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Video Games #3602
Video Games
Who else is enjoying GOTY?
Bad Japanese games don't exi—
Is she right? Will a Mario game come to the Switch?
Give me one good reason for why this isn't the best price-performance gpu to date
Does anyone actually like this fucker?
Could the last character you played as survive a battle of 1000 heartless?
My name is Valentine and i'll be your doctor for the evening. Did you need anything?
Jokes for minecrafters
There are people here that watch Long Plays
How's that gaming channel coming?
He hasn't played best game of December
Enter character name:
Get a boss to half-health
Recommend us some bad ass video games, Sup Forums
What made video games from the 80s,90s, and 2000s so good?
Why is ffv so underrated?
You can play 1993 DOOM in 2016 DOOM with 2016 weapons and gameplay
Xv thread
We now live in the timeline where Kingdom Hearts is better than Final Fantasy
How come video games don't have many comics?
Pic related is somehow the best video game movie
Meanwhile on bizarro Sup Forums
Who was right?
Post games ITT with a nice winter atmosphere
Make it vidya
What went wrong?
Anybody who's posting salt emojis or saying that Birdy was good, get that ass banned. You didn't see the fuckin lag?
ITT: Post the best dungeon from its respective game
How would you make a One Punch Man game that stays true to the source material without being boring or forcing the...
Stealth escort mission
Not playing demos at the stores
Y'all niggas betta post in this morrowind thread
How do we fix horror genre?
Which games have the best Turn Based Combat?
Why do people hate the AC3 again?
PS4 Pro
Really love Dragon Age Origins and the setting
Name a better car combat game (protip you can't)
If you want a good story read a book
What was the best Smash announcement?
How do I get a gamer girl as my girlfriend
I don't think I've ever been this impressed by a game
Physical discs will completely die out in the next decade
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
Fuck this mission it's literally impossible
Trico is female. Proof
How do you type the sound of a warp pipe?
Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think about it? I'm thinking about picking it up for 20 bucks...
Why is that game the best by far of the series?
What went wrong?
Why don't you like it, Sup Forums?
Nier thread
Why is forbidden woods the worst area ever ?
Le motion controls meme
Games you played and had no idea what was going on, or what it was about
Will Capcom ever bring the series back? Do we want it back, given Capcom's penchant for fucking over old franchises...
I'd better be seeing daily Sup Forums lobbies once Guilty Gear is out on PC next week...
Senran Kagura threads are now banned from Sup Forums. What do you all have to say for yourselves?
What settings would you like to see in video games that you don't think get explored enough?
8 hours
Buyers remorse thread
What would the ctOS profiler say if it was pointed at you?
I was banned from overwatch on PC, will I be banned from playing on console too?
You could have been watching this, instead of you were shitposting on Sup Forums
Risk of Rain
Practicing is impossible
Climb it
Went into this game expecting a train wreck sequel brought to us by EA...
Quality over quan
Say something over the mic
Mario Kart
New 3x3 Thread
Vikings and nomads with 5,000 units keep looting my country
Will 500 watts support this build or will it need many changes?
Breath of the wild looks fucking downgraded on this
Are there any similar games to Second Life in which you get to create your character to interact with people and you...
What games do you play with your boyfriend/girlfriend Sup Forums?
Will there ever be another good Dead Space game?
Perfect racing games don't ex---
You can pickup netbooks running intel gma 950 for next to nothing these day
You have 0.1 seconds to tell me what you are emulating right now
Sup Forums honest opinion of Tetsuya Nomura? I love the guy...
Citra 3ds emulator
What is your preferred way of advancing through the game?
ITT: Gamer Fuel
Find me a bigger Mary Sue than Elizabeth
What EXACTLY did he mean by this?
Who Red mage hype here
Alright Sup Forums, let's do this
How do we stop jap devs from putting lolis in their games?
Can only get one (1) game for my birthday
Vampire Mask of the Bloodline
I have an RPG itch. I recently completed Tyranny and actually had fun despite what Sup Forums said about the game
What stages do you want?
