First time playing through the Ocean House ghost quest, jesus christ this game is good

First time playing through the Ocean House ghost quest, jesus christ this game is good.

VtmB thread

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>play again with most recent patch
>Knox asks me to kill the asian vampire in santa monica
>enter the building where he's at and then leave
>enter again
>boss doesn't spawn anymore
thanks wesp

>wesp has been actively fixing the game for like a decade now
>the game still has bugs
I don't know which is more impressive desu.

>play the game with 1.2 patch with no problem
>all wesp patches give me flickering interface
thanks wesp

>there are people who sided with the kuei-jin
but why?
you're not even the same species
Ming Xiao treats you like a subhuman since the first time you meet her
she even sends a shapeshifting sharkman to kill you
why would you ever side with her?

fuck off back to china you demon whore

Gog or Steam guys? Gog version is much cheaper

I'm sure by this point he's been manually adding bugs to fix on the next patch

There's just no way

fuck off back to china you demon whore

pirate bay

I'm also on my first playthrough, I played Ocean House a couple nights ago at like 2 am, shit was cash. I wholeheartedly recommend playing the mission in complete darkness late at night.

If you're not pirating it then GOG. It's cheaper and it includes all the necessary bug-fixes already so you don't have to patch it manually.

fuck off back to china you demon whore

Devs are not getting any money at this point user, it's all activision.
Pirate the gog version

fuck off back to china you demon whore

took me forever to get out of that house

Where to?

Hi Cain.

Get this yellow beetle scuttling towards my destiny.

I fucking get a headache every time I even get close to the Asylum.
This fucking goth shit hurts my ears.

That's not goth music user, I think you're confused.

Just drive.

>almost 2k17
>he's not part of the toreador master race


But you've made that mistake before

To Abel street.

How's the family?

fuck off back to china you demon whore

The only reason people sided with the chink vamps is because they have yellow fever

Just drive.

>no hunter faction
>no choice to start as a filthy human

You had one fucking job Troika

Toreador was my first playthrough.

>game called vampire
>why do i have to play a vampire

>Master race
>Not Nosferatu



How can the nosferatu be anything when the Eldest is still alive and kicking?

Go play those Hunter games you enormous faggot, they exist and aren't bad.

Not here

I'm stuck playing a nos and I've died a dozen times. This bitch is ridiculous. And her fucking bullshit attacks makes me WOOOOOOOWWWW every time because there is really no way of dodging, the hitbox encompasses 2 Meyers more than what the model deserves.

>almost 2k17
>the game is 12 years old
Still the best CRPG ever.


Buy a flamethrower.

>You will never travel with Caine in comfy taxi n do interview with him

I have it, but only 2 cannisters. It's an easy KO I save for when I'm getting fucked by the clone.

I've pretty much dropped the character and moved on to my malkavian play through.

Empty the Steyr AUG on her, works like a charm. If that doesn't do the work then use the automatic shotgun or something.

Good luck ever getting in. You have to be beyond just 10/10 attractive to maintain their club's appearance.

And if you're that attractive anyway you might get caught by some nos looking to cut you down a peg.

Thank you Sup Forums for talking me into this game. :)

who did you save, Sup Forums?



Away from here.

That's what we are here for, pumpkintits.

Both. After googling to find out if it's possible

>tfw never played VtM:B as anything other than malkavian
I just can't do it, anything else is just boring to me

>The slut
You can stay.

>The pretentious bitch who may end up betraying you some day.

You die.

so.. how did their father actually die?

>not saving both

I'm guessing she killed him and got put in an asylum(heh), then got out and was embraced.

Cherish it because that is the only thrilling and intriguing level of the game aside from Grout's mansion.

>doesn't wear a shirt under the coat
I thought she was supposed to be a prude

You're welcome

The art style is almost as disgusting as their faces. Also, why the fuck would Therese be showing off her tits like that?

Gangrel master race with nossies a very close second.

GOG version is pre-patched so you can play on modern hardware and system without any problems. Plus it's DRM free, if you care about stuff like that.

Hi, Wesp

Was he a real human being and a real hero?


>played the shit out of redemption when I was younger
>see bloodline threads every day
>never get around to installing it and play

I know I would love it but the first one was such a time sink, so I know I would be in it for the long haul if I started. Also, is there a reason redemption is never discussed?


It's pretty obscure, plus its gameplay sucks. Cool visuals and sound tho.

For starters, it's a completely different game. It's much like comparing Age of Empires to Gothic, gameplay-wise. The setting is the only similarity.
It is mentioned every now and then in these threads but it's considered not nearly as good a game as Bloodlines by most fans of the setting.


The gameplay sucks and it hasn't aged very well, also those online functionalities it had were surpassed by neverwinter nights so people forgot about redemption. A shame, the story was somewhat good(if plagued by the old fake english) and it used the dark ages settings, which is superior in every way to the modern.

I believe it's down to two reasons:

1) it was a hint for new players that the two characters might be one and the same.

2) Therese understands that she can use her tits to sway human males, gaining the upper hand in business negotiations.


bioshock was a complete rip off of the malkavian mansion

Here is a cat with true faith.

so Jeanette would have an easier time changing clothes if it was already unbuttoned.

Pure sisterly love.


>hint new players

lel no. The painting in the room totally throws whatever hunch new players have.

People often say "THE GAME WAS HINTING IT ALL ALONG! SO SMART!!! XD" but only because they already know the outcome that they can piece the clues together.

>that they can piece the clues together
So there ARE clues.

I think user worded it poorly, they're hardly clues if they don't lead to any conclusion unless you already know what they mean.

Thoughts on Samedi clan?

Based on that image alone- bretty cool, would join.

malk dialogue
you never see them together
they share the base model

>be vampire
>run into mage
>get erased from reality
Mages are punks

>be vampire
>run into mage
>he doesn't know you're a vampire
>nothing happens and you have all the advantage



Samedi are basically voodoo fallout ghouls
originated in the Caribbean


Would not join. I quite fancy having a face.

>they share the base model
They are sisters.

Recommended mods?

All you need.

The "combat" in this game is fucking tedious
I'm at the Grout mansion and everytime I figh one enemy I have to wait 1 hour indling until my halth regenerates because my character isn't combat oriented and ranged is fucking useless and ammo expensive

>you run into a goth at an LA night club in 2000+4
>you don't automatically assume he's a vampire and slam a stake in his heart for good measure
Vampires in VtM are the worst at hiding.

>wesp has been actively fixing the game for like a decade now
>the game still has bugs
He doesn't how what he's doing.
Also it doesn't make game better.

>every sibling looks like eachother

>no siblings look like each other

>The "combat" in this game is fucking tedious
The engine is broken, the gameplay is shit and the plot is a joke.
But edgy 13-16yos love it for the setting.

>he thinks 13 - 16yos play broken RPGs from 2004

Can we choose for each clan a board equivalent ?

i'd say

Brujah = /fit/
Malkavianer = Sup Forums
Nosferatu = /r9k/
Toreador = bastard child of /lit/ Sup Forums and /fa/
Tremere = /x/
Ventrue = /biz/

Why not drain the enemies for blood? And how the fuck people advance that far without a couple of dots in some combat skill?