Is he, dare I say it, "our guy"?
Also Steins gate 0 thread
Is he, dare I say it, "our guy"?
Punished Okabe is great.
actually pretty much most of the old characters were better in 0
the reawakening scene is the best moment in the Steins;Gate franchise
>no PC
Heh, the original is better anyway
OPs screenshot is literally from the PC translation.
and SG0 is arguably better than original
>he is too dumb to patch the japanese version of the game
git gud
The original's writing is far superior, but I' conflicted as to which is the most enjoyable on. The Re-Awakening of the great phoenix was amazing.
Can I play this without having played the first one (watched the anime though)?
I've heard the original VN was better than the anime and the anime left out a bunch of stuff, but I really don't feel like playing through a 40 hour VN where I already know what's gonna happen just for details and side routes.
both are amazing, but i personally prefer 0 since the first one took a bit too long to get going.
though the first game had much better art
You should be fine
Checking the suzuha ending and that one Nao Scene(Moeka ending maybe?) on youtube would be a good idea
They won't spoil anything from the first VN even if you watch them since there are no side routes, just endings, and they probably won't take very long to watch
Yeah, you can play it without having had played the original and only have watched the anime.
Alright, thanks lads
They took a more 'anime-like' approach towards the art, I personally prefer the first game's art though. Also, this shot is also very good.
that one is good, though Huke sucks at drawing Okabe's face a lot of the time.
it's even worse in Luka's death scene
I always disliked how Okabe had a completely different face in each CG in the first VN
How the hell can someone so skilled at drawing suck so much ay drawing the face of the MC?
Dr. Leskinen's face here leaves a lot to be desired...
Holy cow!
I just finished my first route (promised rinamensciato). Is it just this route that seems to have very few actual choices, or are they all like that? It also seemed pretty short compared to the first game's routes.
>Just started playing
>Suzuha about to enter the time machine
>Kagari exists
Oh boy I can't wait for more timetravel shenanigans
Man the professor was such an endearing character, both has a mentor to okabe and a comic relief character. His true nature reveal fucked my shit up
Wait there's a PC version S;G 0 in English?
Look it up on nyaa
If you aren't fully retarded you should be able to patch it
rev5 is the lastest version of text translation
>Want to play a visual novel game on the PS4
>It's published by PQube
Every fucking time.
At least NISA plans on releasing several visual novels around March, that already have a reduced pre-order price, before Amazon/Best Buy's 20% discount.
>he doesnt have amazon prime
Professor, do you want me to sue you for sexual harassment?
>/sciadvg/ on /vg/ never ever
why even live
>Chaos;Child Anime getting one hour first episode
Is there hope?
Damn I had no idea the PC version got a text patch for English. That's awesome.
>An anime TV adaptation by Silver Link is planned to air in January 2017.
I can't fucking wait,hope it doesnt suck
Can anyone explain in the true end which Kagari was the one that said goodbye to Okabe before he entered the time machine?
Steins;Gate 0 is the Zero Time Dilemma of the S;G series.
You know it be true.
Maho manages to satisfy so many of my fetishes
not really, SG0 pretty much did everything it set out to do (show how they reached the Steins Gate timeline)
and it did while being as good as the first, maybe even better
Maho is smelly! I want to give her a tongue bath!
The overall plot is pretty dumb and has some holes
S;G was far more consistent
That's just not true.
what plot holes?
The whole thing with Kagari between the 2 sides doesn't make sense
It's not just Okabe. Although it has improved a bit since the first, the consistency of the art itself is still rather questionable.
Dogs don't like cats.
it does, it's just very complicated
but seriously, if you think there are plot holes you should just ask Reading Steiner about it
Now now Maho, let's not be hasty. I wouldn't want to have to show the courts this picture of you after all! Haha!
Anyone else watch this move cause of how much they talked about it in 0?
I think that I heard an explanation for this that Kagari got her plastic surgery undone in the interim what I want explained is I get that Okabe wanted to go back in time to get the battery for Mayuri and Suzuha so they can go back but what hapopened to the first Mayuri and Suzuha that time travelled but a part of their time machine exploded with the missile? Also what happened to Okabe after handing off the battery? Also did all this happen in the interim between Okabe and Suzuha from the first game doing their mission? Did the original Mayuri actually see zero Okabe handing the battery off? I know that Mayuri was convinced by 2011 Mayuri to slap Okabe...
No it doesn't, and I don't need to ask anyone I can't think for myself
Accepting that Amane looks/sound/act and does the exact same thing and say the exact same thing in both sides despite being 2 different persons is going well too far. And who is she in rinamensciato anyways? The biker is said to be the other bitch so it can't be her.
There is also the fact that the true end doesn't take place after either sides, so you just have to accept that you see the epilogue of a story you didn't read. It's not a hole as far as being stupid.
And why doesn't Suzuha recognize Maho anyways? She is a prominent member of her group and the epilogue show that she still look the same in 2025.
