I wanna get into the Final Fantasy series. Where should I start?
I wanna get into the Final Fantasy series. Where should I start?
Also stop with V
VI -> VII -> VIII -> IX -> skip X because it's shit -> XII IZJS (or wait for the remaster)
then just stop
if you're into tactical games, play FF Tactics
then, if you want more, play through the first five
Final Fantasy Tactics and then drop the serie
If dubs OP plays V beginning to end
Any game. Don't like one then you can try another.
VI or VII are usually regarded as the best and most easiest to get into so it's really which one that interests you the most
>Unironically recommending nu-FF
Nomura was a mistake
Start with VIII, it has good mechanics and story. Not even baiting, it's a really good starter FF.
>good mechanics and story
user, I--
Must plays: tactics(PSP version best), 4(snes PSP Vita or pax), 6(snes PSP Vita or psx), 7(PSP, Vita, or psx), 9 (PSP, Vita, or psx), 10 and 10-2 on ps4 or Vita.
Different but good: 5 (snes) 8(PSP Vita psx) 12(ps2) type 0 (ps3) world of final fantasy (Vita) 14 (PC mmo) crisis core (PSP)
Okay but can skip: 13 series, 1, 2, 3.
Ignore: everything else
Read a synopsis on each game then choose whatever one appeals to you the most
If you're determined to play the entire series, start from I and continue on in order. Otherwise pick the one from IV-VII that intrigues you and (drop them for now if they fail to grab you and) then play the rest. In case you have no intention of ever playing more than one Final Fantasy in your life, pick IX.
>Where should I start with [numbered videogame series]
Just start with 7
>spoiling yourself the the entire series before playing it
kill yourself my main nigger
IV or VI for the classics
VII or IX for the golden age
Type-0 HD, Crysis Core VII and XV for the action rpg era
Dissidia because fuck yes
drop after that nothing else is really worth it except maybe for tactics
I'm playing V and loving it.