When does this get good?
What's cooler than being cool?
Street fighter 5
Vidya PTSD thread
How the hell is this purified, you fucking idiot?
Sup Forums 2030
XV thread
Sup Forums plays Soul Nomad & The World Eaters
Remember that time Nintendo let you play as Peach while she was fucking buck-naked?
Here bro you can use my extra
Your favourite games pre 2007?
this is the best rpg in the last 10 years friends
Oh yeah, that came out
What was the last game you truely enjoyed?
This Game is terrible, and the user that shills this game everyday is a faggot...
It's a Matsumoto makes a vidya reference and no one gets it episode
ITT: Games where you are - or can become - an allmighty god
Why does it look like shit
Why do people think rance series is the best jrpg franchise?
Haha guys it was pretty hilarious how we trolled all of those newfags into believing that anyone actually likes this...
Games like this?
What the FUCK was his problem?
ITT: Trigger Sup Forums
Spending over 200 on a tablet with shitty graphics that run games at 720p 30fps
Is this game any good?
It requires a constant Internet connection
Miyamoto has expressed that the only game he ever worked on that he thinks was incomplete was this one...
Just deleted my MGSV save data, cause I felt like playing the first half again fresh
Hey senpai!
Just beat Rising Revengeance for the first time
Does money have any real purpose in this game?
Be me
Who really was the best girl?
Your childhood friend is the final boss
Who are the best wrasslers in fighting games?
Final Fantasy TA3
Kill enemy in a video game
What does Sup Forums think of Sunset Overdrive?
Talk about near-death experience!
The gameplay has no depth
How relevant was this game, with our fake news and Brexit and Trump Victory?
This is canon
2017 Games
Yakuza Kiwami and Yakuza 6 are coming to the US
Just got this Sup Forums what am I in for?
Subnautica thread
Nep's in trouble, Sup Forums! You gotta save her!
Don't mind me, just the best 3D Sonic game coming through
ITT: Expansions done right
Name one (1) good mobile game. Or a couple. I'm unironically thinking about giving one a shot
Mini-maps are ruining video games
Your fucking face when
Gabe why?
You will never EVER visit a japanese game shop
Shit, has anybody else seen this?
So I'm sure many of you have used this site, I never have because I've always thought it was too shady
How would you fix your favorite game series?
Proof that Sony pays for reviews
Can we all agree this game had phenomenal voice acting?
Perfect games don't exi-
Would you date a gamer girl?
This is a 1000+18 year old semen demon
How do we make Final Fantasy great again ?
So how dead is this game on PC and how did Konami fuck it up?
Aaaah, December! It's getting cold outside, while you can get yourself comfy inside of your home...nice and warm...
Are permavirgins better at video-games?
What does Sup Forums think of vinesauce?
There are people playing runescape 2007 right now
After the terrible season we got, is there hope for this one?
Is it already too late for Nintendo?
These guys roll up and slap your girlfriend in the ass for 16 damage
Is this one of the greatest games of all time?
We can all agree, right?
S tier healer
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
So tell me, IRL oldfags (25 or older), what is a good length for a game?
How long do I have to play as Harkua? This really isn't something I enjoy
Its suffering being a Wii-U owner
Find a flaw
Just started pic related, what am I into?
Why aren't you playing it Sup Forums its double XP weeked
Do you still enjoy videogames?
You will die before Warcraft IIII is released
What went right?
Who else wanna hit dis?
Playing Earthbound
Gta 6
What went wrong and could've went better?
Is he, dare I say it, "our guy"?
What do you guys think about Japanese character designs in games?
Khajit has wares if you have coin
Do you have any hopes for Elex?
So now that XV turned out to be hot garbage do you still have any hope left for pic related Sup Forums?
Relive the nogstalgia
Comfy Elder Scrolls thread? Comfy Elder Scrolls thread
Is he our guy Sup Forums?
This is the most uninspired, safe, and casual game I have ever played. The complete lack of player independence...
