Dark Souls > Demons's > BloodBorne > Dark Souls 3 >>> Dark Souls 2

Dark Souls > Demons's > BloodBorne > Dark Souls 3 >>> Dark Souls 2


I feel like pepe would be smough, considering he smashes the shit out of ornstein


Not to mention Ornstein's backstory is basically "muh firstborn" "muh honorable duty" and "muh anor londo". Whoever made OP pic dropped the ball hard.

No fuck you, Dark Souls 2 > Demons Souls > Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne.

Nah, des=bb>das>das3>das2

Nah m8 Dark Souls 2 sucked.

>shitting on the based MenasLG

Dark Souls 1 has that boss "4skins" which, technically speaking, drops it down to average tier AT BEST.


DS2 > DS3

fuck off

t. played Dark Souls 2 first

Why does everyone hate this boss battle so much? Everyone always says 'muh dps race' whenever it's brought up.

because this "boss battle" is the worst shit to ever happen to Souls series. It's literally impossible NOT to hate it, so to speak.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls = Demon's Soul > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

This guy nails it.
Dks3 DLC has the chance to place it above Des though.

apex kek

This is probably the most basic bitch opinion ever posted on Sup Forums

But I agree with it

Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Demon's Souls >> Dark Souls 3 >>>>> Dark Souls 2

Why do people place DS3 so low? honest question

what is it with the internet and beating a subject to death


I think 2 was better than 3, but besides that yeah

For me it's the lack of poise and the way the world feels so linear, whereas the others, while still linear, felt very open

my nigga

as long as you acknowledge das2 is shit, your opinion is fine.