Sup Forums says:

Sup Forums says:
>don't buy AMD
>don't buy Nvidia
>don't buy ASUS
>don't buy Samsung
>don't buy MSI
>don't buy EVGA
>don't buy Sapphire

Why is it so difficult to build a PC?

At this point, I'd rather just buy a PS4 since it just works at 4k out of the box.

Other urls found in this thread:

They're memeing. It's not that difficult, and your PC won't burn down if you buy "wrong" things despite what retards would want you to believe.

don't do what he said, it creates mustard gas

Dont buy ps4
Not true 4k
4k a meme

Always do the opposite of what Sup Forums says

starting with this post

Out of those, I'd only listen to not buying EVGA. Don't know enough about Sapphire.

Go shit up Sup Forums so they can make fun of you.

Then realize you gotta do your own damn research based on your budget and just get the shit over with. The most important piece isnt the graphics card anyway, its the motherboard and how well it fits into your case.

Gigabyte reigns supreme

>don't buy ASUS
>don't buy MSI
Odd, I've used both for my builds. They worked great until I was extremely tired and cleaned my MSI mobo with qtips. No idea what the hell I was thinking.

PS4 uses AMD video chips boyo

it's almost like Sup Forums isn't one person

>The opposite of always do the opposite would be do what we say

>your PC won't burn down if you buy "wrong" things

Try again retard. You're dealing with high voltage electronics that operate at high temperatures. There's always a risk of fire due to buying poor components, especially budget chink PSUs. Don't give bad advice.

>I'd rather just buy a PS4 since it just works at 4k out of the box.

I don't even know whats bait anymore.

You mentioned PSUs, can I get some advice on this one that I bought recently?





food used to entice fish or other animals as prey.

"herrings make excellent bait for pike"


"the fish let go of the bait"


variant spelling ofbate.



deliberately annoy or taunt (someone).

"the other boys reveled inbaitinghimabouthis love of literature"

synonyms:taunt,tease,goad,pick on,torment,persecute,plague,harry,bother,harass,hound;informal needle

"he was baited at school"


prepare (a hook, trap, net, or fishing area) with bait to entice fish or animals as prey.

"she baited a trap with carrots and corn"

>listening to Sup Forums
>listening to Sup Forums for PC advice


>450W rating

wew lad, hope you don't have hungry cards. So long as you're running a GPU that isn't drinking up the juice, it's a tidy little PSU though.

I'm planning on getting a 1060. Right now PPP has my estimated wattage at 280

Just buy a ps4. Long time pc user here you get everything woth a while on consoles. Pc's are the poor mans choice.

Just look at CPU and GPU benchmarks

Read reviews and study ratings

Do research on how the drivers of AMD and Nvidia are

Don't listen to Sup Forums

You can't play dark souls on a ps4 though

>high voltage electronics

Well I for one are convinced by this user's obvious knowledge of microelectronics.


check m8, buy a pc op or pay people to make you one


Don't build. It's not worth the headache.

Buy from a physical store. Something that expensive you want to be able to take it back in person if there are any problems.