What do you want to see in FFXVI Sup Forums?
What do you want to see in FFXVI Sup Forums?
a good mmo
open world medieval fantasy eating booty like groceries
God fucking kill yourself. 11 was an abomination of a great franchise. 14 was so awful it had to be redone.
Both have no story. Why play Final Fantasy without a good story?
more sexually ambiguous trannies with edgelord haircuts and relevant story plots like going to the dentist
Bring back the job system
Decent combat system.
A good jrpg. They haven't made one in 15+ years.
Return to the series roots
>job system
>tactical gameplay
>medieval setting mixed with some tech
>characters not based on homosexual jap boy band singer aesthetic
I want a video game that I can play in 3 years.
It'd be cool if it got a decent development cycle.
A predominantly female cast, branching story and multiple endings
i just want a game i can shut my mind off and walk around a forest, tap a to kill things, and emotionally immerse myself in an awful plot. guess all i can do is play chrono trigger
>11 was an abomination of a great franchise.
>Both have no story
Why are you just spouting bullshit if you never even played FF11?
We haven't even started working on it.
FFXV team was spilt 3/4ths to other games and dlc
KH3 is almost finished and will be out late 2017
FF7 after that tops the list.
Something similar to pre x final fantasy
Another tactics
I think we're ready to go back to a more traditional fantasy setting. Something closer to FF IV or V.
Or hell, justvtake us back to Ivalice. It's easily their best setting.
XI was one of the better recent final fantasy games.
Just because you were a fuckboy too young to remember doesn't mean it wasn't good.
I want SE to support XV with ongoing DLC for the next 2 years.
it came out in 2001
So this is what shitting the bed looks like.
Alright, kiddo, shouldn't you be in school?
Whatever they want really. Every final fantasy should be new and different, that's the hallmark of the series.
The people who just want the same shit every game don't really get what the series is about.
I really hope it's a spiritual successor to 12.
>Same zoned open world or like XV but not based on Story
>Impoved 12's gameplay. Make the player more involved in it EVEN after setting the good strategy with the gambit
>we haven't even started working on it.
KH2FM combat
Yuri is the only thing that can salvage this mess of a series
>Return to the series roots
>job system
Literally two fucking mainline games, fuck off to DQ
A classic FF style game. Like something akin to 4 or 6 in style and lore, but with modern gaming sensibilities.
>Directed by Hiroyuki Ito
>Art Design by Yoshitaka Amano
>Music by Masashi Hamauzu
>Well presented story
>Steampunk setting similar to VI,VII and IX
>Different races
>Some sort of job system
>two fucking mainline games
Blow me, kiddo.
>two mainline
>how to spot newfag shitter, KHfan
The series roots is picking your characters at the beginning of the game. It's flat turn based with speed determining number of attacks. It's spell charges and not mana.
Please don't act like the "series roots" are whatever game you started with.
An amazon MC like the one from dragons crown.
>I really hope it's a spiritual successor to 12.
I don't want a FFVI.
XIII had a job system too you fucking retard, in fact every character did each role slightly differently.
Gotta be 18+ to post here.
Imagine an open world experience like XV but medieval. Rather than driving cars you'd ride horses. No hot topic clothes, just good old knights armor. Stopping at inns and taverns rather than gas stops. Giant walled castles and medieval cities.
Yeah, but it's not the classic jobs.
Only in 3 and 5 can you change jobs at will. That's obviously what he was referring to. You both seem to be misinterpreting the other.
you never played it
You can also change jobs at will in 11 and 14.
We have no plans of ever doing turn based. Polls and western sales show turn based is a relic of the past. Job system is meh I personally would push to never have it again.
To the one dumbfuck every final fantasy is different the series has no roots.
I see almost every series having a retard saying that capcom recently getting shit for going back to horror.
>Shillblood leaking
I mean something with 4 playable character (4 heroes of lights) with similar but improved gameplay mechanics (Active dimension battle).
I want it churned out in a week to get us one step closer to Final Fantasy XXX before I die.
Yeah fair enough, I mentally segregate the mmos but I guess that's not really fair.
That's XIV, not XIII. Tard.
Go home Tabata
>>medieval setting mixed with some tech
No. Nothing I hate more than medieval settings ruined by shitty anachronistic tech that doesn't even make sense in-universe. I'd much rather have a consistent setting rather than wondering why one kingdom has advance robotics but doesn't have any of the labor or capital organization required to produce them, not to mention lacking several fundamental technologies that go into advance robotics.
So I take it you hate the entire series then?
High tech stuff is a series staple from the very beginning. FF1 had robots from a lost civilization and the penultimate dungeon was a space station.
>Ravager = Black Mage
>Commando = Monk
>Medic = White Mage
>Synergist = Green Mage
>Saboteur = Bard
Only new thing was Sentinel
Keep the action combat but add character switching and a class system.
I hate some dungeons in the series, yes. Like the one where you fight a giant CPU ball in IV.
It was a welcome addition, imo. Basically a specialized Tank
In 4 you have tanks and airships and spaceships and moon people.
in 2 and 3 you have massive airships, 1 has a mech for a superboss. They all have anachronistic shit.
FFXIII had the classic jobs just like FFVII and FFX, but also like those games never refers to them by name. The jobs are less in the roles, and more by which character has access to which roles and how their stats grow. Lightning is a classic Red Mage because she uses a sword, has balanced stats, and has access to COM, RAV, and MED which are the three basic Red Mage ability sets. I didn't mention XIII for the same reasons I didn't mention VII or X, because they don't really treat them as jobs in the game.
