Say something bad about a game you like

Say something bad about a game you like.

Okami should have ended three times already before the real ending.

Ogre battle 64.

You can AFK and beat half the game.

>Okami should have ended three times already before the real ending.

That's really my only complaint this game. Other then that it's a very good game.

Having to fight Orochi three times.

The story is just a bunch of fetch quests. The first one was much better in this regard.

Terraria relies too heavily on grinding and random number generation, especially in endgame, which takes away the fun.

honestly it wouldnt be so bad if you had to refight the bosses a bunch of times, also the whole going to the past to beat orochi again was just fucking retarded

The tranqulizer in MGS3 breaks the game and makes playing anything other than tranq headshos optional. If it were to be removed the game would be perfect.

i partially agree. i'm fine with boss refights, but Orochi was one too many times

says alot about how good the game is when that is the worst part. also, 17 minute intro

It should have had subtitles.

STALKER would be so much better if it was done by a competent developer.

>being able to say something bad about the original Doom

It's not doom 3

Stutters from time to time due to hardware limitations. Shiva isn't playable. Grab priority is weird and makes a lot of bosses annoying.

Alpha Protocol is a neat game

But there is no point in using any guns that arent a pistol with a silencer and tranquilizer bullets

It should have voiced the other 3 characters' stories instead of that gibberish

I've been meaning to reinstall and do a full kung fu run.

My first play through was with the intern back story.

Same thing with the first SiN game. Although you get a ton of guns, you can go through the whole game headshotting people with the pistol, and it's even easier that way. That's because almost all enemies have body armor, so shooting them in the torso will take quite a while.

super slow start and you can only speed up or skip cutscenes NG+, I think.

>Hitman Blood Money
I don't know if it's just me but I have trouble dragging bodies through doors.

It was a long-ass game. I should replay it at some point really.

And besides all that the gun gameplay is shit

The firefly level had a beautiful setting, soothing music, and the dullest game play.

Also, it was way too easy to go flying in the underwater level and get disoriented.

You can skip cutscenes on the PS2 version, but not on the remaster. Weird.

>All the platforming sections are awful and nearly unbearable
>Some of the enemies: Ghosts, blood-goyles should have been cut from the game
>Grinding out style levels can really suck

World eight has too much bizarro fluff before you get to the actual levels.

I tend to regard this as that ho-hum instrumental piece towards the end of an otherwise stellar album.

The really huge maps make it such a fucking slog when you want to gather your units together for the push after seizing a castle.

I agree with that, and there's even another case: Armored Core 1 (for the PS1). There's a section right before the final boss where you have to go through a very long vertical shaft, all while jumping on moving giant cubes. On my first time, it took me 1 hour and a half, because I had the "wrong" leg type, and landing on the cubes was a torture.

Some games really don't need platforming.

Brutal Legend.

Wasted potential and cut content, with the demons not even getting a proper army in the campaign.

Not being able to change your character's position once you've moved them is annoying. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and Tactics Ogre (or the PSP remake at least) let you do this, so why not this one?

I fucking loved trying to get myself airborne in the underwater level. It was so much fun.

Holy fuck, where do I start.
Not only the dungeons in pic related, but Welgaia and the temple of water are a slog, too. It has major pacing issues; Palmacosta is literally just going back and forth across the continent repeatedly, while the very beginning of Tethe'alla is god tier, but becomes boring as hell from Pronyma to Yuan and Botta. Regal has almost no character development, and what development there is is mostly in relation to Presea. Neither Genis nor Raine have any way of properly defending themselves up close, and you can't cast more than one intermediate or higher level spell at a time, so you end up gimping yourself if you want to use both in the same party, but Raine is so incredibly useful that there's never really a reason to use Genis. The AI for spellcasters, on that note, is completely braindead; I've seen Genis use water spells almost exclusively during the temple of water. Oh, and the timing for some of the sidequests are absolutely ridiculous. Example: The final event for Yuan's ring subplot can only be started by going to Mt. Fuji right after getting the Rheairds and right before going to the dragon's nest, which is what you're supposed to be doing immediately afterwards.

And yet it's still my favorite game. Is this what being a cuck is like?