Tell me EVERYTHING that went wrong

Tell me EVERYTHING that went wrong.


But EVERYTHING went wrong.

same man posting

too repetitive

I wouldnt know
its the first one I actually stayed out of.

they didn't fire the entire wow team after warlods.

if blizzard was ran like every other company in the world, they would have pruned their out of touch devs back in cataclysm

Cheap rushed zones that have no unique quests apart from pick up and kill X, Titled LEGION but hardly any legion presence, boring raid tiers that were completed within weeks, shitty legendary and secondary stat system, uninspired garrisons LITE system that is somehow worse than WOD, no pvp gear, no new pvp content.

the list goes on

>after warlods
WoD and Legion were developed at the same time, that's why the core features are similar.

Anyways, anyone with talent was moved to other projects after Cataclysm. After the drop in players they knew their "product" wasn't going to grow anymore, so they just keep milking what they can from it using the minimum effort.

>welfare legendaries (1 dude becomes 3 in hours, other people havent even got 1)
>mythic +
>easy mode raids
>stats are terrible balanced (60%+ crit/haste/mastery at the beginning of the xpac? where do we go from here?)
>dmg is terrible balanced (raider deals 10x (!!!) more than a normal dungeon dude - at the beginning of the Xpac?!)
>some specs suck ass
>the story is fairly simple/nothing new
>they killed Ysera just for some sidestory like some black character

>after Cataclysm
You mean before.

They should have kicked off the devs from Wrath, and go back to loot actually being rewarding

Spotted the German

The game is pretty much a dice roll, too much rng for it to be enjoyable

I ain't really sure, maybe they were trying to attract new "customers" and people who quit after Vanilla/TBC with that map changes shenanigans and expected more growing.

Or maybe they knew they were at their peak and already moved all the talented people to other projects after WotLK.

>Cheap rushed zones that have no unique quests apart from pick up and kill X
Quests are more varied than ever before, especially World Quests. It's hard to get away from "Go to X place to do Y" when doing quests in an RPG, but it's certainly more than "kill A collect B" these days. Small variations is enough, like "Spray 6 with this gun" or "Shoot 3 wolves with this cannon then kill them". There's also the Kirin Tor quests which are largely puzzles.

>Titled LEGION but hardly any legion presence
On the surface, maybe. If you paid even the slightest attention to the zone stories, you'd see that it all comes back to the Legion. Highmountain quest line involves a corrupted tauren tribe that helps Dargrul get his hammer. Hall of Valor climaxes with Skovald trying to get the Aegis for the legion after he got corrupted. Xavius is back due to Legion presence and fucked with major druid characters, and is the main story of Val'sharah. The Legion is the main reason for Suramar going to shit, and half of Azsuna is literally filled with the Legion.

>boring raid tiers that were completed within weeks
By you? Who the fuck cares that a group of people who raid 16 hours a day for a week completes raid content within its release? Odyn has barely been killed by 500 guilds a month after release, and he's just the first boss of ToV.

>shitty legendary and secondary stat system
Agreed. It's awful and has no redeeming qualities.

>uninspired garrisons LITE system that is somehow worse than WOD
That's high exaggurated. Order Halls is the opposite of uninspired - they're literally inspired by whatever class you're playing. I really like the druid class hall. The mission system is also much better than WoD's, mainly because it doesn't require any management anymore, and is now mainly used for weekly cache. You can also use the app to make it even easier.

Legion is fine. I think it's the best expansion since Wotlk, and I'm really looking forward to 7.2.

>corrupted tauren
>Skovald trying to get the Aegis for the legion after he got corrupted
>Xavius (a corrupted nelf)
Is like the joke posts about Metzen, but real.


dailies disguised as world quests

pvp gets its own talent tree and manages to be less balanced than wrath

time gates

it's fucking WoW in 2016, if you're able to play that game without thinking to yourself "why am I still playing this shit" then kudos to you

story sounds like fan fiction

Demonhunters being part of the Horde or Alliance.

