Blizzard literally BANNING players for not choosing "meta" picks in OW


>in all capital
>just got silenced

Fuck you I'm one of the people that reported you
>hurr durr Im entitled to being a useless piece of shit because I payed $40 for this game just like everyone else

>not searching with a full team
You have no right to complain faggot

Is a silence just a mute?

They muted him because he keeps picking a character? I'm sure that will go over well with his team, what with blizzard removing his ability to explain anything to them.

>chat silence

literally who cares

Its ranked you fucking faggot you play too win not for "fun" go to quick play or one of the many Arcade game modes. There is literally no excuse to join a team game for ranked to dick around.

>buying overwatch
Didn't see the writing on the wall when they censored the butt pose for some cuck's wife's daughter
>b but the pin up pose

I fucking HATE widowmaker with a passion.
I wish she could just die in a fire.

but this, this shit is not ok.
you would have to be an autist to defend this

If you are playing ranked you should learn how to play the game. Go play casual if you are too retarded.
Same thing goes for people who take casual games too seriously.

>game is based on character switching on the fly to suit the situation
>don't do it
>in RANKED mode

Come on man

No you would have to be an Autistic to defend this person its fucking ranked in a team game play with the team or don't play nigger.

>play to win
>doesn't have a full team pre made

Sounds like you suck at Widowmake, m8

You made this thread already

>pay full price for a game
>be forced to play how the meta dictates or else you get banned
my sides

This is literally autistic thinking what if you want to play ranked because it generally gets better games but not all of your friends are on? Stop thinking like a nigger and think like a normal person

Bait thread.

This is out of context, this particular player played widowmaker intentionally awfully in ranked to the point that blizzard had to step in.

That's what happens when you don't search with a team

It's not his fault that blizzard sucks at balance or making games to begin with

competitive play is about teamwork. If you are going to be a shitter that sinks your team at the very least you should be banned from comp play for the season

Nah, it's shitters intentionally picking bad that's the big thing.

overwatch is basically league 2.0 now.

>taking pretend time virtual entertainment experiences THIS seriously

Yeah, stop playing only widow, only genji, or only hanzo and actually play with your team.

Even if youre just doing that no big deal. But you fags always try to defend non-communication with your team.

If you are one of the idiots in competitive that:
>refuses to cooperate with the team
>is toxic with communication
>solo plays without helping team fights

Then yes, by all means get banned or silence or whatever. Dont play competitive, cucks.

>try hard fag
>meta cuck
>blizzard fanboi
>defend this

I dont care i have fun

Then don't bitch when other people follow their own agenda instead of conforming with your autism

Low silver refuses to swap because he's convinced hes good. No news here. I wouldn't even care if they banned anyone under a certain rank after 2 seasons. I'll never understand how someone can stay shit at a game they play all the time.

I never got this enforcing rules in competitive play.

You play bad? You get a bad rank. You don't get banned. Fucking "competitive" is a joke.

Shitters have as much right as you to play the fucking game.

If you're silenced can you still spam emotes?

>You can only play ranked with a full team!
No you retard
Don't bitch when you get banned for not working with the team then.

>a silence
that's not a ban

also the email doesn't detail the part where the guy was intentionally trying to fuck his team and be an asshole

Yeah, you should just boycott blizzard and stop playing their games op! That'll show em!

Wait multiple reports as in multiple games? Well never mind, you're just being an asshole. Since we can vote kick and we lose rank because of people like you, those reports are warranted.


Wow blizzard kid officially as bad as riot now. Good thing I haven't supported them in forever:

>You play bad? You get a bad rank
expect in overwatch 1 player fucking around costs the game. It is near impossible to win 5v6 team fights in an evenly balanced game which rank is suppose to be.

That'd be no problem if you didn't fuck over your team in the process.

>Game that encourages switching based on situation and enemy comp
>People are still autistic enough to main 1 character

How hard is it to find 3 or 4 characters you like and get gud on them?

>can't defend his point
>b-but I'll parrot what he said

>No you retard
Of course you can play without a full team you just don't have the right to bitch about bad teammates

The issue is that in games so fo used on teamwork, one person being intentionally bad means the entire team is likely to lose the game and drop in rank.

Bans only come in when someone is INTENTIONALLY bad, not just regular bad.

Maybe if you were good enough it wouldn't cost the game. There is equal chance that the enemy team gets a shitter.

If you can't hold your own on x rank then you don't deserve x rank. Everyone plays the same game. Everyone has to deal with shitters get over it. Maybe if you were good enough you wouldn't have to deal with them (IE holding your own and getting to a high rank)

Expect you do overwatch is a game where you are meant to play as a team. If one person refuses to work with the team it is almost always a auto lose. If you want too play for fun go to one of the other five fucking game modes. Why go into rank and ruin other peoples times? This isn't quick play where this happened this isn't Arcane it was fucking COMPETITIVE. Do you know what that means you fucking retard?

