Who was right?
jontron is a fat unfunny fuck
Jon was kinda in the wrong.
Jon should have told Arin
It was funny that he did not
Jontron was right, he knew as much as Arin did at the start and figured it out himself.
That said, not telling Arin was a dick move.
>Telling your opponent how to win
Top cuck. Also it's Arin, there was probably a tutorial.
Jon was a dick but he was right.
Arin is terrible at feeling out games and even if Jon had told him about it the second he asked he would have lost anyhow.
Arin, but it was great that Jon fucked screwed him over.
>Guy who made Sequalites and complained about hand holding couldn't figure out controls himself
It's funny how the signs were always there but I never noticed.
Ethically it was Jon. Between friends in mutual competition, he witheld simple information to maintain the upper hand.
Meritoriously, it was Arin for being shit at video games but making preachy videos about hand-holding
they're both retarded dumbass unfunny cunts just like every other millennial retard online
it's funny how people discuss them as if they were their friends
What's up Arin? Did Jon really sleep with Suzy?
its just sad
Says the millennial.
oh look its arin/jon and theyre farming for bitcoins
why did they break up again?
and why do people seem to like Jon more then EgoRaptor?
because jontron is more immature and loud
he appeals to the ten year olds
There was a contract dispute at some point and Jon got mad, slept with Suzy and punched her. Jon bailed and took his new found subscribers back to his channel where he shits out 1 video every 2 months.
Jon and Arin > Jon and Danny > Arin alone > Jon alone > Danny alone > Arin and Danny
Ross and Brian > all
I'm not watching that lol, I just wanted info.
This sounds like some soap opera shit. And way too convenient. Unless of course, Arin's wife is a massive slut. For Jon to sleep with her, he must have planted that seed a long time ago.
>Jon and Danny
Also, I watched Danny's playthrough of Space Quest III. Still comfy.
he's just fucking with you user
Jon just wanted to focus on his channel full time
Woah, cut down on all those buzzwords and maybe someone could understand you.
>Jon just wanted to focus on his channel full time
One video every three years is not what I would call "focusing on his channel".
ok Oog
video game dingus mens not funny
Jon, they had equal time to prepare, and we all know Arin doesn't pay attention when games tell you what to do
Jon was right. Both entered with the same knowledge of the rules and controls, that is, none. Part of the challenge was to figure it out.
>Arin and Dan plays Memesouls again
Literally the worst game they could lets play.
Their fanbase can literally carry them through it.
>I don't understand hyperbole
>Arin plays by himself
>unfunny cringe and can't play video games o save his life
>Dan plays by himself
>cozy likeable walkthrough
Why does Arin suck so bad?
tbf can you really tell on Sup Forums anymore
And how many of those are not a terrible colab or shilling? Also You seem to not understand what a hyperbole is.
>that feel when Beard Bros just started Red Dead Redemption after finishing 3D Dot Game Heroes
jon literally did nothing wrong
>Sup Forums doesn't like oneyplays
>mfw I still bust my sides at Plankton impressions, Obama impressions, and the Kingdom Hearts episode that was a 15 minute ethical and scientific debate about clones
because arin is a newground era flash artist with problems
Dan is a musician whos band/group is based around fun live shows and a personality of characters
Dan just has charisma and thats why he does what he does for a living
>Jon Grumps has been dead for 3.5 years
>It's an exact duplicate of Hitler but he's tiny
Arin argued that it wasn't fair for him to not share the info, but they both went in with the same amount of knowledge, and Jon just figured it out first.His 'it's like not telling me the rules of a game' argument was false.
TL;DR: Arin git gud
That episode was a legitimate masterpiece clusterfuck.
But most of his shit is just fart jokes and weird noises.
Arin and Chris
The real reason was that Jon was content with just doing his own channel and releasing one GameGrumps episode per day, but Arin found it easier to just do Let's Plays instead of having to actually animate and wanted to make that be full-time, which started to strain their friendship. You can see the tension between them in the Pacific Rim episode before Jon announced he was leaving.
Adding to that, there was Suzy trying to get between the two, mainly because their random channel exploded in popularity while her own YouTube channel was dead, and she has Arin completely by the balls, which is evidenced in both his "My Suzy" video and her video explaining her side of the story. Jon's girlfriend let it slip in a chatroom that Suzy was the "Yoko Ono" of Game Grumps for splitting them apart.
Arin also had got in contact with Danny either without telling Jon, or ignoring Jon, and Danny was going to be put on the show anyways, which put a strain on Jon's perspective on the show, and the final straw was Ross also being included. It was just too much for Jon, and he opted to go his own way to do his own thing, rather than conforming.
However, he hadn't anticipated how expensive New York is, which is why he sold out to Disney to cover his expenses. It's why Jon has a massive budget, and he's content with that because it's what he's wanted to have since the beginning, but a minority of his fans are frustrated that it doesn't have the same feeling anymore, even though the humor is still FilthyFrank-tier stupid.
to be honest Arin made the mistake of choosing a game that needs full concentration to play well
Dan just picked an easier game
Jon was right BUT only because they both played it once before starting.
However, a good friend would have told him the controls.
That sounds just as convoluted as the other million theories on the split.
I'm gonna need harder evidence.
Arin is fucking terrible at games regardless, but Jon was still a dick by withholding basic information that should be open to all players (e.g. controls) even if the outcome likely wouldn't have changed.
Funny how a millennial is complaining about millennials.