>game about aliens piloting a giant moon-shaped space station
But XIII had a much stronger emphasis on the way characters executed their roles, where as in VII unless you're min/maxing it doesn't really matter since your control comes from Materia which can be put on anyone.
Sup Forums, is Final Fantasy Dimensions worth buying?
An actual Final Fantasy game.
Just make it like 4.
Is everyone still afraid to admit that XV is top 3 in the series?
Here's some news for all of you retards. It will be an actual spiritual successor to FFXII, which is the best way to go too. It will be set in Ivalice too, by the way. Bad thing is that it is going to be one of the worst FFs to date, due to shit action based gameplay mechanics and bad game design overall.
Play the Ys series. It's right up your alley.
They're afraid all the positive XV discussion is just an elaborate SE ruse to get them to buy the game.
XV has its merits but putting it in Top 3 is laugh
Make another one like II or VIII.
Nah I think it's really good. But I also saw a lot of positive things about 13 and pretty much every entry in the series.
I really like that they all do their own thing, but I think some people just want to see their favourite one over and over.
>m-muh Ivalice
Give it a rest, Ivalice is the most bland and shit setting in the entire series. It isn't going to have a mainline title ever again.
It'd be #1 if everything after Luna's death wasn't rushed as fuck.
Everything before that was GOTYAY but after that it sucked massive dicks.
Like the massive villain that had a change of heart then died, all off screen. Seriously, what the fuck was that?
>people actually saying another MMO
you MUST be 18 years or older to post on Sup Forums
13 was okay.
The visuals are glorious.
The lore is surprisingly decent.
The music is fucking AMAZING.
It has some of the greatest characters from FF games (Sazh and Fang).
Sadly, the gameplay sucks massive dicks.
There were three notes that explained Ravus' change of heart, well played Tabata.
Airships have the veneer of plausibility given their technology even if it actually wasn't possible. It also doesn't represent an upheaval in traditional medieval ways of lives except in methods of transportation, which the game and its gameplay accommodates for by allowing the player a more convenient travel option that can open up new areas. Meanwhile, things like computers and robotics completely clash with the medieval aesthetics and aren't logically integrated into the setting of the story. If a someone built a computer or robots, how come they don't have any effect on the people in the story? Instead they just become another look for an enemy, which is just a lazy way of introducing high tech in a low tech setting.
>implying FFVII's remake won't be delayed enough to change into FFXVI
An actual effort into character writing.
Would actually be good for the series lol
Yes. Which are spread around the place where he died...Cause reasons.
Though his change of heart was hinted at in one of the cutscenes with Luna at least.
Best iteration of ATB, segmentation of the ATB bar let you do stuff like ATB refresh, cancel strings of commands, buffer commands with Paradigms.
>lnb4 MASH X XddDD
Yeah you were shit at the game.
>If a someone built a computer or robots, how come they don't have any effect on the people in the story?
Because they were built by aliens.
>Meanwhile, things like computers and robotics completely clash with the medieval aesthetics and aren't logically integrated into the setting of the story. If a someone built a computer or robots, how come they don't have any effect on the people in the story?
More often than not, those are leftovers from lost civilizations. The Lufein, the Ronkans, the Terrans, the pre-Sin civilizations in X, the Zilart, and the Allagans are all gone and nobody has any idea how to use their shit. The only time that supertech is still around is in FF8, but Esthar is isolated and hidden and wants everyone else to fuck off. All the other people have are the Gardens.
Final Fantasy 15 was supposed to have multiple endings "different paths, and scenario's as stated by NommyNammersan" which dictacted if your party members received heavy damage that could affect them in both story and combat. "Prompto's injuries, Gladio, Iggy's eyes" and choices affect the ending "your friends dying one by one or being abandoned, or sticking together."
This is even hinted at in the game about how Cid and Regis had a falling out, how Wes "or whatever the black dudes name is" got injured and stayed in Altissa to heal. Remember, both Ignis and Wes "or whatever" got injured, both are fantastic cooks, and they even hint Ignis should open up a restaurant similar to him.
Instead the endings and scenarios got cut, but we still had the choice system partially in place. "Differ to Ignis" etc, it was to show if the player trusted his friends or not, which is the whole point of the song, stand by me!
Along with exploration of the last continents "nice change of scenery huh" you was supposed to change cloths to do better in snowing environments, in hot, etc, but the snow fields where Luna grew up was cut, her being rapped was cut.
So I dont want to see anything from FF16 if they cant even finish their first game, they Xenogearsed that shit.
>Why play Final Fantasy without a good story?
It was still boring as shit.
Why does the AI suck dick at every role that isn't DPS?
Why not allow for swapping between party members in combat?
Why game over if your character dies?
>falling for the meme that Toriyama's story on X was good but bad in XIII when they're the same thing with different lores
Less fucking DA artists trying to copy Amano with art that symbolizes nothing.
Just listen to the music user youtube.com
>not the best song
Both good songs but let's at least post the best one. youtube.com
Dissidia combat with changeable 4 main characters and 50-70hours main story, pvp colloseum, airship fights, summon fights like in type 0 so i can control bahamut again pls
>game tells me to pick a picture before the end
>select Aranea cleavage pic
>Noctis shows it to Luna in the afterlife
Show me one amano art that symbolised anything.