why is he so perfect bros
Why is he so perfect bros
holy fuck I suck at this game, just got into ranked and jesus christ I'm going back to qucikplay
I just started maining Reinhardt, went from 1700 to gold in like 3 days. It's astounding how quickly playing a tank can change your rank.
Protip: Your rank gained AND lost is based on your role-specific performance. The hero stats on the right hand side - as a tank, you'll always get the most damage blocked, which counts as a 'gold' when it tallies your ranking.
So even if you lose, a lot of damage blocked will mean less rank lost.
Healers and tanks always power through ranks this way.
As it should be. The game should naturally give more rank to those who play support roles.
I am so not good at Overwatch, but I have been having fun in the lower levels of competitive.
He's a big chivalrous as fuck knight with a giant hammer and a giant shield who wants to help the team and smite faggots. That's why he's the best.
Also landing the shoulder charge never stops being satisfying.
because you have a good team carrying you
Because his kit is naturally impossible to balance. Nerf him substantially and he will be shit tier, nerf him a small bit and he will still be God tier.
not as good as paladins tho sorry
good try tho!
But the support roles are actually easier than pure "dps" in this.
100% German power!
I always have him say that line whenever I do his charge move and hit a wall after a miss
>mfw I see anyone with a line that isn't "Precision German Engineering"
>Implying "Catch Phrase!" isn't the best voice line.
>not spamming bring me another after every kill on the point
Good taste
Fuck you, fuck your shitty overpriced game, and fuck you for enabling more bullshit sjw bullshit by paying Bliz "we destroy our own franchises with our ineptitude"zard. Goddamn you people are fucking worthless
>sjw bullshit
If I have to explain this then you are either retarded, brainwashed, or willfully ignorant.
So know reason whatsoever?
w-will Reinhardt have a romantic interest?
>tfw you will never be PINNED by Reinhardt
Don't you know having gay characters=sjw?
Oh so it's just anons being retarded.
lel fag
Only true perfection of this game.
That's not Symmetra
physics glitch or???
>tfw LITERALLY only play Reinhardt
How autistic is this?
i love having reinhardt on my team, any map any mode, attack or defense
>try to shield team
>no way to see behind yourself
How the fuck do you shield your team
Have good team mates and know where to ideally set up shop.
When one team has a tank and the other doesn't they have huge advantage.
not at all, rein is fun as fuck
That moment of panic when they try to shoot him point blank
I'm better than all of you at Reinhardt.
Prove me wrong.
>try to shield team
>keep shield up until it breaks whilst slowly moving forward
>dps just stays back, waits for my shield to break or charges IN FRONT of the shield to die
This is why I never play Reinhardt. The only true way to carry shitters is to play hitscan DPS like McCree, Tracer, Soldier:76 or Widowmaker. Everything else is shit.
literally all the overwatch tanks do good damage
reinhardt probably has the worst damage output of all of them actually
that's why the meta is 3-4 tanks :^)
Rein wins games. I'd rather have someone autistically play Rein than another widow or hanzo main.
>awesome looking armor
>smacks niggas to death with a rocket powered hammer
>jolly, boisterous, good natured
>will fight for justice until the day he dies
>loves Hasselhof.
You can't not love the Rein.
Ana is the reason for this cancerous meta.
Reinhardt, along with Ana, are possibly the only characters people will actually like for you to instan-lock. But then obviously your performance might get people to hate you
Reminder to turn on ULMB/lightboost.
Having a retardedly effective healer with good DPS, perfect setup ability/ult canceler and retardedly OP jarate is only part of it, user :^)
>1700 to gold in like 3 days
Did that with Lucio in a day
Well, I'd also argue it's because the tanks are just too powerful, save Reinhardt. They're all basically DPS heroes with twice the HP. They need to drop damage across the board for them or something. Tanks are supposed to be there to protect their team, not doing the killing
My win percentage is about 30% lower with Reinhardt than my next lowest character. If you're good with him you're an autist.
>Usually play Reinhardt
>Someone else chooses him
>Pushes forward with the team behind him
>Uses his rocket tackle to try and kill someone
>fucking misses
Why does this always happen whenever I play a match.
nah the flicker gives me headaches.
>exposing yourself willingly to flicker
You fucking retard.
why bring a reaper when you can have a hog instead? burns through tanks just as well and one shots dps all while having 600hp and a self heal.
Luciofag here, how do I gitgud with Reinhardt? I've never played as a tank before and want to learn how. Isn't it just shield and spam 'catchphrase'?
I play Lucio like 80% of the time
It's not something to be proud of. It means you're shit at the game and just jump up in rating when you pick an easy to play role that no one else plays.
...yeah right..
A fantastic tank player can almost emulate the role of dps while being a tank
Granted a dps player with extraordinary skill is the best asset on the team....but there is a reason why the meta is triple tank.
Now you can be a shitlord and play lucio and it still works on a level that if you played 76 your team would kill you.
