Are they still watchable?

Are they still watchable?

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Only good member is Woolie and even he's starting to stagnate


nope, only pat & woolie are the decent ones and even they're getting worse and worse

>starting to stagnate
So you mean for almost all his time on the channel?

They had a few rough playthroughs, but they still put out some quality content. Liam is a massive shitter and Matt doesn't seem to be having as much fun anymore, but I think that's more the choice in game.

Pat and Woolie are the best of the best friends.


>not the most insufferable piece of shit ever
>gets salty as fuck when he is proved wrong at something
>Absolutely horrible at every game except fighting games
Pat is the only one still good.

Woolie was great. Every fighterpedia video was gold. His reactions are always the most memorable parts of any LP he's in. He was a lovable goofball. He walked around in the park with Birdie's chain. He fought Daigo. He fought better Woolie in front of the con. He rapped about games. He said bitch nigga ghosts. He was THE guy.

Now Woolie is starting to sound less amused about his games.

he's not even good at fighting, he's already stated how the channel saps most of his time to play to a worthwhile extent, they're all pretty garbage these days

As always: their commentary is pretty great but their gameplay is garbage.

Then there are a couple of outliers with both terrible gameplay and commentary, such as Danganronpa, Final Fantasy X and Command Mission.

Woolie's quality depends on the game. If it's something he's hype about, his energy usually plays well off the others. That hipstery animal platformer they played recently was a good example, they were all pretty into it, and it was a good video.

>Watching Let's Plays

Fucking disgusting, go make a thread on leddit or something.

Woolie is the most handsome.

Matt is the most cute.

Pat is Sup Forums because he's edgy and small.

Liam is contrarian

Zack is inferior to Benny

Plague goes on Minus8's streams

>Are they still watchable?
they never where to begin with

I would say Liam is better looking than Woolie, but only because Liam is looking more and more like myself as time goes on.

He's the worst of them personality wise, but that's another story.

And all of them combined wouldn't be half as hot as Takahata or Kirran from TFS

>Plague goes on Minus8's streams
I'm the least surprised I have ever been in my life

Haven't watched any of their stuff for months now. Couldn't even keep watching the ds3 expansion.
Might rewatch some metal gear rising, re4, last of us or evil within. Those were pretty good.


Not really. I was enjoying the neir playthrough (never played it, probably never will, so it was interesting) until liam started being a faggot and not dropping his shitty argument that muffins = cake. Couldn't make it through the episode and haven't seen the rest of the playthrough

Most of their videos are pretty unwatchable though. Their podcast is pretty good

>Plague loved the loli fucking animation

I never thought he was that kind of guy

Oh yeah man, Liam is looking great.....


Were they ever?

>Matt is the most cute.
maybe his baby fursona

Silent Hill 3 is unwatchable for now but those usually get ok after the midway point

Command Mission was ok but is rapidly declining as they run out of megaman shit to talk about, refuse to riff on the game, and there's no new characters to get yet. It'll pick up again if they ever decide to go get X and Zero's hidden hyper mode upgrades

Omikron remains quality

Sonic Unleashed is unwatchable

He is kinda hot. I like men with facial hair, bet he does good cuddles.

Is Liam trying to become Obi-Wan Kenobi

No sane person can think that beast is hot

If only his voice matched his new look.

I hate how contrarian Liam is but there are times when he's the best one.

>godlike tastes in fighting games (plays as Hakan)
>godlike taste in anime (likes Keijo)
>godlike girlfriend (dates himself)

>matt cute
fuck off matt

Haven't watched them for the last fours months. Cowchop scratches the itch these guys used to.

>cow chop
my nigga

>Sonic Unleashed is unwatchable
Really? I like their spindash videos. A Shame, wanted to pick that up.

>it's a Matt unironically doesn't know how to pronounce basic english words episode/podcast

>Wow I wonder who CowChop is
>Just James and some faggot

>shooters eyes and face don't follow his gun at all

>maybe by keeping his features totally neutral it prevents the viewer from empathizing with him?