I got banned from overwatch for hacking but I still wanna play the game. What do Sup Forums?
Are you going to the wedding, Sup Forums?
What the fuck is a scrub?
3x3 thread
I want to play some fucking good metroidvania games
Whats the rarest thing you dropped in a game?
Smash (sm4sh) Sup Forumseekend
What are you building Sup Forums?
Is good 3d Metroidvania possible?
Why does nobody talk about this game?
Is League of Legends dying?
Now that the dust has settled can we agree that this was a shit game?
What are your thoughts on the Rockman series?
Game asks you to input name
What are your favorite PS2 games?
Nier Automata
Anyone ever have an account "hacked"?
Glad you could make it Uther
Nice video user, want some music in it?
Perfect games don't exi-
How do I get enough autism to understand how to play Dwarf Fortress?
Gonna be a dad soon, what are your favorite video games that teach you how to raise a kid?
Kids today will never know the struggle lol
Why is this game so perfect Sup Forums?
What do you want to see in FFXVI Sup Forums?
What's your high-score Sup Forums?
Don't mind me, just the best multiplayer fps of the decade
Why are russians always the worst to play with?
Good morning, Sup Forums...
/wtg/ War Thunder General!
Are there any videogames that let me play as Adolf Hitler?
Reminder that there is a guy working on recreating Dawngate using UE4 RIGHT NOW
1more month until goty year is released. You ready Sup Forums?
What's your favorite new Pokemon?
Don't mind me, just sneaking over to page 10
Is this version really better? I feel like im just losing things
Best Star Fox
Playing this game feels like baking your favorite cake with energy drink instead of milk...
I'm playing the nigger civ on multi-player...
What's the worst Hitman location and why is it Morocco?
7th Dragon Thread
5 year old steam account with 100+ games
Do you mind voting if you havent?
ITT: Enemies that scare the shit out of you
Out Blizzarding Blizzard at their own game
Is it normal to have found 4 legendaries and be absolutely destroying everything in 1 hit at level 25 on my very first...
Are you fucking kidding me?
Thoughts on the FGC?
Filename Thread
Spent all of yesterday playing this all the way through
Yooka-Laylee PS4 gameplay
Not using bitcoin to pay on Steam
Alright Sup Forums, let's do this
What does Sup Forums think of Life is Strange?
What went wrong?
We can all agree on this
Came out nearly 7 years ago
Another year went by without Half-Life 3
Makes RTS game
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Post your idle animation
ITT: Vidya asses that can kill
Why did Undertale develop such an incessant anti-fanbase? I swear to god...
Sup Forums plays XCOM
Is there a more fragile glass cannon than Shedinja?
Post impressive and skillful webms
I gotta find out what's in store for the next major buff
What's up with Western game developers and this look?
30 fps confirmed
Sequel when?
What game has the most satisfying magic?
Humble Xmas Bundle
Why are the French so terrible at making video games?
Just started pic related, what am I in for?
Meanwhile on Rule 63 Sup Forums
Shadow Tactics
It's a Mario parody
Would you give your current life, family, and friends, just to look EXACTLY like this girl?
Let's settle it: Who is the best main character of 2016 and why is Corvo?
Hey Senpai, how's climbing going!?
When will PC Gamers learn that there are legitimate reasons to game on console?
The Witcher 3 Thread
Lost Saves Stories
Why hasn't any Crash game gotten crates right since the PS1?
Why do people insist so much that videogames are art, yet nobody ever complained that chess isn't considered to be art?
This finally came out
What are some good, comfy chairs for video games? I currently have this chair...
Why did western devs forget how to have fun
Yo senpai how do you want your Nidhogg sequel?
Nintendo has gone full 4KIDS
Can all the fat, ugly, stupid people quit playing video games and stop associating themselves as "gamers"
What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?
What sound does it make?