>Protect your squishies
>get good at landing firestrike
>know when to charge and when to melee
>situational awareness
Stuff like that.
I want to fuck Reinhardt
>not spamming the "HAHAHAHAHA..." one
It's time to buff Winston back to normal. There's no more Hero Stacking in pubs or comp.
>that one 3D model of Reinhardt in a jockstrap
He's op atm because of Ana.
It's Ana, that's why Pharah's common skin names are a combination of both of theirs.
When should I use charge and firestrike instead of shielding my friends?
Same question. I love playing this guy but I'm afraid I'm not so good...
Im only Plat, but I use firestrike as soon as it's off cooldown. It's an important tool to build up ult charge and gives you a second or two to charge your shield. Charge when you think it's a good idea, I cant really explain it but I use it primarily to take out the other rein/distract the team on me so my team can take advantage of the situation
I've seen/gotten a lot of negative feedback for using the fire strike, which leaves the team behind me completely exposed.
I use it when I have no reason to shield or if it breaks. I use charge to get back to a place in a hurry, or to take out their reinhardt if they have one, it's also good if you use it on a high priority enemy when they're not looking, so pretty much any support, though don't hesitate to lay the bitchsmack down on D.va or anyone else that dangerous if you can get away with it.
I recently shoulder charged a mei that decided to freeze herself on the point, timed my charge RIGHT as her ability wore off, easily the highlight of my evening there
Post those reinhardt loadouts reinbros.
Is this a Jojo reference?
The reason is that having three 500+ health heroes on the team makes you hard to wipe out. It's the easiest way to victory. Have Rein go in front with his shield up, Roadhog behind the shield to get free picks with his retarded hook, Zarya to shield anyone in danger and gravity surge to get a potential team kill. And the only DPS you need is whichever have the highest potential DPS which is soldier at the moment. Every 3500+ SR match consists of three tanks and soldier and it couldn't be more boring and devoid of skill.
Hog > Rein
Using it at the wrong moment can lead to your team dying but you need to do it now and then to charge his ult.
>le broken hook man
I fucking suck at playing him, any tips?
>tfw you cuck the enemy Roadhog's hook everytime with Rein's shield
>Firestrike the enemy rein when its safe to do so to build ult
>Know when to have your shield up and when to let it down, dont just let the enemy 76 melt it
>Dont let the shield break, it takes longer to recharge and you cant use it till it has like 600 hp if it breaks
>You can stun an enemy reinhardt thats charging by charging into him, this usually puts him out of position so you team can kill him while stunned
>Learn to play mindgames with your shield vs roadhog hooks and other reins that obviously have ult to try and bait them
>Never back off unless its obvious your team is losing, STAND YOUR GROUND
His most important thing to be aware of is positioning. He is supposed to be defending people. Try to keep your teammates behind the shield at all times, I've seen Reins complain a lot about teammates not using his shield but from personal experience both as DPS and as Rein the DPS often need to extend a bit to get a kill and Rein can put his shield down for a moment to go with them and shield. Hell even use your own body as a shield if your actual shield is broken, he has 600 health and healers should be able to sustain you for a bit.
Also when Genji jump over you to ult (or just harasses your supports with shurikens), put that fucking shield down and start hammering him. Nothing frustrates me more than Reins not knowing how easily they shut down Genjis on support.
stop charging in so much
Me too, user. I don't feel like I'm bad enough to be stuck in silver but that's where I'm at. I mainly play healers but no matter how hard I try to keep my team alive, we just lose as a team too often.
Not spamming "RESPECT YOUR ELDERS" after ramming your hammer in DVa's pink mecha.
this is a fun game but it has a shockingly bad amount of content and customisation if you think about it
I miss the times where you guys used to shit on ana
>ramming your hammer in DVa's pink mecha.
they already fail at balancing the heroes, add customization into the mix and this game would be a real trainwreck
Ana is my favorite hero but I'd like to see some form of nerfs to make the triple tank meta fall apart and generally less strong. I mean she can relatively easily solo most squishies, a Tracer or Genji flanking her will lose as long as Ana can hit her unscoped shots and have the grenade ready.
Make biotic grenade heal buff a bit weaker (but not too much since those clutch heals are what makes her so rewarding), reintroduce the speed buff for nanoboost but remove the defense boost. That would be a good start imo.
>tfw 4.4K SR, almost 4.5K
>tfw basically only play tanks because everyone wants to be 1337 Hanzo, Genji and Soldier
I thought it would change now that I'm at a high rank but nope. Still the same old shit. Every time I pick the tank role I know I'm going to have to carry the team.
You're not carrying the team as tank. If they play Hanzo or Genji at 4K+ SR then they probably play them well. I know that DPS mains can be insufferable but they still play the most challenging and important role in the game. Most matches I play in comp seems to boil down to who has the most effective DPS (provided both teams have similar comps).