>game full of cute anime girls announced
>no male mc
Literally why?
Game full of cute anime girls announced
because you have ff15 go play that faggot
Self-insert fags are the worst
If the male MC is just going to be a lousy self insert, I'd rather have no male at all. Either have a male MC with an actual personality / give them an actual purpose or don't put them in at all.
Self inserting>cucks who love to watch how another girl romances their waifu and having sex with her
Thank god
what game is it?
>not being a yurifag
>Literally why?
Because I want to be the little girl
>No male MC
Thank god.
That means they can actually focus on making well developed and overall actually good characters, like Yuru Yuri.
Riviera did. You had 4 female party members and 1 male member(who is the MC) and he doesn't fuck around and will fuck anyone up that gets in their way.
People finally got taste that's why
All the better for the purest form of love
>playing ch games
Wow, yurifags are trully pathetic
There's nothing wrong with Compile Heart user.
>1 male member
Party member matey.
Play Dragon Quest III or IX. You can literally make your own party. And a lewd male hero with three sexy female party members is the best team from a gameplay standpoint.
>see cute girls doing cute things
>MUST... FUCK... THEM... ALL...
Disgusting, kill yourself.
That's just how normal male brains work, user.
If your response to seeing a picture full of cute girls doing cute things isn't immediately to reproduce, then you're probably homosexual.
>People finally got taste
That hasn't and will never happen. We can't have nice things.
>game full of cute anime girls with male MC and romance system
>can't romance the best girl in the game
>cute anime girls
Funny thing is, those girls are in the Shoujo style. Not that I think that's bad, Shoujo are the best anime series. But just saying, those girls are meant to appeal more to girls.
But user, you're not fucking the girl yourself in either case.
you're supposed to self insert as the beautiful maiden and doing yuri lewd things with your party
>those girls are in the Shoujo style
Just the faces.
>tfw no Shurelia ending in the first game
>you're stuck with either with Aurica or Misha
>no Shurelia ending
What did I play, then? 1.5?
And let me guess, you chose lina because you're a faggot.
lol no
Though in a sense you're right. The bishoujo-type character was born from men experimenting with the shoujo manga aesthetic.
Bishoujo is still usually aimed at a female audience. Though obviously many guys end up attracted to them. Its the classic Sailor Moon paradox. The story material is aimed at women, but men end up getting drawn in for the hot, young girls. The fact that many bishoujo games are visual novels and dating sims makes the ambiguity even more pronounced.
This. Sometimes, we just want cute girls without having sexual intercourse with them.
Shoujo-ai style girls are the best. I really REALLY wish they did that style more in male-oriented games, because it's easily my favorite cute style. Pic very much related.
My FUCKING nigger.
fags that propagate cute girls doing cute shit in videogames are the worst.
First you ruin anime now vidya. Fuck off and die. I mean that shit, too.
May I ask what exactly is wrong with cute girls doing cute shit in videogames?
Cry more faggot.
Not him but Shurelia doesn't have a real route did she? Her ending is just a choice at the end with lolNTR at the end if you pick her
Real enough for it to be canon.