And then the plot itself is full of extremely contrived stuff, there were no point in all the alpha world switch for example, it was fucking stupid and just a way to create FEELS by seeing Kurisu again
I wish being depressed and traumatized made me look that good
I can't seem to find rev5 do you have a link to it?
For your third point, the designs for the future parts in the game are the same because they we're too lazy to make them look older. They do have actual future designs in the artbook though. Here's Mayuri for instance.
>Steins;Gate 0 is the Virtue's Last Reward of the S;G series.
She recognized the others, no reason this would be different for Maho
In rinascimiento she is the actual Yuki who isn't evil at all. In vega and altair that Yuki is just in europe or something. I think the explanation for Maho was that she wasn't part of the group in the timeline that she came from but I agree that it doesn't make sense since if the worldline changed she should have been changed as well unless she awoke to reading steiner without realizing
It's in the comments of the last upload of the patch
>playing VNs on anything other than handheld
Are you seriously retarded?
Yeah found it. Thanks.
Future Maho could be a hot titty monster that looks completely different from her 2010 counterpart for all we know.
Except for the fact that it's stated several time that Yuki only meet Daru in 2011, not 2010.
But that's not what I meant, why do they act and do the exact same thing up to that point? It doesn't make sense at all.
Can I play Steins;Gate 0 before the first game? I only finished Chaos;Head and watched the anime.
i want to fuck mommy Mayuri!
I want more ara ara monsters in my steins gate.
>Can I play Steins;Gate 0 before the first game?
Absolutely not.
Play the first game.
She is 21 in 2010
This is stupid and you know it, S;G 0 is full of contrived stuff, letting the reader try to mend the holes by doing so much maybe...maybe.... isn't good writing
can you post rest of these?
You should play the first game up until the true ending, then switch to this game. Once you beat this one you can go back and finish it.
I think it would make the experience a lot better.
Venom Yuki (Kagari) has Stratfor's backing, they probably stalked her for a shit ton of time and figured out exactly how to act like her.
I remember some people talking about how there was some route order that was better
Can someone please post it?
I want to talk with Madeus Kurisu when given the choice but since I will play all routes I might as well do them in the proper order
>There is a difference between emulating someone through acting and being the exact same person up to the divergence.
This entire plot point is retarded really
>ara ara cosplayer gets barely any screentime while the chie rip off gets all the screentime
Maho has the best CG.
There's not much.
Here's what happens, it's the real yuki for the most part until Kagari Yuki shows up. Kagari replaces the real Yuki after the diveregence when Stratfor puts her in Europe.
>Except once again it's not, the real Yuki is abroad and only meet Daru for the first time in 2011, it's directly stated in the game.
I wonder if he was in a relationship with her, feel like they could
Appearences in the future CG's are not representetive of what they actually look like. You can find the actual future designs in the artbook.
he loves Kurisu too much.
though Maho did imply that he loves him, but she knows about his feelings for Kurisu so
>You can find the actual future designs in the artbook
Oh goody.
I want to see some porn about them having a 3-way.
is there a download link for the artbook anywhere?
If you hadn't seen it already, you're either underaged or uncultured as fuck. One of the best movies ever created from an objective point of view
These are not good.
Should I watch the movie? I can sort of maybe remember the plot from the anime.
I don't know about Maho, but Kurisu is such a fucking whore, she'd never say no.
no, it's pretty bad.
I liked it but it breaks a lot of rules and doesn't really make sense.
Vega and Altair is not on the same worldline as Milky Way Crossing
Watch it user Its a really good movie
Okabe will always be /ourguy/
I've finished Gehenna's Stigma and Alta and vega (Mayuri's route) so far. Planning on finishing Twin Automata tonight, really enjoying 0 so far.
should have saved Vega&Altair for last.
the true ending is basically it but a small scene of Okabe sending the Dmail
For (You)
They should have changed Okabe's hairstyle to how he looked like as a kid. Why didn't they do that? It's really bugging me now. Would have been great.
Friendly reminder that doctor nakabachi did literally nothing wrong.
Yeah I realized that later on, I just wanted to finish the routes on that side of the shrine phone call divergence before starting a different play through.
Gehenna's Stigma was actually my favorite run so far because of how tense and dark it got. after finishing all of the routes i'm going to play through the original since I've only watched the anime
>Kurisu's dad had a chuuni personality and even a chuuni name
>Love interest is a chuuni
Is Kurisu the character with the biggest daddy issues in all anime and VNs?
Why the fuck didn't Stratfor and darpa work together when their both american?
where do i get steins gate 0 for PC?
Absolutely wrong.
0 managed to be as good as the first one.
holy shit is that the fat dude on the right?
did he get /fit/?
Why the fuck did Judy and Leskinen talk in Japanese when they were at their University during Maho's End?
Kurisu with glasses is sexy
Downloaded it on nyaa just now seems to be working. Gonna put the English patch now. I had to open it via the launcher.
>That menu music