I think this is Ultron infected by the sigma Virus

I think this is Ultron infected by the sigma Virus.

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But Ultron isnt a reploid

Dr. Wily wins again, baby

What makes people think this has anything to do with sigma?

Regular Mechaniloids can get infected too.

Wait really.

You blind? Look at the silhouette of the body. Look at the tall collar. Look at the spiked wristbands. Look at the mechanical looking hand. Look at the fact that he's sitting on some sort of throne

Have you ever seen Sigma?

The sigma virus can also infect any digital or mechanical technology, not just reploids.

It's literally magic + dark energy.

Literally none of his designs have purple eyes or gigantic blue eyes on his chests.

Have either of YOU ever seen Sigma?

The arm collar spikes are a bit of a Reveal.

His head also seems to have some sort of elevation in the middle, as if it were purely mechanical or a helmet. Sigma's just a plain bald robot.

>dark energy.
EVIL energy, thank you very much

As stated its not sigma but Ultron infected by sigma Virus.
SO its probably ultron controlled by sigma so he changed ultrons look to look more like sigma.

Yeah that seems more plausible.

Fucking blind people thinking it's sigma gotta get their eyes checked. The only detail that resembles him are the spiked wrists. The armor is clearly different. Not even the collar looks similar, he only has one, and that's for his (disposable) cape.

>List 5 things that point to him being Sigma

Clearly it's not just your regular Sigma, retard. No one knows for sure who it is yet, but Sigma is the general consensus and best guess right now for a reason. It looks at least like some form of Sigma. Maybe he's merged with Ultron or something. Who knows?

>List 5 things that point to him being Sigma
No. You listed one.

>Clearly it's not just your regular Sigma
It's not ANY Sigma, dumbass. They won't create a completely new design for a well-established character that has MANY designs to choose from, none of which is in any way similar to OP's picture.

Stop being fucking delusional. It's probably gonna be this

Let us remember that Sigma has had many, many forms over the years, including some with, yes, eyes on his chest.

Not that I particularly want for it to be him, since in my opinion Sigma is the worst Mega Man villain.

You are aware Kaiser sigma was fucking gigantic right? It also does not look like the guy from the teaser at all.


None of them look like it.

Of course, thats why half of the enemies in a given X game aren't reploids

I thought you just build them and set them to kill anything that moves, no virus required

and you do realize its a new character called sigma ultron based on designs on previous sigmas. or are you a retard, no one thought this was just sigma

Of course, but half the point is that Sigma has never had a single, concrete form ever since his body was destroyed in X1. I'm just saying that, from sillouete alone, there isn't really a way to dismiss that as being Sigma.

Also, purple is typically the color associated with the Wily Virus in Megaman games, in all of its forms

>everyone thinking its sigmatron
>mfw its Ghost and Ghouls

see those spikes in side the cape, those are comic ultrons facial features. its ultron sigma for sure

>no one thought this was just sigma
It would be really retarded of Capcom to make a new design for him, given how he already has a dozen and he's canonically fucking dead. Have they redesigned any other character for MvC?

>ITT people arguing with solitary dipshit without pointing out that it was already stated by official sources the main villain of it was a mixture of villains from marvel and capcom

Yeah, maybe someone should get him to shut the fuck up.

okay maybe you are a little slow, watch the trailer really carefully now notice the stage take a good look at it, if you are mega man fan you would in fact realize, Hey its the opening stage of mega man X. But wait it leads to what looks like asgard but for some odd reason covered with the sigma virus. How odd, whats odder is this new villain is sitting on a golden throne

now maybe hear me out on this, this unknown character is a famous marvel robot fused with sigma JUST LIKE THE FUCKING STAGES FOR FUCKS SAKE YOU RETARD. this game they said will be cinematic and have the worlds actually collide.

Stop wondering why they did not use one of his canon designs when its clearly they decided to make the big bad a combination of 2 characters

Ultrons side antennas sigmas arm spikes.

Its Sigma Ultron.

Wonder if he will be playable or just the final boss.

>this unknown character is a famous marvel robot fused with sigma
It's a robot FUSED WITH Sigma, not JUST SIGMA. Those are DIFFERENT THINGS in case your autism-ridden sad excuse for a brain hasn't realized yet. Goalpost-moving dumbass piece of shit.

Holy shit you're so retarde I wish I could kill you myself instead of just telling you to kys. Fuck you.

>sigma-infected ultron

Jesus christ how horrifying

Ultron loves him some capes and thrones.

It's Ultron with a new body based on an amalgam of different villains.

Or it could be Hakaider. Look at his head. That is totally Hakaider.

seems like your the one with autsim everyone knows its not just sigma and were trying to prove it was sigma fused with ultron, your the retard who assumed we just meant sigma

>everyone knows its not just sigma
Will I have to prove you wrong a third time before you finally stop being retarded?

And yes, I DID say it's plausible that it's Ultron with Sigma virus. My original point was that it wasn't just Sigma ALONE.

I can see the face spikes+cape. Hand looks like Sigma's.

I hope this is the case because I want to see Sigma. Maybe Sigma chin will be visible in the deisgn and it won't just look like Ultron head.

You need to have that chin in the design you know?

none of those even imply they thought it was just sigma just that it is sigma involved, everyone is laughing at you, please kill yourself or better yet I hope all three of these people you keep posting tell you how dumb you are for assuming they meant it was just sigma

>Getting this angry over something that, at this point, is pure speculation anyway

Are you 12 years old, autistic, or both?

Holy shit, please just stop. Also consider killing yourself

>I don't think they meant just sigma so they didn't
I'm surprised you still remember how to breathe everyday. You clearly don't have any arguments left and are resorting to straws. Thanks for conceding.

Also, in case you weren't here during the reveal, everyone on Sup Forums was saying it was Sigma.

why do you keep using my post? I knew it was not just Sigma I was just saying it is definitely sigma

There are two sets of what appear to be eyes. No one is saying that it's Sigma alone. Holy fuck are you retarded

>MvC Infinite
>boss isn't Thanos
I don't understand.

He's a loser and you are too for wanting him

since everyone here is saying its simga fused with ultron and you seem to be just be trolling now. the burden of proof is on you I was in the first thread everyone deduced it was ultron and sigma

Dont you also all see he is sitting like Dr Doom, meaning he will inherit his move list as they are not adding him

Wasn't he already a fighting character in previous entry?

in a interview, it was mentioned that x was central to the plot, sigma begin the main villain of megaman x and other clues.


>I can tell his entire movelist by the way he is sitting in this cutscene

You're an idiot

came in here to post this. anyone else cautiously hoping it's thanos?
>lost to squirrel girl
i dont get why they do this shit to him. hes one of the more interesting villains in the cosmic universe.