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I don't even know what this image is conveying. Pokemon Go is evil?

Really gets the noggin firing

Pokemon Go makes your neck freakishly long.

>tfw to smart too think

please give me (you)

reeling creates yew thought

this really made me think senpai

huh? whoaa

Wow. Really................makes me..........................think man.

>you will never have a pet pikachu

wtf i hate pokemon now

Remember to Pokémon "Go to the polls"!

Happy Birthday.

wow.................................................................................... man........................................................................... my brain hurts......

Got anymore images like these related to video games OP?

Witness this 5 stimulate your neurons

>Spends her entire life and the last 30 years involved in politics for the sole purpose of being President

>Her life goal taken from her by both Barack "The Magic Negro" Hussein Obama and Donald "Grab'em by the pussy" John Trump


Image should have been made 5 years ago. It's neither insightful or funny.


Is his middle name actually John?

No wonder why he won, the toppest tier of male names

rlly make u thank...

Because you're 74 point behind


so deep......



really stimulates the mind

Is that negroid bleeding oil?

wow rly makes u tonk

They should put a bullet in every Hoennbabby

>supporting trump is equivalent to police brutality and jihadists
>childlike innocence in a child is a bad thing
>>is his life worth more than mine
>misunderstanding the point of the protests
really makes me think

Props to that sniper tryna save his nigga friend

I loved the butthurt from BLM all because they lost control of social media for like 2 weeks during the Pokemon Go frenzy.


but seriously, pokemon go is fun for like an hour or two, then you get burned out and bored and never touch the app again

Retards having awful posture due to looking down at their phones like that all the time is a problem though

[spoilers]Because the conspiracy theories about the Jews are false, and now you've abetted a resurgence of nazism that the world will regret.[/spoiler]

im thinkin too hard bros... my head hurts....

This (((anonymous))) poster doesn't even know how to spoiler

mudkip's not in go though.

It's our curse to bear as intellectual ponderers

How shitty do you have to be to moralize a phone game?

Wait so what's up with this jewish echokinesis

Is this a new Sup Forums meme?

Escalator cause you can walk up it and go faster

Not really new, but it's a damn fine meme



People who invested enough points into the walking skill can outmaneuver an elevator

Me after seeing this

What's his problem?

So what guides other humans? This is such a fucking retarded thing to say, and a huge waste of time to make a piece of art about. Someone spending some time playing a game on their phone doesn't mean a fucking thing. If this is supposed to imply that you are a slave to whatever you are doing, I think it completely misses it's own point.

They're pretty fun if you hate Albania like I do

>that thing has grandkids
What the hell


I believe he was referring to the (((Jewish name))) meme

But Memri is always great

0-100 real cuck

I am 100% certain she would have won if she wore actual suits instead of those gaudy fucking pantsuits she wore all the time.
And actually outlined her fucking policies instead of spouting off vague as fuck nonsense promises.

Hahahaha it's the funny horns in the person's head resembling the devil, TIME really did it again

She lost because people didn't pokemon go to the polls
All the dabbing for nothing

>Divided States of America


Well duh its TIME not NICE GUY, and its like Robespierre said.

Did the exact opposite happen?
I'm pretty sure a black guy robbed a skinny white guy while he was streaming or some shit.


It's like no-one read the text that's to the right of Trump's picture.


Why does Trump look like he's thinking of telling the photographer to to keep it down but he's going to just stare at him this time because he kind of doesn't want to?

I'm pretty sure most presidents that have been around during TIME's Person of the Year award have earned it
This is nothing new

That's why he got shot.

> everyone is hitler for not diverting 100% of their attention to blm and just enjoying a fucking phone game
really bamboozles my brain cells

>checking your inventory pauses the game

That's so ironic...........

I like how they had to make that one police officer getting murdered a little darker skinned than the one murdering the black guy.

Didn't you hear user? She was going to throw 6 billion dollars into the Rust Belt to make up for decades of outsourcing jobs from them! And those ungrateful redneck serfs would DARE defy her and vote in a bully!

I read this as you saying all presidents had won it, and had this really fucking stupid joke about three fifths of the presidents being really impressive for winning it before it existed, and then I wanted to make a joke about Obama being three fifths of a person of a year.

I have failed in all regards. Tell my wife you love her.

What a stupid thing to say. Next time the person of the year is a movie star I'll say the same thing.

Who was in the wrong here?

can we just change "republican party" to "nazi party" already
lefties are gonna call them nazis either way

what a shitty get
also, why delet this?

>two party system literally on the verge of collapse
Nah. If anything, the country is on its way to becoming more unified than it ever was before.

It's cool, we all fuck up

>sniper shooting the cop isn't black


>There are people who care more about some graphics on their phones than their real life pets

that faggot uploader for not having sex with that girl

Forgetting that the Muslims were one of Nazi Germany's staunchest allies and set the groundwork for the Holocaust in the Armenian Genocide, and that the only reason that the Muslims fell out with the RNC was a combonation of 9/11 and the resulting refugee crisis giving the neos a look at the worst of their supposed "allies", and that by supporting Muslims the DNC supports all the same bullshit policies as the national socialists they supposedly revile (including holding historical merit to Mein Kampf).

They're caught in a trap; they try and moderate, and they'll lose. They double down their support on Muslims, and even if they win they lose because it turns out that the latter are just re-skinned conservatives and will push all the same policies minus persecuting themselves, obviously.

>that reflection

There's nothing wrong with speccing white sniper, you get the really cool magic bullet tree and the racial skill to be automatically lowered one prison debuff is great.

I mean sure, Black snipers have the natural camouflage and high bluff skills for being the only black class that can shoot at range, but they're really not that great. It's why most snipers are white.Blacks are better for melee and anti CC.


this will probably happen to me. why am I so close to my parents and still a loser?

I think they look more like kitty ears :3


humanity never changes OP
they just migrate to other plains

That's no fun.


Copy that

According to the archive it never existed in the first place.

>a shred of competence
>pick uno