>We're done with making top tier gear tied to dailies
>Make a gearing gimmick that takes so long, that you basically killed having active alts because it takes so long to get your weapons up to date

>Mfw 7.15 PTR

Blizzard really has no fucking clue what it's doing does it?

>It all comes back to the Legion
Sounds like excuses to me. The only way this will work is that as the expansion goes on, the island literally goes to hell as the Legion attacks get worse. And not some shitty scenario, but an actual change of tone

>Blizzard really has no fucking clue what it's doing does it?
They never had it tho.

Freshly dinged alts are locked to shit weapons for under a week. Next patch you'll be able to get your alts up to 20 AK immediately through your main, so that issue is gone too.

Emerald Dreamcatcher change is proof enough to not cry about the sky falling before the patch hits live servers. They do a lot of retarded shit on the PTR, but it often turns out okay. ED change was retarded and got reverted to a slight nerf instead.

We'll end up at Argus, probably attacking the Legion at their heart instead.

In the far-flung past they seemed to at least have reasoned explanations for most of the changes they'd do. Nowadays I don't know what the fuck is going on.

I wonder how many "shitty" expansions it will take until everyone understands that it's impossible to make wow great again, since literally nothing will satisfy the thirst anymore.
Your favorite expansion could have been released this year, but with so many expansions behind you, you'd think it's uninspired shit too

>for under a week
Yeah have fun hunting for chests with 20 power each for a week, while waiting for dungeon finder
Are you feeling the progression?

They killed Ysera? What the fuck?

I have no idea what you're trying to say. Are you even playing the game?

Dungeon finder is basically depricated at this point, since Mythic and Mythic+ are much more important than heroics.


>world dailys
>time gate
>ap grind
>mystic plus are just aoe spam
>the raid is awful shit
>class balance is shit 1 specc for everything
>only alchi and herbalism are viable professions
>all question zones are ugly as fuck
>mobs scale with you
>end game zone is big nothing
>Legion expansion but the Legion does nothing

I could go on.

Untargetable legendaries
Excessive timegating
Most of the content is simply the same couple of things made to be repeated over and over.

>World of Warcraft

It's not a bad expansion in my opinion, if anything I'd complain about how stagnant everything feels right now though.
It's been a while since 7.1 dropped, and ToV isn't a big enough raid to justify completing it in my eyes.
Three-boss raids don't give many loot opportunities.
Kara's fun as fuck, though. I've been clearing it every week on two characters and it's been a blast.

Hey Warlocks, we know that your class is utter shit at the moment, especially Destro Locks and your pure RNG mastery and soul shard generation makes the fun garbage to play.

We don't know how to fix you though so we're not going to any time soon but hey, at least you've got the gateway legendary!

P.S. We're not going to improve any of your legendaries either.

>mfw I mained my Rogue

>>Legion expansion but the Legion does nothing

someone is not paying attention to the plot of the expansion i mean all the zones questlines are related to the legion.

they made diablo 3 again instead of wow

Group finder left pug life in the hands of the average player (who is more than half of the time trash/insufferable) instead of notable server pugs and also removed the gun to your head that was "perform well enough or never be invited back/more than this group will learn how shit you are."

Secondary stats being more important than main for some specs (ex. for a fire mage an 840ilvl ring stacked with crit will be a better item than an 880ilvl ring w/o crit).

>they killed Ysera just for some sidestory like some black character

The dragon aspects have been de-powered since Cataclysm, so I'm finally glad to see some consequences. Wish it was Alextrasza though.

>pvp gets its own talent tree and manages to be less balanced than wrath

I hate this. Just give me every skill again and if the retards who think that's too many buttons are overwhelmed, fuck em.

>mfw played DK and Warlock
what a shitshow
atleast it finally pushed me over the edge and I uninstalled everything related to blizzard except diablo 2

>Secondary stats being more important than main for some specs (ex. for a fire mage an 840ilvl ring stacked with crit will be a better item than an 880ilvl ring w/out crit)

There is literally nothing wrong with having to care about secondaries rather than raw ilvl. Nor is it new, as trinket upgrades have never followed ilvl.