News flash faggot, if you're under 35, you're a millennial. End of story.
I have a hypothetical situation.
Imagine, just for a moment, that instead of Jon being the one who had left to work on his own channel, it was Arin, and we had Grumps with Jon and Danny instead.
Would this timeline be better or worse?
Arin is cancer, he was only good for making shitty cartoons a decade ago.
Infinitely better. Jon and Danny would be the comfiest gaming YouTube channel ever created while Arin goes full edgelord and shoots up a high school because no one gives him any attention.
Wrong. It was simple creative differences.
Jon didn't want to turn Grumps into a big money machine. Jon also wanted to be with his girlfriend in New York and wanted to work on JonTron more.
They likely fought a lot over it, which is why they stopped speaking for a long time. They've long since made up.
That's all that happened and all we need to know.
but i don't act like one.
I'm sure even if there was a contract it was easy to dissolve since Jon signed himself as Arin's fartner
how old am i
And look how many of those are video game related and not movies or sponsored shilling bullshit.
That's right, zero.
Thing is, it wouldn't be Dan and Jon.
Dan and Arin would go and do Star Bomb.
Jon would have most likely done a show with Ross or Barry. I'd watch it
A millennial complaining about millennials is a very millennial thing to do.
You would've said the exact same thing about Jon if he had stayed, except with videogame reviews instead.
The thing about Game Grumps is that their whole non-proffessional approach makes them very endearing, but also reveals a lot of information on them. Not only stalker bait info like what are they doing in their lives or where do they live, but also on how they are in general; nobody would have any shit on Arin if he had never done let's plays, because no one would know anything about him. If Jon had stayed, everyone would be more privy to his manchild tendencies by now.
Ding Dong did nothing wrong
how old am i
Still gets me every time.
We'd probably have more peeks into his parental abuse and onion fetishes.
This argument was the beginning of the end.
I swear that number increases every time someone tries to define the millennial cutoff age.
Someone's going to tell me 40 year olds are millennials next.
This. And we'd find out that he's a cuckold while his girlfriend is riding every wop's dick while he's pulling a Kojima in his house studio. Don't forget he paid for her college and then she dropped out!
Generations are ill-defined to begin with, people are born every second.
oneyplays cannot recover from the masterpiece that was revo60
briannu wu is a genius
Arin and Jon should both know how to play before starting a competition.
I haven't watched this one, can someone summarize the argument for me?
And I think what happened is that Jon wanted to be proud of his videos and isn't content putting out of a stream of shit like Arin. That and Arin wants to live in LA and Jon wants to live in NY.
Are they any good? I watch Completionist videos for games I'm fond of but never really tried his let's plays. I'm a fan of Super Mega and Oney Plays myself.
dan made a playthrough without arin?
I watched almost that entire video a second time holy shit
Jon figured out how to do a particular mechanic in one of the competition matches. Arin gets pissed because he can't figure it out, which is how to land properly back on a stage.
Arin basically says that Jon should tell him how to perform the manuevar so they are on equal footing and can adequately compete against each other.
>Did Jon really sleep with Suzy?
You're saying that as if Arin didn't specifically ask him to fuck Suzy.
Someone post the transcript.
They actually finish the games they play and Alex and Jirard play off of each other really well.
Their best series was probably LA Noire though because half of the series was Alex getting pissed off at the terrible driving controls
Two long episodes of Space Quest III. Very chill.
that shit pissed me off so bad but i knew they were just dragging it out to make the episode longer and funnier
"Millennial" quickly became a catch-all term for "person younger than me who does things I don't like or understand." It's a meaningless term.
Arin always tries to help people, even in competitive games, and I do the same. Often people think I'm trying to trick them lol. Then again, I mostly play with people who aren't even 1/10 into video games as I am.
but I get where Jon came from. I used to think the same way as him, but I just felt like I was being dishonest after a while. It's kinda like rubber-band AI... a lot of racing games would be shit without it.
Why though?
Who was in the wrong
It's brand new
That Arin playthrough was good because a lot of what he said about being happy with yourself and loving what you do hit home for me
I'm with Jon here. I imagine he tried to make a joke of it because it's just a video game. Besides, they're playing Nickelodeon Guts on Game Grumps, like for the love of God lighten up Arin.
Arin is always going to be the guy to take it a little bit too seriously.
Post link.
I don't know what you nigs are on about.
Arin phrases it really fucking weird, but, Jon isn't totally correct. Knowing basic rules about the game is pretty much required for competition.
The clone may have not committed the crimes, but he wants to.
>Watching The Runaway Guys do Super Metriod AKA Jon and Tim watch Emile play for the first time
>Emile bomb jumped to reach a hidden powerup
Arin was in the wrong. He shouldn't expect his OPPONENT to tell him how to beat him. He should've figured that shit out on his own like any other decent person would have.
Both competitors entered the game at the same time with no knowledge of how to play, Jon adapted and learned whilst Arin didn't so Jon won. You can call it unsportsmanlike if you want but it wasn't unfair or against the spirit of competition.
I completely understood the hypothetical that Chris was trying to make and I can't fathom how the others had so much trouble with it based on context. That being said, Chris was in the wrong for wanting to torture the copy after it had done nothing wrong.
But reminder that they're playing Nickelodeon fucking Guts
what the hell are you guys talking about
also, I've played the game as kid on emulators. I fucking hated the controls. I don't think me or my buddy ever fucking figured out how to do those shitty sequences
Disney bootlegs faggot.