Too tired to play vidya for more than a few minutes
ITT:Games that only you played
Its that kind of thread again
This still remains as the best game I have ever played
Sup Forums says:
PS4 Pro Performance Is Equivalent to $900 PC
Which Mechanical keyboard are you using /v?
Why are all video games from the recent 3-4 years so boring?
We haven't had a Peach thread in a while
Space Hulk: Deathwing
So the Dock increases performance?
Titanfall 2
Wwhat went wrong?
What games are on your radar for 17?
What do you want for Christmas Sup Forums?
What's the worst remake you have ever played?
How long is this game?
What game lets me kill globalists and cultural marxists?
Soul Caliber thead
Are you looking forward to John Romero's Blackroom?
Bloodborne put them on suicide watch, Nioh dug the grave
Backer release codes for shantae come out
Is Nintendo going to bring him back to make commercials for Breath of the Wild?
So I bought Rome 2 a while ago and had lots of fun with it. Which one is the best?
Crash bandicoot
Just bought a PS4, and i'm looking for game recommendations
Name me a good MMO right now!
Tfw you never got to play your favourite games on a big ass CRT as a kid
The AI isn't stupid, a real dog wouldn't listen sometimes
Do you regret getting a PS4
Does Sup Forums like cup noodles?
S/he trades in their vidya at FUCKING GAMESTOP
Hey 4channers what you think
Canadians complaining about expensive games
Why haven't you joined your university's gaming society?
Help me out Sup Forums, what should I write?
When will we have a good new RPG again...
Kuma and Panda
Look at all these upcoming exclusives!
Nvidia released 7 driver updates in 2016 that """""accidentally""""" broke Nvidia GPUs
Cosy PS2 Thread: Spoiled from all the 10/10 vidya edition
Listen to AMDdrone for pc advice when I was building my first PC
That kid who saved frames by taking shortcuts to school
Furry Server needs a good rekking
Who is your favorite FFXV girl?
Push to talk
Can anyone refute this?
Why people don't like Sheva again...
How do i keep from starving do i can continue to raid and rape my neighbors...
Guilty Gear thread
Who's your favorite video game girl, Sup Forums?
The video game industry is beginning to crash
VR or upgraded Ultrawide?
I can't wait to play as female Link!
Someone calls you a good healer
Final Fantasy XV Thread
I just got my IQ test back. I have an iq of 84. What games do you recommend for people like me?
People actually call their characters "Toons"
Kingdom Hearts Thread
Why hasn't any game included the almighty gatling knife yet?
Those are the 5 highest rated games on PSN. The only one I know is fucking Final Fantasy. How is that possible?
Can we have a rage thread? l miss those
Is it cool to hate everything that normal people enjoy on this board?
I wish I could refund this piece of shit
Game has pets
You can't romance the MILF
I still don't know why everyone seems to hate FF8 so much. Explain it to me, Sup Forums
Which do you think was the best Final Fantasy of the past 10 years? Not counting XIV because it's an mmo
How good is Chicken-chan(11)'s design?
What do you think of this leprechaun sounding goofyass motherfucker?
What do you think the story will be about Sup Forums?
What are some GOTY? Let's count last year as well
ITT: the smartest confirmed gamers in the world
What is the most autistic thing you've done in a game?
Post perfect boys ITT
At what point did you realize that this game is trash?
Remember me?
Where did the hair go?
So when is Deep Down coming out?
This is Varg. Say something nice to hi-
Hey Du!
Modern gaming
Today I dreamed about the second DLC of Dark Souls 3...
I'm about to play pic related and have never played a JRPG or final fantasy before...
Would you have sex with Olivia Munn?
Why are they making the remake episodic?
That display
I warned my wife that allowing our 3 boys to have a video game would lead to trouble...
The Last Guardian
Hey Sup Forums. Here's a game for you. Free of charge
What does Sup Forums think of Megaman's sister, Roll?
He's gonna buy a Switch instead of a PS4 PRO
One of the best Zelda-inspired game ever
I'm doing this just for fun
First Switch third party exclusive announced
I didn't realize
I'll be damned... Another newcomer
Will there ever be a good looking Nintendo game?