But it's okay because retards like you are getting all secondary reliant specs killed in 7.1.5

>reading nu-craft lore from tumblr queers

rather kill myself.

I quit before Cata because I objected to all the cross realm bullshit. Way to destroy communities.

I don't play one of those classes, but as an outsider I think it's stupid.

A lot of this game hinges on the gear treadmill aspect of it, so when raids don't even drop gear that's an upgrade, why do them more than once?

If they wanted you to care about secondaries, they should make gem slots static and bring back all of the slot enchants they nuked. Maybe even bring back reforging.

There are slots other than rings that will still be upgrades retard.

>maybe even bring back reforging
again, that only encourages ilvl > all because secondaries being bad is only temporary.

Locations are fucking tiny, even without flying mounts.
Pants on head retarded RNG legendaries drop.
Class balance is fucked as always.
Class balance is fucked three times, in PvP, in PvE and in wPvP/PvE.
Fucked up rng drop leads to "LF mythic+0 ilvl 900 required" retarded community mindset, even worse than before.
Most professions are absolutely literally utterly useless, more useless than ever.

i unsubbed when i read that post

This jew weeaboo faggot furry nigger who NEVER played WoW WITH A MOUSE is in charge of class balance.

>ever wonder WHY the ability prune?

I raid with a fire mage and his ilvl is ~15 under the average because of getting crit cucked. It's a dumb mechanic. I'd rather have hit caps and expertise back.

Wow I never go looking for pics of devs, is that really Celestalon (male)? Is the rest of the team this ugly?

>now there's a pvp balance team who can balance classes seperately from the pvp team to make sure they're all good!
>just kidding we're just going to fuck everything up for a second pass instead

As someone who played WoW purely to progress in Mythic my biggest gripe was having to farm relentlessly when it dropped because Pots, Flasks and runes would hit me for upwards of 60k+ a week and I didn't get on the WoD money train like most people.

Also in the coming patches in particular you have legendaries that are literally just straight 30% damage increases that are rare rng drops. Having some mouth breather blow me out of the water because he got lucky is fucking stupid and I simply refuse to take part in this shitshow any longer. Nighthold doesn't even look good, fucking kill me, this is what happens when you put some prancing neon faggot in charge of class balance, that cunt clicks too, fucking plebian.

Who gives a fuck what his ilvl is? If its because of low rings then he isnt missing out on int so it doesnt even hurt him.

Are you just retarded or new? Its always been a mistake to grab everything based off of ilvl, its just more obvious this expansion because there arent primary stats on rings and necks.

>that cunt clicks too, fucking plebian.

On his tablet.

The difference between prior expansions' "this is the best secondary for my spec" and "my spec hinges on this stat" of today is insane and you are retarded for fighting this hard about it.

Xavius is back and attacking the Emerald Dream. Half way through a zone he shows up, corrupts Cenarius, and snatches Malfurion.

It was his plan to use them to draw Ysera out into the open where he shoots her in the chest with a corrupting crystal. She becomes a nightmare dragon, so you kill her with the direct help of the Priestesses of Elune.

Afterwards, Elune herself takes the spirit of Ysera and turns her into a constellation to live forever with Elune and her skybabies.

She gets instantly corrupted with one attack, then flies over to a temple and gets swiftly killed by one player and half a dozen NPCs. Then a magical eclipse happens and Elune "redeems" her spirit and makes a dragon constellation in the sky and gives you the magical macguffin that you needed to get from the zone. That's it. The whole thing takes maybe 20 minutes to unfold from when Ysera first shows up.