>godlike taste in anime
if you mean the most surface possible.

You're right, but for all the wrong reasons. His gunjumping isn't great for every game but when it is, it creates some hype moments, and he's got some prettt good zingers and one-liners. Basically, he's best in small doses, mediocre otherwise, and occasionally intolerable (which, to be fair, applies to all of them)

>mediocre otherwise
he is intolerable 99% of the time

>God like taste in anything

I honestly feel like its purposely his job to be the contrarian of the group just to force conversation out of something the other 3 agree on.

>podcast suddenly cuts out
>when it comes back it cuts to Matt talking about the monkey killing laser from Congo of all things
It's times like this that remind me why he's still around.

Yeah, sure, they haven't hit total disaster yet. Sup Forums just exaggerates a bit on their qualty today because they had that bad period after being mostly quality.

Basically, they gotta know when to quit a game, because the minute they get disinterested it stops being fun, there has been countless slogs of playthroughs. That Sonic Unleashed one for example is getting boring and it shows how they only had material for one Spindash.

For members, Pat is the most entertaining but Woolie is the one I want to be actual friends with, Matt is a shadow of his former self but he can still be funny, he's not even close to how bad he was before, and Liam can be the funniest member on a good day, the worst on a bad one.

Never listened to a full podcast tho, mostly because of the horror stories and lack of time

>That slow splintering of the group as in fighting and general indifference increases every session as the Omikron playthrough drags on

truly we live in a magical age.

>watch best friends most recent stuff
>go back and watch them play yakuza 4
>it's instantly more entertaining
>go back and watch them play that one spooky office game in an older shitstorm
>it's really good
>watch the old persona 4 machinama episode
It's a direct ratio between how far you go back and how entertaining they are. They just used to be so full of life and crack non-stop jokes, now they just treat LPing like it's a chore.

was he on this week's podcast? i want to hear them talk about psx but i can't stand matt

Channel died the minute they hired on Woolie and Liam fulltime, you can honestly look back and see the nosedive in quality right then and there.

Unsub, unfollow, un-everything from them and you'll be happier for it
>I just use them as backround noise
Stop needing to be overstimulated at all times and kick the habit. Watch people who deserve it, not 4 Canadian fucks who half-ass literally everything then get passive aggressive with their fanbase every time they fuck up.

I personally disagree. The way I see it, the problem with Liam isn't one single issue (aside from his shit opinions and contrarian tendencies), but a collection of tiny irksome things he does. None of which bother me enough to say he's almost always intolerable. Feel free to disagree, but I would honestly appreciate if you explained why you find him intolerable 99% of the time, I'm legit curious.

Occasionally liam is so much of a contrarian that he acidentally likes something good like keijo. Most of the time he likes stuff that is actually stuff you should never watch or play.

i might check them out since grumps, smosh games, pewdiepie and markiplier and beyond boring and predictable atm

I gave up on them around the time of that terrible MGSV playthrough, have they done anything good since then?

Same but with Oney Plays with Ding Dong and Julian.

Maybe so, but at least those faggots put out shit that makes me chuckle. The 50 gallons of lube was pretty funny and Brett's promotional video cracked me up. Come to think of it, anything with Brett is pretty good.

He isn't that bad in the first half, but the second half is fucking godawful because he won't stop making Congo references

He also has the best waifu.

>Good taste in anime
KEK. He got ran out of Sup Forums for having a supremely shit taste. he also calls the OPM manga garbage after Boros


To be fair, he's making a silly face and the picture is blurry as hell. One of the podcast announcement videos had a clearer shot of him.

I wear it better than he does anyway



They did a really good Ironman run of XCOM 2.

Can't believe that Machinima is still afloat for them to make another season.

Isn't Machinima just shitty clickbait games "journalism" now?