Why is this game so little discussed here?
So, I just started playing this for the first time the other day, and I gotta say, I quite like it...
We all are agreed that undertale songs are amazing?
ITT: non-canon games
And it's just 400€
Final Fantasy XV thread
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on fanservice heavy games?
First time playing through the Ocean House ghost quest, jesus christ this game is good
Why is RTW the best TW ever?
Is this like the old commandos series?
How would you make a modern Bomberman game?
Is there a point in buying this thing instead of buying a $5 Bluetooth adapter and connecting the controller through it?
What does it even mean
Should space Peach be more thicc?
Liking FF 9
Perfect vidya woman doesn't exis-
Were there really that many blacks in WW1?
ITT: Awful launch games that only fanboys gave a shit about
Why do you play video games?
Got some good pieces out here if you're looking to buy, more inside
Just cause 3
So whats Sup Forums's verdict?
ITT: games that are impossible to discuss on Sup Forums due to the associated memes
What the fuck is this guy talking about?
Better than sim city
GOTY 20116
Is there anything we can do to help Crytek employees?
Series no longer asks if you are a boy or a girl
4k gaming
I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame...
Just spent the past 4 months playing all 7 .hack games
Post a picture
Game looks absolutely godtier
Can I play this game without having played the others in the series?
How do we fix Ace Attorney?
What games let me romance girls taller than me?
He was right and you didn't listen
Nier: Automata
Why does he have havel armor
This is Renamon say something nice about her
Started playing the Mass Effect games for the first time. Loved the first one...
Which do you value more in games?
Hey senpai!
Let It Die
Enemies can make you fall in love with them
You have been on Sup Forums for years
ITT the first system you got
Just finished this game, How did you fuckers feel about this feels rollercoaster?
What did you play today, user?
Soldier 76 Buff
Game tries to be funny
Would you a bat?
Why do people pretend that this series is good?
What's cooler than being cool?
So I finished Metal Gear Solid 3 last week, got what turned out to be a terrible rank...
Sup Forums will defend this
ITT: Things you never see in video games
Well, I think everyone should own a PS4
ICO is tedious, unfun, clunky, and unoptimized garbage
What the fuck
Final boss is optional
Admit it, you used to watch Pewdiepie
ITT best vidya memes
How does Sup Forums feel about the PS4?
Xv thread again
Which game was the best out of the Soulsborne series?
Demon Girls
ITT:Super Underrated Games
Is there any game like this on PC/Xbox?
When did you finally drop War Blunder Sup Forums?
Just got a PS4 and Bloodborne and I've been wondering why does the PS4 says something along the line of "Data required...
FFXV Thread
See someone wearing this shirt
Sup Forumsidya draw thread
I think this picture is pretty accurate
I really want to play it...
What video game lets me discriminate against minorities?
Vidya body types
World war 2 game
Is lock-on actually necessary for 3D action games?
Are my temps safe?
Why is he so perfect bros
Is Smash 4 a better competitive game than Melee?
Contrarian thread
VR thread
So why is bayoneta allowed to keep its skimpy costumes overseas when fatal frame was not
Did ANYONE actually romance this mess of a character? WHY does he even exist?
Buy this game because you guys can't stop talking about wanting to fuck Kat in the ass while you lick her silky smooth...
Anybody else miss when Das1 just came out and was booming? The game was so fucking good man...
Which game has the sexiest elves?
Not voting your healer at the end of the round
What went so horribly wrong?
"Originally, Meryl was supposed to be a 12 year old girl, inspired by the film Leon The Professional...
Sup Forums said it would flop
It's been seven years since Sup Forums collectively played Rance
Friendly reminder that Super Mario 3D World is a good 3D Mario game
What are some games that do a more subtle "slow burn" horror well?
Who PC + PS4 bro here?
Which game is the best game ever?
What does clunky controls mean?
