Just a few more days and this comes out Sup Forums!
Have you guys preordered it yet?
Just a few more days and this comes out Sup Forums!
What is this? Fat slut simulator 2016? Go outside nigga and keep the 60 dollarydoos
Sonico is still the superior nitro girl
But real fat sluts are disgusting
objectively wrong
even santa prefers porkchop
>implying Pork isnt objectively the PERFECT THICCNESS
I always thought Sonico was prety boring. What do you even do in her game?
i-is that their grandma?
It's the ugly sister who's just plain fat and none of it went to the right place
She's a meme
don't you toy with my heart like that
gimme dat pork
She's a gravuremodel so you take photos of her while dressing her up and taking poses.
>randomly receive some coupon for a nitroplus fightan game or something
>has sonico in it
>no porkchop
>tfw Gabe knows what you fap to
this is a p cool thread
I see enough fat people in burgerland already, don't need a simulator
Who /black/ here?
Kancolle/Nitroplus crossover vidya when?
Somewhere in a perfect world
But I already fapped to her today
no rest for the wicked