I'm about to play pic related and have never played a JRPG or final fantasy before...

I'm about to play pic related and have never played a JRPG or final fantasy before. Closest thing I've come to is a little bit of Pokemon here and there. Is there anything I should know?


have fun


Its pretty straightforward user. Best tips I can give are don't sell any weapons or armor, explore every area as much as you can. And learn every skill on weapons and armor before upgrading.

Don't waste time trying to steal everything from every boss, the game is easy enough. Barely harder than VIII which can be broken without even trying.

Wear & use equipment until you MASTER their Skills. This is something people seem to not realize at first, resulting underwhelming stats and skills later on.

Explore places for free loot.

Other than those, the game's pretty straight forward and simple. Comfy as fuck game, that should not be played with hurry.

rename amarant to faggot

Pls use freya

If OP doesn't know anything about the game, he probably wouldn't bother stealing at all.

Stealing from bosses is a great way to get equipment.

>Is there anything I should know?
You will love Vivi.

Fantastic choice. Best FF for a beginner. Also probably my favourite video game. Have fun!

When your characters are headed to Burmecia, find the marsh and go there first. There's a little something there that will help you

I mean, that's something you notice about 2 fight into the game anyways. I'm just telling him not to make the same mistakes some did and waste an hour getting that 0,000001% chance steal (raised if you get some skills, but still low) for something he will probably get in the next town anyways

I've wanted to play this but I heard the combat is really slow and thats one thing that puts me off in jrpgs

no. leave thread. it's one of my favorite final fantasies. go enjoy it

Installing it now. Once it finishes I will.

Play Legrand Legacy from there kick-start error page LegrandLegacy.com

also rename Freya to Rat-Face

Welp! Here I go! Thanks for the advice, guys. Was really helpful!

>playing the PC / iOS port
ugh... as long as you keep your fingers off those cheat quick-keys and menu, you're OK.

if you would have played this 15 years ago, you would have a truly divine experience

it's literally better in every way.

Is there anything I should know?
Only that you have made an unwise choice. FF9 is the start of Final Fantasy's downfall and not a very good game.
Even as a 'babby's first RPG' it's not very suitable. Literally any numbered FF before it would have been a better choice.

How's the android version?
I keep looking at it because I wish I had a good game to play on my tablet and there's not much to pick from.

dont do it.
you can save time by reading a wikipedia and looking at lets plays.

play ff8 instead.

Its the one of the bests you idiot

This game came with a manual. It's important you read it.

You will at one point in the game get Beatrix as party member. Take her Sword. Thank me later.

Also take your time to grind exp every now and then, also search for the Chocobo-Forest!

>implying VIIIbortion is better than anything

Some places especially in last two discs you will need to grind a bit to compensate for the power creep and shit boss mechanics if you don't have the right abilities already learned.

Other than that it's straightforward.

IX is actually the best place to start for newcomers. The character models aren't an eyesore like they are in VII and the battle system isn't overly convoluted like VIII. It also has a pretty simple and straightforward narrative for the most part compared to other games in the series.

FF9 is one of the best and the epitome of what FF should be. If you don't like FF9, you don't like Final Fantasy.

This is the game which seperates newfags and faggot underage bait from the rest. You can so easily tell their taste is absolutely shit and they have low IQ when they say this game is bad or this is where the downfall started or ff10 was better etc. I love this property.

How could he ever love a soulless disposable husk? A tool to be used and discarded?

Do NOT bully Vivi


Wow, literally the pinnacle of shit taste.

steal from everything until successful before attacking

Not with that xBRZ filtering

Just play the PSX version at a high resolution

Grind mobs to permanently learn skills instead of having to keep old equipment just to equip when a particular boss requires you to be immune to a status.

This could be a bait but here's your (You).

IX is probably the purest representation of what Final Fantasy is meant to be.

It's probably the best Final Fantasy game on the PS1. Have lots of fun, dude.

IX is way more about equipment and skills than level. People have beaten Ozma at level one, and if you want to get E2 you have to rush, so the games difficulty comes from preparation.

The first party of 4 your acquire should be your party of 4 throughout the whole game. Every other character is a useless side character forgotten 1/2 of the way through the game.

I played it, loved it, reached pic related, couldnt beat him, and havent played since. Im sad because I enjoyed the game.

Generally speaking, just don't fucking come here. You'll only get a game spoiled for you. Just play it. There's nothing you "need" to know for most games that they won't flatout tell you.

Should have just used a cheat code if it was THAT much of a wall to you

you are going to enjoy the best chocobo experience the series has to offer