Giant rats? It's like the start of every bad adventure tale my grandfather used to tell
4 hours in and I'm thinking I might return this
He thinks the protagonist's a good guy just cause he's the protagonist
What the FUCK was his problem?
You see this? This is called Rogue. Does your game look or play anything like this? No...
Xv thread
How do I play horror games without getting scared?
Tfw modders are better at animating/programming weapons than Bethesda
Characters Who Should be Playable in Smash Bros Before Ridley or the Splatoon Squids
What does Sup Forums think of all-male parties?
Is your waif from a video game Sup Forums?
Filename thread
Post actual GOOD dlc
What games do you suggest when your playing with friends?
Divinity: Original Sin $15
Rewrite loved main character to be a retarded asshole
Ace Combat
Are video games evil Sup Forums?
Flawless games don't exi-
Is Sakurai a hack?
Is this the single greatest story ever put on a video game ?
What do you guys think of this game?
Is this game worth playing? It looked extremely mediocre upon release...
Was he literally "our guy"?
Is he "our guy", Sup Forums?
I am posting on imgur as a last resort
Thyroid problem
Hey senpai how'd your progress? Have you reached the top?
Dark Souls > Demons's > BloodBorne > Dark Souls 3 >>> Dark Souls 2
What game is this from?
It still hurts Sup Forums
Hurry the fuck up and get this on the PS4 already...
Draw the Avgn's hair
That track that you just start humming out of nowhere
Post your favorite secret character
Is this a Nintendo reference?
Game based on your favorite book
What are some games where the devs get in on memes the fans create?
Did you fall for it?
Old Shantae: Half Genie Hero died, resurrecting it with best girl
This is the most aesthetic and ergonomic video game controller of all time
Oh good hunter
Wonder Trade
Sup Forums's opinions on Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth?
How does this make you feel?
Can I play this game without playing the previous Drakengard games?
Does getting older hinder your skill in FPS?
Lets be honest, how many times did you masturbate to the overwatch girls
Sonic has the deepest lore
Just started this the other night Sup Forums, what am I in for?
Meanwhile at Japanese Sup Forums
Post BASED developers
Sup Forums tells you a game is amazing
What game do you want, Sup Forums?
This game was developed by Nintendo
Nothing appeals to me anymore
What's the cheapest hdr 4K tv? I wanna use it for my PC and PS4 pro
Just finished playing this, full stealth and nonlethal. What did I think of it?
Have you ever 100%'d a game twice?
Why RTS genre died?
Are you gonna be seeing this video game based movie, Sup Forums?
Enemies can open doors
Soup n' Smash O's
E3 2017
Name ONE videogame
Name your favorite pirate game
Name ONE, ONE character that could beat him
Bit the bullet and beat Earthbound last summer
This is a Healer only thread. NO DPS or TANKS allowed
Final boss dies with one hit
What are some hardcore video games for hardcore people, Sup Forums?
ITT: Virgin characters in video game
XV thread
Won't you at least give actual graphics a chance?
Okay user you can get 1 video game, 1 movie, and 1 snack
Why aren't you guys playing the Titanfall 2 double exp weekend?
Are gayming headphones a meme or are they good?
Has a game ever made you cry?
How did the PSP manage to sell relatively well, but this one did so badly?
Perfect youtubers don't exi-
What games are the best autism simulators?
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
Reminder that a woman with their chest visible is a sexual object for men...
King of Iron Fist Tournament 2016 GLOBAL FINAL is happening right now in Tokyo you faggots, livestream is up
Tell me your five favorint 3DS games
He's right you know
What happened to all the badass stories of the Empire? Stormtroopers and TIE Pilots...
Describe Leon in 3 words
Your favourite franchise will never get the Telltale treatment
Why do lower intelligent beings grind for achievements?
~Marvel vs Capcom Infinite~
Blizzard literally BANNING players for not choosing "meta" picks in OW
Just a few more days and this comes out Sup Forums!
I'm a professional video game composer. What do you guys like to hear in your game's OST?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...