There are people here that watch Long Plays

>There are people here that watch Long Plays
>Worst, there are people here RIGHT NOW that watch streamers

Do I scare you, OP?

yeah, is that a problem

I work from home so I put on Twitch streams of games I like for background noise. I don't understand why anyone would actually sit down and watch a stream like it's a TV show, though.

This, expect I'm a security guard. I put them on as things for background noise that I don't have to pay close attention to. Just pick a favorite game and turn something on to get through a 16 hour shift.

Ronnie is cute! CUTE!

>16 hour shift
what the fuck man


It's security, I just sit here all night playing games and watching tv, might as well do it for 16 hours on the weekends and get money for shit I'd be doing at home anyway.

>there are people who watch 10-20 minutes "lets play" videos with 2 minutes of intro and outro, accompanied with the soothing sounds of a screeching retard playing a videogame horribly

im a security guard too, doing the same shit, wish we had the option to do 16 hour shifts

I don't understand foot fetishists or serial killers but there are people who like that shit. You don't have to understand why people do things they do it because they like it.

I like to watch streamers while I take breaks from playing the same game. Also I like watching people that are good at the game to maybe pick up secrets etc. Plus they can be entertaining. But this is Sup Forums so nothing is off limits of stupidity and complaining.

Is this the security guard thread? I'm literally on shift right now. Just 12 hour shift, though.

Streams are lame, I just watch the highlights on the dudes youtube channel

Even worse, there are millions of "people" who watch tv right now

This is now a bored security guard thread.

What are you guys watching and playing? I'm watching a playthrough of resident evil 4 and emulating digimon world 3.

Long Plays [ no commentary ] are a godsend.

I watch Kripp, the unluckiest man alive, get dunked over and over by Blizzard's Magic the Dicerolls RNG simulator.

The very thing that keeps me from playing it or spending ANY money on it is why I watch someone else play it.

Is it really such a sweet gig? I want in on this.

there is literally nothing wrong with watching longplays

prove me wrong

Playing Monster Hunter Cross and shitposting here between hunts.

>Ronnie talks to Star.jpg

No commentary is honestly worse. In a normal LP you're watching some fag play vidya with some shitty comedy sprinkled over it. But with no commentary you're just fucking watch him play vidya, that's it.

>Wanting minimum wage.

Come on man, aim for something more in life. Nothing wrong with working minimum wage, but it shouldn't be your goal.

Career success is the lowest form of success in life.

If you say so. I'm a finance manager for a car dealership. I make 120 grand a year and play Hearthstone all day.

>Minimum wage
I know it's not by any stretch a lot, but I get payed a good bit more than minimum wage, user.

Oh, I used to do it, too. I wanna say I got paid 3 dollars above minimum like 5 years ago. so maybe 9 - 10 bucks.

i worked at few jobs that gave me 1800eu/month (aprox), now im a minimum wage security guard and its the best job i had so far, the money wasnt worth the stress

24 hour shift here boyos, everybody else cleared out about 3 hours ago and I've been playing since then and won't stop until 5am tomorrow.

>finance manager
Sounds suicide-inducing. I mean, sure, if I could choose between minimum wage and 120k, I'd choose the latter, but not at the cost of my will to live.

what if its all bulshit and theres only one donater and its a criminal that emezzaled funds and is laundering them through streamers?

its an insanely unfulfilling job but the best part about it is that youre doing nothing for the salary youre getting, hell my shift is almost over and all i did was play games and watch movies on my laptop, its by no means a job for life but its a good break from "serious jobs"

im mostly just catching up on the movies/series i missed in the last few years, playing factorio mostly since it makes shifts fly

It sounds great in theory, but it's honestly kind of bad. I'm only doing it because I'm disabled and this is one of the few jobs where I can act like I'm not because no one will see that I'm sick.

But night security is bad because it pays like garbage. It's pretty much minimum wage everywhere around me, some places do bonuses for working night shift but it varies with the gig. And you work for a security company, so you get sent all over the place depending on the jobs that need done. Some of them like mine are long term and pretty safe, but others have been shady as hell and don't let you goof off all night because you need to do regular patrols.

Sometimes it feels like the easiest job ever, other times I was legitimately scared to go to work.

If you work at a shitty store, sure. I don't abuse people or take them for all their money. All I do is take people's info, get em a loan or tell em I can't help em because they don't have any credit or bad credit. And when I'm not doing that, I can play anything that I can turn off at a moment's notice.

I'm about to have dinner and we're going to watch a streamer do a long play. I'm hyped

meant for I know that feel. I was 18 when I did it. One day I watched a guy come into the parking lot behind the building on the cctv and break into cars by amshing the windows with the back of a knife. Called the cops and the building owner had the audacity to ask me why I didn't go and stop him afterwards. I'm sure he was just frustrated but still.