The good:
>Mythic+, fuck anyone who thinks they're bad, it's a great way to keep 5mans relevant
>Return to Karazhan might actually be the best 5man blizzard has ever made
>Artifact weapons are actually neat and provide a good sense of progression, along with a bit of choice in how to level them

The bad:
>The class balance actually was pretty good for a little while, but that's been completely tanked now.
>RNG ilevel upgrades/legendaries lead to bizzare/inconsistent gear curves
>Gear balance itself is fucked, it's not uncommon for a 20ilvl upgrade item to actually be a downgrade because your spec values Haste or some other secondary stat so much.
>Zones themselves are all uninteresting but inoffensive at best, actively painful at worst (fuck surumar)
>Most alt-unfriendly expansion to date, which is a major problem with how fucked up the patch-to-patch balance has been. I don't even want to imagine the pain warlocks are going through.

No its not you fucking monkey, there was a reason you couldnt even play Fury warrior or Fire Mage early on in past expansions and thats because they have always been super secondary reliant.

God damn youre a retard

You could play them in prior expansions and get by. Now you are crippling your damage if you don't gear exactly how you are supposed to. Can you not understand the difference or are you just drowning in your drool cup trying to piece together that this time around it's unforgivably cumbersome?

>You could play them in prior expansions and get by

>Tell me everything that went wrong

I'd like to, but I haven't cleared mythic+15, nor am I ilvl 900 or a top 10 ranked arena player, so I'm not allowed to have an opinion

Sarcasm aside I can't see how any of these things can make game better.

From somebody that just unsubbed yesterday:

Legendary system is atrocious. No idea how they thought this would be okay or acceptable. The only people I've seen defending it are super casual players who lucked out and got their BiS legendary in their first heroic or something. If they want to make them 100% RNG fine but they should be utility only, not major performance gains.

Gearing system sucks. WF/TF should be a lot more limited. At the moment the game feels way too grindy. There's not really a problem with grindy but when you combine it with slot machine RNG to get a piece of gear that's actually an upgrade I think it gets wearing very fast. I know people in my friend group that already got burnt out and unsubbed due to the endless gear grind.

Itemisation is pretty awful, which adds on the point above. Not much else to say here, I'm pretty sure anyone who played knows what the problem is.

Class design has been absolutely awful this expansion. Time and time again people pointed out issues with specs during testing and were ignored. Warlock as a whole being clunky and unfun (there is literally an entire warlock spec that is pretty much unplayable without addons), MM hunters being pigeonholed into taking Patient Sniper and how stupid Sidewinders was... Pretty much EVERY issue with classes in Legion was reported by players and completely ignored. It's a shame because the art/music teams are on point as always and some of the content is pretty fun. Mythic+ in particular was a great idea even if there are issues with the drop system.

>Time and time again people pointed out issues with specs during testing and were ignored
remember bdk beta feedback was greeted by "Yeah we don't want your feedback"

>art on point
>most generic zone ever

>There's not really a problem with grindy but when you combine it with slot machine RNG to get a piece of gear that's actually an upgrade I think it gets wearing very fast. I know people in my friend group that already got burnt out and unsubbed due to the endless gear grind.

this so much.
at first the complaint sounds absurd because "lol wow was alwas grindy" but when you look into it, it never was this much of an RNG shitfest.

like, yeah, getting unlucky with tier token drops sucks. never seeing that weapon you really want drop sucks. having to grind out 12 primal might for a crafting recipe sucks.

but farming the same boss 200 times to get an item that you already have to drop again with a tiny stat bonus? that is just plain retarded and frustrating. fuck that garbage.

There is really nothing bad about high ilvl being better in sick of wearing 850ilvl gear on my arms because my 875ilvl gear has almost no mastery

Spoken as someone who didn't play those specs early in a expansion.

I might legit be the only person happy with Afflic lock right now.

I just like the gameplay style of maintaining a high stacking agony DoT with burst windows of unstable affliction. That gameplay style got removed from Unholy death knights (RIP necrotic plague) so I had to switch mains.

>we now live in a time where cataclysm did something miles better than a new expansion

End us all.

Legion has been great so far except for the class balance.

World Quests are better unless their the rare Warden or Kirin Tor days because you have travel across the whole continent.

