that aren't there. Hell he's an anti-lore dasfag where he hates looking for things that aren't there.



Pretty much yeah.

>you will never play video games for a living

chilling in your own circle jerk and play vidya all day long seems pretty comfy until it fucks you over because its probably a real short term thing and not at all reliable as a career

Whats wrong with vaati?

Sup Forums seems to hate him. Did he sperg out or something?

thats what you get for being a weeb and mumbling "japan" after every 2nd word you speak. All thats left is for the chink whore to divorce him and take his kid and money and house and whatever

>working hard for your money
>not working smart for your money
Shiggy diggy.

But other than that, good on you. I don't pay for entertainment either except through secondhand deals

I like to play games, not sit around reading to talking to every character.

I don't skip cutscenes, but for the most part I hate having to read shit like item descriptions, codex entries, or (god forbid) BOOKS instead of playing the game.

fuck off vaati

he used to steal stuff from us before moving on to stealing stuff from reddit