20 million players. Ofcourse some of the Widowmakers and Hanzos we've ALL come across will get slapped by the GMs

>I have fun so noone else should
I wish I loved dick as much as you love Blizzard's.

Have you ever played overwatch? You literally can't when 5v6 team fights. 1 ultimate advantage can make or break the game but you don't even play so you don't know.

See You can't just 'be good enough' to carry the weight of two people in Overwatch when ranks are even.

If you play ranked without a full team that's your problem, you don't get to bitch about randoms in ranked otherwise. If you don't want to rely on teammates play a fucking arena shooter or fighting game.

Then you don't deserve to win


If you were good enough you would of won.

>If you play ranked without a full team that's your problem
No it isn't faggot the game was made for groups of all size even single Q to play together. You are suppose to be cooperative OP's faggot ass wasn't at all and he got banned for it. Is it so hard to understand basic logic you go into ranked to win? I feel like I'm talking to a fucking 5 year old.
Kill yourself you literal nigger the world would be a better place

>It's ok if I'm being shit because they can have a shit too
>Me being shit is ok if you're a good enough player
If you've played any other class other than widomaker, you'd know that there is no class that can carry out right. Stop being a nigger in a game with stakes.

Are you retarded, user? Have you never played a team based game in your life? Because that's really what I'm getting from you.

No, if I'm playing basketball and a retard on my team insists on kicking the ball the solution is not to score more points myself, it's kicking the retard out of the court.

>No it isn't faggot the game was made for groups of all size even single Q to play together.
Then don't complain about random baddies if you care that much play with a full party or play a fucking game that doesn't require teamwork.

>would of
As expected

kind of related to ops thread.
Why do you guys subject yourself to the worst gaming community since LOL? Overwatch is not that fun, seriously if you hate getting banned from chat don't blame blizzard, blame the player base for being so pity that enough people reported you in the first place.
>maybe op deserved it
It's a game. That's all it is and ever will be. People who are this competitive and take winning this seriously most likely lose most of the time irl.
Op just quit playing this shit game.

Are you a child or something? How do you not understand this basic understanding how the fuck do you even survive in the real world if you can't handle team work with random people

I'm not op

>Stop being a nigger in a game with stakes

Man Neo-Sup Forums is really funny

I play team games all the time. I mainly play siege. Shit happens and yet I'm max rank.

That is for the team to decide retard.

ITT: Bad players who can't tip the odds in there favor because they are shit at the game

I guess all the high ranked soloqed players are just lucky then .

>How do you not understand this basic understanding how the fuck do you even survive in the real world if you can't handle team work with random people
I'm saying you don't get to bitch if you didn't queue with a full team. Getting a shitty teammate sucks dick but you open yourself up to that possibility if you don't search with a full party.

>worst gaming community
There's only one factor detrimental to game comunities, and it's size. Every big enough game will have a growing tumor of retards playing it. Just look at the worst "communities" of gaming and surprise, they're all the most popular games.

So then with this logic you don't get to bitch at a shitty co worker who isn't doing his job right then?

>That is for the team to decide
>OP image has multiple wide-team reports
So you are just agreeing with me then

>I guess all the high ranked soloqed players are just lucky then
High ranked players are high because they are good. One or two unlucky matches won't sway your rank that much, retard.

>So then with this logic you don't get to bitch at a shitty co worker who isn't doing his job right then?
You're not in control of who your boss hires dumbfuck, you can avoid shit players all together if you search with a full team something that you can control.

There is a difference between getting banned and kicked from a match

>High ranked players are high because they are good. One or two unlucky matches won't sway your rank that much, retard.
And players who get in a bad match and can't hold their own are bad. Simple isn't it?

LoL also do this shit

You are right but you do have the right to bitch at them when they're sucky ass job is slowing down the whole team or product line.

Funny how Dota a much more skillful game doesn't have to do this.

Seems like there is a correlation between the learning curve and the amount of handholding/shitters there are.

Really makes me think

There's also a difference between getting muted and banned. YesThe problem is not winning or losing, is the frustration of dealing with a retard. I very much prefer losing a close, well coordinated game than winning when one of my teammates (or the opponent's) is a fucking retard who won't contribute anything.

this is worse than ASSFAGGOTS

>don't play ADC bot lane
>get banned
>play morgana bot lane
>get banned
>two weeks later
>some 1337 esports pro plays morgana bot lane
>suddenly it's meta and allowed and not a "troll pick" anymore

kill me

So what if you are frustrated? Does that mean other people shouldn't be allowed to play the game? No. It isn't your safespace

You are not entitled to a good match, but you are ( and everyone who bought the game) entitled to be able to play it.