Post impressive and skillful webms
Post impressive and skillful webms
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I can't even see what's happening in this fucking game
Same. That is the most horrific thing to watch.
>impressive and skillful
is that you playing the game
that UI literally looks like a UI meme way back when
but this is an actual game.
holy shit
that's an atrocious color scheme. This makes WoW look better
That is one funky scope.
pretty sure this is wing chun
>that shooting animation
Did you win?
I see what kind of thread this is OP.
I got you covered.
that webm is badass
you might as well just greentext what happened because all i could understand was the kill at the very end
really reminded me why i never bought it after the beta
>"My nuts to your fist" Style
Garbage jojo text ruins it.
literally quickscoping
This game is a fucking seizure who the fuck would do this to themselves?
I see the entire battleborn community got together for a match
Now imagine that with all the characters talking at once and its an average match
jesus that scope animation hurts my fucking eyes
>tfw even melee characters counter pharah
How are they still explaining to themselves that there is value in investing any effort into this game?
Seeing a webm from it is actively killing the person's interest.
Holy fucking shit this game is hideous. No wonder nobody wants to play it
Kinda obligated to deliver when you sell a whole season pass on release.
Can't even imagine the nightmare of having to refund it all.
Is he reloading that bow? What the fuck is he doing with his hands
I like how the instant he died that chat window popped open.
A top quality running animation
They could just make "obligation content" and shit on the rest, theres no point to trying to make the existing users happy - because they'd probably prefer having a playerbase.
Probably refunding all season passes and going F2P would've had a much better chance at making this game earn money at some point in the future.
Now its just a very very expensive joke about their entire company.
At the very least you could have named it Jojo's Stylish Adventure.
You can just...not.
That's what WB did for Batman on WiiU in several regions. If you complained on the phone for an hour, they would eventually refund you - but the stated policy was to be obstinate.
Bruce Lee must be rolling in his grave.
Thank you hungry skeleton
based Luigi
>but the stated policy was to be obstinate.
Really? Most companies have a pretty tight lid on that kind of shit, whats the source?
Actually a skeleton is much more shapely than this thing
>become a necromancer
>find bruce lee
>bring his skeleton to life
This is what battleborn players deal with everyday but they have to pretend they love it
This will forever be painful to watch
I when was this webm made?
I thought they did away with some of the visual clutter?
>KO! press R Dpad to taunt
>That fucking arm animation
It's like cancer in my eyes
>wii sports boxing
italian to be exact
y dat nigga gotta do him like dat
>wasting bitrate/resolution/length on the POTG intro
Here's a good trick.
what's impressive is that you found a match in battleborn
>skillful webm
>posts overwatch
kys retard
>that animation
>that art-style
>hitting a giant ass target with your rifle while scoping in constantly like a retard
That guy was so big you could've hip-fired and still landed the shots.
the art style is fucking atrocious
Look at that shitty balance. Can't believe people act like these games are the epitome of skill when you can just one-shot everyone with a hitscan rifle from any range.
Is this an actual skin you can get in Overwatch, or is it a mod?
actual skin
lol me al you want but this is why nobody plays those games anymore and overwatch is GOTY
Thats cause normies don't play old games anymore.
I can't even tell what the fuck is going on
Ballbusting is my fetish
>I can't even see what's happening in this fucking game
You are either retarded, stupid or have a genetic defect
You will never find any job if you can't compete with 5 year old kids, who have no problem at all with the game
It's alright for you, you're enough of a faggot to actually play the game and know what's going on. To an outsider, this just looks like a clusterfuck of bright shit and random animations.
even if that might look like a bong sao, that is not a goddamn bong sao
there's no wing chun in that webm
is GW2 fun?
I've thought about getting it when it released but heard a lot of bad things. Did it get better with the expansion?
Call 911 my sides are escaping
What is map control?
The base game is F2P, try it for yourself.
Most of the people shitting on the game are jaded GW1 players or people who exhausted every piece of content after a few thousand hours.
the railgun ruined quake
QW or bust
how's this game doing?
Is it ded?
>it's quad damage
Also the Railgun isn't the best weapon in Quake3.
You can actually oneshot someone from full hp to zero with the rocket launcher.
>That pixar meets anime polish
good job my TR brother
Good lord this game looks ugly as shit.
Ah, the ancient martial art style "Middle School Mosh Pit."
normies play counter-strike though
Dont believe this guys lies
Remember when this hero wasn't just for boring cancerous grinding?
I stopped playing because why should I pay full price for a 10$ expansion
I have only seen screenshots until now.
This is absolutely offensive to my eyes.
The color scheme is ugly, it's difficult to tell what's going on, effects keep hogging the whole screen, and the UI looks like one of those joke pics making fun of modern games having too much shit on the screen.
It's as if they deliberately went out of their way to make the most annoying thing on the planet.
Didn't even know you could wallclimb without turning the camera around, been a while since I've played Cloudbuilt.