>It's only 4 quests a day (significantly less than previous expansions daily grinds) of your choosing
>Once you're 850ish you literally never need to do any more than the 4 for your crate
>You can pick 4 easy as shit ones and be done in 10 minutes
>Grace period of 2 days to still do them if you don't the first day
This is an objective improvement over daily quests. You can't twist it to not be.

>Emerald Nightmare a little easy but still a really cool raid
>Karazhan the best 5man content the game has ever seen
>NIghthold on the way
>Tomb of Sargeras+5man after that
>Argue confirmed after that
The game is literally going to be full of content.

The only problem is the class balance is literally worse than vanillas and they're doubling down in patch 7.1.5 and fucking literally almost every spec in the game for zero reason. If anything makes me quit legion it will be that trainwreck of a minipatch

I think it's important to note that the thing that corrupts Ysera was a nightmare infused Tear of Elune

If class balance wasn't as shit as it is and Legendaries were targetable as originally intended it would be so much better.

Or that all of them were just generics like Sephuz and Prydaz. Not this super luck RNG for a 50k dps upgrade bullshit.

>Super powerful divine artifact gets heavily corrupted in the short time between Xavius stealing it and throwing it at Ysera

Why did I even bother going to Azsuna to fetch that piece of shit?

>my fresh 110 dk in 790 gear is more powerful on world quest and in wpvp than my 860 shadow priest.
>lol we don't know what to do with s2m enjoy your shit excuse for a class the moment you leave raid group
>7.1.5 is clearly made by someone who don't even know what the fuck WoW is
I didn't come back after 4-years long break for this.

>DK is OP in Wcontent

-RNG Gear Warforged/Titanforged
-RNG Legendarys
-HC Raids are a joke, they are supposed on the level of Hc ICC and Ulduar Hardmodes
-Mythic raids are useless because u can get the same gear in normal raids, so no will to even try it out
-Garrison 2.0
-Artifacts are the worst thing they ever invented
-Tons of gating systems to keep players
-Literally toy and pet rewards everywhere
-world bosses are just easy and useless, vanilla did it better
-twinking is dead because of artifacts
-doing dumb quests for professions instead of rare drops from dungeons/raids
-dungeons are just linear like every game nowadays
-zones feel like they are packed with so much shit u cant walk straight for 5 seconds
-gold is just useless nowadays
- after hitting max levels u can buy gear for every slot and start raiding
- epic items feel like green items
-reputation farming is worthless because the rewards are useless, just toys and profession crap no one will ever use, tabards are ugly af too

can't wait for Nostalrius

lemme respond to some of your criticisms.

1.I admit class balance isnt perfect. I will give you this one.

2. RNG ilvl upgrades barely account for anything, if anything it makes you still want to do older content in hopes for a titanforged. What's wrong with keeping older content "optionally relevant" ?

3. They literally are fixing that next patch, its not working as intended. They want ilvl to be the clear indicator of an upgrade.

4. Zones are fine. prolly the best zones since wrath.

5.they literally are adding catch up mechanics for artifact knowledge in 7.1.5. and since you they got rid of main stats on jewelery, combined with universal Primary stats on set pieces, and GIVING YOU a weapon for each spec, you literally only need to get trinkets for offspecs. Making next patch THE MOST offspec friendly the game has ever been, and now you can buy artifact knowledge upgrades as a Bind on Account to send to alts to instantly upgrade them to level 15 which is insane.

Maybe it's just me after struggling to do fucking anything with my priest and his retarded insanity-voidform mechanic which only works well in dungeons/raids, but my fdk in shitty gear two-shots almost everything, and blood with 0 AP and same shitty gear can solo 99% of group world quests.

Go disc you mogrel.

BDK has always been OP in Wcontent since it was introduced.

>I admit class balance isnt perfect. I will give you this one.
It's unironically worse than vanilla. It's headed by a fuck who plays WoW on a tablet.