Onikron is the best gift this holiday season

Woolly and liam were a nice change of pace, and I really took a liking to them first. They made me realize how bad matt is. But then their jokes started becoming too meme-y
>woolly the liar stole my pies! x20

>he disagrees with Sup Forums

That's a good thing though.

>OPM manga garbage after Boros

But he's right. Everything after Boros was boring redundant garbage.

I don't usually agree with Liam but he did nothing wrong here.

>tfw my dick looks like that
only bigger and thicker

>that masculine jaw


Meme fences.

He stopped a few years ago

Look up 1800

The only person who likes to perpetuate shit jokes beyond the point of funniness is fucking Matt.

34 times in 31 days

Why is Paige so much better than the other Best Friend girlfriends? How did Pat manage to find someone that compliments him so well

Because he fills a niche by not making porn and just making sexualized things that're well-drawn but don't actually show anything.

>all that make up
>at the beach
Like, fine, whatever, she's still hot, but fuck I'm bootyblasted.

Not after they started with their "lets play bad games and winge like a bitch because I'm literally too stupid to read" phase

I kind of like how they shit on each other when they're not around. Like, Pat and Matt will be doing a video, and joke about Woolie and Liam a lot, and vice versa.

haven't watched in years but I went back and watched that deadly premonition playthrough

fuck that was maximum comfy, I can't believe I'm nostalgia-ing over a letsplay

At least we have Plauge

having shit taste on Sup Forums only means you don't share their obsession for arguing over the latest season

as long as liam and woolie are gone

I know about 1800 and it is remarkably close to Plahge's style, was it ever 100% confirmed?

Also what's floating around on the internet isn't NEARLY enough. At least we still get a ton of cheesecake from him on the regular.

You know what's a niche that'll net him exponentially more money?


Honestly, I think it's because they put out videos daily. If they were to cut it back to every other day, the spark might come back



>looks exactly like plague's artstyle
>same impregnation and furry fetishes
>stopped right around the time TBF got popular and Plague started collaborating with them
Yeah it's him

He stopping doing it (publicly) so he could soak in the sweet Patreon dollars.

We got a couple hundred pictures from him. And I'm happy that he can supplement is income. We all could use a couple extra thousand dollars a month. Every time I see the Ashley/Leon picture though it slightly bugs me that he's never going to escalate the content beyond that.

I'm actually worried the Best Friends actually aren't making ends meet. They're only getting 100,000 views on a good video. They've doubled video output but doubled the staff. Money must have been tight before even though they spent it recklessly when the going was good.

>Random drawfag strikes a half-meme on a Chechen shoe-sculpting image board
>Original meme is appreciating for its snappy dialogue and funny meme-faec
>In true Western fashion, remakes the original picture with zero subtlety and ruins everything that was good about the original

Western drawfags, when will they learn?

>Omikron videos are starting to have weird spelling mistakes
I love it

Pat's got a ton of charisma and apparently is hung like a horse

No lie, I've got a couple friends, one is husky and isn't particularly handsome, but he's got charisma out the ass and lands good-looking women on the regular. Conversely, I've got a friend who is handsome, but he has 0 charisma when talking to women and can only really get trashy girls


I dunno. Unleashed started kinda bad but it got better once the game started shitting itself and Matt loses his shit.

Fame, the instant it became public they were dating she raked in a fuckton of free publicity and all the benefits that entails.

>implying porn doesn't net you a gorillion patreon dollars as well

I mean I understand the decision, but I'm not happy about it.

Next video is probably last right? I hope the next game isn't complete shit because I'm only here for Pat and Woolz at this point.

They're falling apart at the seams with every glitched up problem.

I love it.

Why is James so loud

I dont know if its really just me but lately they are really boring. Enough that I dont even look foward to their videos anymore. Right now I only watching their SH3 playthrough and that isnt even good.

They actually just started renting a studio purely to record in for the sake of convenience, so money can't be THAT tight.

i'm glad that i only listen scott steiner promos as background noise

If Matt is not on then yes, they're watchable.

Problem is that, Matt is forcing himself on all the videos.