Isn't perfect is the understatement of the fucking century user. Wow's class balance is the saddest excuse of game design i've ever seen.

Things that make you dislike Legion:
>having no fun guild

Things that make Legion great:
>having a fun guild

It's that easy. And it has always been that easy with WoW.

oh stfu, wow class design has never been fucking balanced. There was always some classes stronger than others. Stop cherrypicking, you sound like you never even played the game

>It's unironically worse than vanilla
Still not there m8, but it's getting there.

>for one character every week do your keystone dungeons
>grind the same 10 dungeons at different difficulties
>every day do your emissary quests
>then do that all again on your alts (I couldn't bear to do it for all 5 of mine, only play druid/warrior now)
other things
>professions still pretty worthless
>the RNG on above, you can have a level three recipe after making ten or X or making 10000 of X
>legendaries are spec specific and pretty much lock you into your spec
>good luck farming up a GOOD legendary for your off spec
>the AP grind is cool in that you see yourself getting stronger the more time and AP you put into a specialization
>whats not cool is that if X gets hit by the nerfbat and is dogshit now, you can't just switch to Y because you haven't invested anywhere near the AP as X
>gearchecks, if you have enough ilvl for this and are competent enough than you will clear it
and if you don't have enough ilvl than it doesn't matter how competent you are, you won't even get into the group let alone get to see it
>tfw I see people in heroics doing 200k dps and on mythic + people doing 170k dps and less

I'm not even talking about the disparity between the best specs and worst specs. The design of nearly every class is a fucking mess. Im sure you've heard about Warlocks having artifact abilities based on resources that aren't in the fucking game right now. Did you know that half of WW monks moveset straight up doesn't function half the time? Nearly every class in the game has more downtime with their viable talents. Mages turning down 20+ ilvl upgrades because no crit

The design and the balancing of the classes is a fucking disaster.

No way you fag. Played exclusively shadow since vanilla and don't have any interest in this class outside of shadow spec. His class hall sucks, all famous priests like Velen sucks, his class fantasy sucks, healing sucks, and now shadow spec is a pain in the ass to play outside of instances too.
The one who came up with s2m idea should be killed brutally.

>>whats not cool is that if X gets hit by the nerfbat and is dogshit now, you can't just switch to Y because you haven't invested anywhere near the AP as X
What annoys me is that blizzard said "We don't have datalol" but still nerfs all tank damage by 10% and BDK by 20%, still nerfs and re-fucking-does some classes from the ground up (see warrior prot)

K. Confirmed retard, as expected of dps mains.

>Illidan was actually trying to stop the legion
>We were the bad guys in BC
I don't expect much from WoW lore these days but holy shit that retcon is even more retarded than "there must always be a lich king"

>Sided with the naga, who originally lured the Legion
>Sided with the blood elves who very nearly summoned sargeras
>Filled his fortress to the brim with powerful demons and put them all in positions of power

He a good elf he dindu nuffin he tryin to turn his neighborhood around

I'd be able to swallow that pill if they abstained from that order hall quest that is just constantly slobbering on Illidan's knob.

They need a "side with Altrius" option for all classes because I'm sick of being spoonfed WOW ILLIDAN IS DESTINED FOR GREATNESS from that fucking windchime. He was a baby that had one-itis for 10,000 years, fuck him. I hope all 3 members of that stupid love triangle bite it this expansion.

Same. But only cause my computer is shit. But boy am I glad I missed out :)

>one of the most powerful death knights to ever "live" is hanging out in his home
But nah hes totally fighting the legion.

>RNG Legendaries where some are absolute BiS and some are joke items that are completely worthless
Who the fuck thought this would be okay?

but TFT and BC story made it very explicit that Illidan was fighting the Legion

It's just that a mutual enemy didn't justify what he was doing in BC.

Titanforging and legendaries.

It kills me that some of these are clearly meant to be PvP legendaries and legendary effects can only be used in world pvp

So if you have sephuz and prydaz I guess enjoy being a god while you farm the open pvp mount